Mrs. Summers Math 6 Weekly AgendaAugust 21 through August 25, 2017

Day / Objectives/Do Now / Notes/Homework
Monday / Daily objective:
Students use tape diagrams to solve problems when given a ratio between two quantities and a change to those quantities that changes the ratio.
Fluency First: Card Game
Do Now: Sasha and the Art Gallery /
  • Lesson 6,
Problem Set # 1,2
Please note: Homework (including page numbers) is posted daily on the white board. The homework is always the problem set found at the end of the day’s lesson. Page numbers will be added to the weekly agenda starting next week.
Tuesday / Daily Objective:
Students understand the relationship between ratios and fractions.
Students describe the fraction A/B associated with the ratio A:B as the value of the ratio A to B.
Fluency First: Card Game
Do Now: Museum Problem /
  • Lesson 7,
Problem Set #1,2
Wednesday / Daily Objective:
Students use the value of a ratio in determining whether two ratios are equivalent
Fluency First: Card Game
Do Now: Complete the Table /
  • Lesson 8
Problem Set #1-4
Thursday / Daily Objective:
Students understand that a ratio is often used to describe the relationship between the amount of one quantity and the amount of another quantity as in the cases of mixtures or constant rates
Students understand that a ratio table is a table of equivalent rations.
Fluency First: Card game
Do Now: Beth and the Candy /
  • Lesson 9
Problem Set #1-3
Quiz Today! / Daily Objective:
Students identify both the additive and multiplicative structure of a ratio table and use the structure to make additional entries in the table.
Students use ratio tables to solve problems
Fluency First with Friends: Card Game
Do Now: Kendra’s Allowance /
  • Lesson 10
Problem Set #1-2
Homework Quiz today!