The Gatehouse, High Street, Chepstow
Tel 01291 626370 Email
18th September 2008
Dear Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Planning and Administration Committee of Chepstow Town Council to be held in the Council Chamber, The Gatehouse, High Street, Chepstow on Wednesday 24th September 2008 at 6.15 pm
for the purpose of transacting the following business.
Copies of the Planning Applications will be available for inspection 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the Council meeting, or at any time by appointment.
Yours faithfully
Sandra Bushell
51. / Declarations of Interest in Items on the Agenda.52. / Minutes
To approve the Minutes of the Planning and Administration Committee Meeting held on 10th September 2008.
53. / Matters Arising.
To report matters arising from the minutes, not on the Agenda: for information only.
54. / Monmouthshire County Council Planning Decisions.
To note the decisions of Monmouthshire County Council, detailed in the attached report.
55. / Planning Applications.
To consider the following planning applications:-
Castle Car Park, Chepstow / Date:- 10/09/2008
Type:- AMENDED / Applicant: Thomas Evans Ltd
Parish:- St Marys
Proposal:- Proposed river cruise terminal and access gangway.
Unit 1a Critchcraft Buildings, Bulwark Industrial Estate / Date:- 04/09/2008
Type:- CHANGE USE / Applicant: Lazere-Bennett Mrs
Parish:- Larkfield
Proposal:- Change of use to gymnastics facility.
18 High Beech Lane, Chepstow / Date:- 02/09/2008
Type:- FULL / Applicant: Roberts Mr D
Parish:- Larkfield
Proposal:- First floor extension over garage and single storey rear extension.
Land adjacent to Mounton Road
Crossway Green, Chepstow / Date:- 16/09/2008
Type:- TELECOM / Applicant: SevenStones Communications Ltd
Parish:- Kingsmark
Proposed telecommunications installation including 14m high monopole and ground based cabinet.
56. / Correspondence
(a) / Monmouthshire County Council – South East Wales Transport Alliance Draft Regional Transport Plan for Consultation
To further consider correspondence (attached) in respect of the South East Wales Transport Alliance Draft Regional Transport Plan and agree the Council’s response to the consultation exercise prior to 30th September 2008.
(b) / Consultancy
To further consider the opportunity for a consultant to assist in strategic planning matters.
(c) / Monmouthshire County Council – New and Completed Enforcement Cases
To note the August 2008 list of Enforcement Cases notified to and completed by Monmouthshire County Council’s Enforcement Officers (Oral Report).
(d) / Monmouthshire County Council – Street Naming and Numbering.
To note that the official address of the plot adjacent to Birchfield House, Mounton Road, Chepstow will now be The Hurst, Mounton Road, Chepstow NP16 5BS.
(e) / Racecourse Garage – Proposed Redevelopment
To note that representatives of Castleoak will address the next meeting of the planning and Administration Committee to outline proposals for the redevelopment of the Racecourse Garage site.
57. / Items for Next Meeting
58. / Date of Next Meeting.
To confirm that the next meeting of the Planning and Administration Committee of Chepstow Town Council will be held on Wednesday 8th October 2008 in the Council Chamber, The Gatehouse, High Street, Chepstow.
To: Cllrs H Ashby, M Brady, D Dovey, Mrs S Dovey, Mrs Y Havard,
H Hodges, Mrs M Lewis, Mrs J Robbins.
For Information: Cllrs P Hobson, Mrs J Sullivan, A Watts.