Week of February 22nd, 2016
Population Health update
Population Health aligned with the Pharmacy Diabetes Management Pilot, assisting 11 patients in following a Diabetes program for at least 90 days. The Pharmacy Department followed these patients, made more than 50 recommendations, which resulted in eight patients decreasing their A1C.The greatest decrease was 2.5, with only one patient’s A1C increasing by 1.1. The Patient Centered Medical Home Team will continue to align with the Health System’s diabetes initiatives throughout 2016.
Pike Joint Commission Accreditation
Based on the submission of Adena Pike Medical Center’s evidence of standards of compliance and a successful on-site unannounced follow-up event, The Joint Commission has granted Adena Pike Medical Center accreditation. The Decision of Accredited was awarded for all services surveyed under the Accreditation Manual for Critical Access Hospitals.The accreditation cycle is effective beginning Jan. 9, 2016.The Joint Commission is also recommended Adena Pike Medical Center for Medicare certification effective Feb. 23, 2016.The Joint Commission also congratulated Adena Pike Medical System on its “effective resolution of all deficiencies.” Congratulations and thank you to all APMC physicians and caregivers who contributed to this accomplishment.
Clinical Documentation Integrity
Inpatient Clinical Documentation Integrity (CDI): Essential documentation requirements for the Discharge Summary.
·The discharge summary should document all significant conditions that were: evaluated; monitored; treated; were responsible for an extended length of stay; or responsible for increased nursing care and/or monitoring.
·If documentation in the discharge summary is not consistent with the physician documentation in the body of the record, the attending physician should be queried for clarification, because he/she is ultimately responsible for the final diagnosis.
·The summary should clarify if conditions were: present upon admission; have resolved; are still to be ruled out; or were in fact ruled out.
·It is acceptable to document uncertain diagnoses as final conditions in the summary, if the diagnostic work-up and therapeutic approach correspond most closely with the suspected diagnosis.Examples include: Pneumonia, probably due to pseudomonas; UTI with suspected sepsis; etc.
Anticoagulation Services
We are pleased to announce that beginning Monday, Mar. 14, Adena’s Anticoagulation Management Service (ACMS) will also offer anticoagulation services in the Adena Jackson Health Center (for now we will offer this service on Monday’s only in Jackson). Please see the attached memo detailing this program.
Please see the attached flyer regarding a Providers’ Spouse Monthly Book Club opportunity that will begin, Thursday, Mar. 17 at the Carlisle Building and hosted by Mrs. Laura Greeno!
Nominations Open for AMG Advisory Board
We have received several physician and mid-level provider nominations for the AMG Advisory Board, and we want to remind you there’s still time to either nominate a colleague you believe would be a good representative for you and AMG, or you may nominate yourself. Nominations will close at 5 p.m. on Friday, Mar. 4. The Advisory Board will provide guidance on multiple issues, including but not limited to:
1. Appropriate communication plans within and between AMG and Adena Health System;
2. Plans to improve patient and provider satisfaction, and to improve provider engagement;
3. Develop and enforce clinical and operational policies and procedures for AMG clinics;
4. Input on provider compensation to the extent the law allows;
5. Development of clinical strategic plans;
6. Keep abreast of compliance, legal and financial trends affecting medicine; and
7. Establish and strengthen working relationships with Health System administration.
We would like to establish this team within the next month, with a goal for the first official meeting to take place in April. It is our hope to have a wide range of representation on this team, and that members will be a voice for AMG in discussions. It is anticipated members will become educated on the current issues affecting Medicine, will actively engage in the meetings, and be willing to hold one another accountable. If you are interested, please send your name to any one of the CMOs or to by 5 p.m. Friday, Mar. 4.
Once nominations are in, we will present these names for a vote by AMG providers, with the top eight vote-getters being seated to the Board. Thank you for considering this opportunity.
Dr. Coats
Dr. Freeman
Dr. Kittaka