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Lunenburg, C. (2010) Total Quality Management Applied to Schools. Schooling Volume 1, Number 1, 2010. Sam Houston State University

This research emphasizes the requirement of a Quality management process within the context of the schools for the purpose of overall management of the qualities within the charter schools. There are various tools of conventional TQM which can be applied to the field of education with a lot of efficiency and effectiveness. This report has clearly stated the framework which can be used for transforming the schools and the quality management practices within the same with the help of Deming’s 14 TQM principles.

Vlašić, S. Vale, S. Puhar, D. (2010) Quality Management in Education. Interdisciplinary Management Research V 2010. Accessed from

It has been opined by the authors for this research paper that the most important factors of the development of the quality management within the education sector including the schools are scientific and technological development, social changes and organizational changes which also help in the improvement of the education. These are also important for overall management of the qualities within the charter schools. As has been mentioned by these researchers, efficiency and success of school education depends on quality.

Yau, H. Cheng, A. (2013) Quality Management in Primary Schools. International Education Research Volume 1, Issue 4 (2013), 16-31

For identifying the key roles and responsibilities of the quality management function within the educational sector it will first be important to have a brief understanding of the definitions of quality related aspects and the same has been covered in this paper. The report looks into the features of improvement of quality management in the context of the schools of Hong Kong and looks into factors like ‘values and duties’, ‘systems and teams’, ‘resources and changes’, and ‘meeting pupil needs and empowering staff’.

TL+Q Project (2012) Quality development at school. Accessed from

In view of the fact Quality development and management can be considered as the philosophy which is central to any school and that includes charter school as well, the decisions made for the same has a lot of influence on the other functional units for the schools. From this paper it can be said that strategic directions of quality management is dependent significantly on the overall functions of the schools.

Stanford University (2015) Charter School Performance in Texas. Center for Research on Education Outcomes. Accessed from

This report provides an in-depth examination of the results for charter schools in Texas and emphasizes on the growing position in the public education landscape for the same.

  1. About the organization- Ascend Charter School
  2. Brief history about the school
  3. Why start with a quality development at the school
  4. Who can initiate quality development at the school

2Educational Quality

2.1Possible definitions

2.2Theoretical inputs

3Who works on education quality


3.2Quality council for the school

3.3Quality coordinator

3.4Quality improvement team (QIT)

3.5Individual commitment

4.How to work on educational quality development

4.1Start from mission and vision

4.2Involve the management

4.3Involve the school community

4.4Support team work and facility team dynamics

4.5Determine starting point and final goals

4.6Train all involve people

4.7Establish networks

5. Conclusion

8. Summary