Machine Printing – Web Offset

Level 2

Awarded by The Scottish Qualifications Authority and Scottish Print Employers Federation
Accredited from 25 January 2001 to 31 December 2006
Group award number: G5SB 22

This SVQ is based on standards developed by Aspirant SSC for Process and Manufacturing. Aspirant SSC for Process and Manufacturing represent a wide variety of people working in a broad range of occupations within the Printing and Graphic Industry.
Structure of the SVQ

The way the SVQ is made up is shown below. The unit title appears in bold and the elements that make up each unit are listed under the unit title.

Mandatory units

Candidates must complete all of these units:

D6TA 04

Reduce Risks To Health and Safety In Your Workplace

1Reduce risks to yourself and others

2Take action to deal with accidents and emergencies

D6RG 04

Develop Yourself In Your Job

1Co-operate with others at work

2Identify your company’s products and services

3Agree and use a plan to develop your skills

D6P0 04

Contribute To Maintaining Equipment In Working Order

1Clean down equipment

2Replace defective components

D7HH 04

Prepare Machines For Web Offset Print

1Prepare the machine for set up

2Make ready machine units

3Web up the printing machine

D6SD 04

Operate Web Offset Printing Machines

1Assist in achieving start up good copy

2Run web offset printing machines

3Assist in fault finding and correction

Optional units

Candidates must also complete at least 1 of the following units, in addition to the mandatory units:

D6S4 04

Operate In-Line Converting Equipment

1Run in-line converting equipment

2Maintain the quality of output from in-line converting equipment

D6S3 04

Operate Ink Drying Equipment

1Run ink drying equipment

2Maintain the quality of output from in-line printing units

D6S5 04

Operate In-line Printing Units

1Run in-line Printing units

2Maintain the quality of output from in-line printing units

D6TC 04

Set Up and Operate Auxiliary Equipment

1Set up auxiliary equipment

2Run auxiliary equipment

D6S9 04

Operate Reel Handling Equipment

1Prepare reel handling equipment

2Maintain the supply of reels to meet production needs


The award can be taken in 6 different contexts. The contexts and group award numbers are listed below:

G5S2 22Machine Printing: Digital Printing (level 2)

G5S8 22Machine Printing: Flexography (level 2)

G5SH 22Machine Printing: Gravure Printing (level 2)

G5S7 22Machine Printing: Sheet Fed Lithography (level 2)

G5SB 22Machine Printing: Web Offset (level 2)

G5SE 22Machine Printing: Screen Printing (level 2)

There may be publications available to support this SVQ. For more information, please contact:

Customer Contact Centre

The Scottish Qualifications Authority

The OptimaBuilding

58 Robertson Street


G2 8DQ

Tel: 0845-279-1000

Fax: 0845 213 5000



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