Name of Investigator
SHORT TITLE (Acronym or 5 words max.)
REQUESTED STARTING DATE / Starting date is usually January 2009 (for 3 year funding) or 2010 (2 year funding). Actual starting date can be flexible depending on personal requirements
New proposal
Continuous project / Project number of continuing project
Certification for Investigators and Co- Investigators
I hereby certify to the best of my knowledge that:
(1) the statements herein (excluding scientific hypotheses and scientific opinions) are true and complete; and
(2) the text and graphics herein as well as any accompanying publications or other documents, unless otherwise indicated, are the original work of the signatories or individuals working under their supervision.
I agree to accept responsibility for the scientific conduct of the project, and to provide the required project reports if an award is made as a result of this proposal. By signing, the signatories agree to adhere to the ordinance of the TRM-Leipzig.
( or
INVESTIGATOR/Applicant/project Leader
Mentor (if applicable and known)

1 LAST ACADEMIC DEGREE or title (Prof., PhD, MD, DSc)

The complete application must be returned electronically to the following e-mail address:

The e-mail application deadline is 10 p.m. German time (GMT + 1 hour) on 15th June 2008. In addition, the document must be signed and send by letter posted on or before 15th June 2008 to:

Universität Leipzig

TRM Leipzig

Awards 2008

Semmelweisstraße 14

04103 Leipzig


Is a clinical trial (for a medicinal product or a device) part of the project?

If so then please contact TRM.

Use font ARIAL, size 12 pts with single line spacing. Grey text will assist you in completing this form. Additional information can be found in the document TRM-Awards2008-FAQs.

1.0 General information
1.1 / Project Title
Key- Index words
1.2 / Investigator 1: / Name,Title
Given Name
City, State
Postal Code
Year of PhD or MD awarded
Date of Birth / Gender
1.3 / Investigator 2:
(TRT or JRT, only) / Name, Title
Given Name
City, State
Postal Code
Year of PhD or MD awarded
Date of Birth / Gender
1.4 / Mentor (if known) / Name, Title
Given Name
City, State
Postal Code
2.0 / Project description

Please identify your appropriate gate

2.1 / Project type / Conceptual Research (gate 1)
Pre-clinical Research (gate 2)
Clinical Research (gate 3)
Three-gate approach to translational medicine. Scientists and clinicians can enter the Centre seeking funding either with conceptual projects (gate 1), with pre-clinical evaluation of therapy concepts (gate 2), or with phase I/II clinical trials (gate 3). It is essential to stress that all awards, including conceptual research, must have a clear diagnostic or therapeutic application to attract funding through the Centre. For gating, please refer to chapter 5. of the document

Please state your appropriate award type

2.2 / Funding type / Research Start-up Award (RSA)
Junior Research Team (JRT)
Tandem Research Team (TRT)
Core Unit (CU)
Research Start up Award (RSA): This type is most suitable for junior investigators early in their academic, clinical, or industrial career. Applicants may apply on their own or together with a mentor. Usually, applicants apply for awards covering their own full-time or part-time salary or stipend, and consumables between 10.000€ and 25.000€ p.a.
Tandem Research Team (TRT):
This innovative funding structure brings together expertise from a life-scientist and a clinician, from bench and bedside. Ideally, two equally or similar experienced researches, one with a research and the other with a clinical background develop together a diagnostic or therapeutic concept. Often, this is a possibility to fund research originating from a clinical question. Usually, applicants apply for awards covering their own two full-time or part-time salary or stipends, and consumables between 20.000€ and 30.000€ p.a.
Junior Research Team (JRT):
A JRT is lead by a senior researcher or a junior researcher with substantial experience in research or clinical work. The project leader’s own salary or stipend and additional staff salaries necessary for delivering the goals of the project is provided. Funds for consumables range usually from 25.000€ to 50.000€ p.a. in addition to other extramural funding. In addition to an internationally competitive publication record the JRT leader will have a track record of successful funding from public and governmental agencies, and ideally from industry or private bodies.
Core Units (CU):
Applicants that want to provide a more service-oriented research environment with a particular novel technical experience or technological platform may want to choose this funding opportunity. The funding volume and staffing required depend entirely on the concept provided.
2.3 / Relation to the TRM-Leipzig research areas
Indicate to which Research Area your project relates.
Tissue Engineering And Material Science (TEMAT)
Cell Therapy For Repair & Replacement (CELLT)
Regulatory Molecules And Delivery Systems (REMOD)
Imaging, Modelling, & Monitoring Of Regeneration (IMONIT)
2.4 / Relevant regeneration type & organ association
Regeneration Type
(you may tick more than one) / Organ Association
(you may tick more than one)
Angiogenesis/Wound Healing / Cardiovascular
Regeneration After Inflammation / Cartilage & Bone
Regeneration After Intoxication / Eye
Regeneration After Ischemia / Liver
Regeneration After Trauma / Neural System
Regeneration After Tumour Therapy / Immune System
Methods and Research tasks
(you may tick more than one)
Stem Cell Isolation / Monitoring
Stem Cell Development / Diagnosis
Cell Therapy / Bioreactor
Tissue Engineering / Target Molecules
Delivery systems / Drug Development
Biomaterials / Immunological Tolerance
Scaffolds / Small Animal Models
Imaging / Large Animal Models
Adult Stem Cells Research / Cell Reprogramming
Cord Blood Stem Cells Research / Medicine, Ethics, Law
Foetal Stem Cell Research / Socio Economic Impact
Embryonic Stem Cell Research / Developmental Biology
Cell Metabolism / Immune Invasion
Transplantation Medicine / Extracorporal Devices
Surface Modification / Biosensor Technology
Gene Regulation / Other, please specify:
2.5 / Please provide a short statement as to how your project will contribute to the goals of the TRM-Leipzig and its research areas (max. ½ page)
The mission of the Translational Centre for Regenerative Medicine (TRM) Leipzig is to conduct and support interdisciplinary research for regenerative medicine; to provide an effective link between academia, research institutions, and small- and medium-sized biotechnology companies; to translate conceptual research into clinical practice; and to develop and train internationally competitive basic and clinical scientists.
Specifically, the Translational Centre for Regenerative Medicine will:
· Provide an interdisciplinary scientific framework to support the elucidation, development, and implementation of novel diagnostic and therapeutic concepts;
· Accelerate the progression of basic science into clinical application by supporting and streamlining translational procedures;
· Support industrial activities, and in particular, small- and medium-sized enterprises with regard to research and development, new products, licenses, and patents;
Our vision for the Translational Centre for Regenerative Medicine integrates the understanding that for the majority of pathological conditions there are three possible therapeutic solutions: (i) substitution strategies using artificial materials and devices, (ii) the use of cells, tissues, or organs for repair and replacement, and (iii) stimulation of the self-healing potential. Measurement and quantification of therapy success will be an inherent task in all approaches.
2.6 / Which groups or expertise (regional, national, or international) are most important to the success of your project if funded? (max. ½ page)



Scientific background (max. 2 pages)


Briefly sketch the background of the proposal. Please provide a critical evaluation of the existing knowledge and developments (including literature and patents) in the field. Identify gaps in current knowledge that the proposal is intended to fill. Provide ample references for the background.


/ List ample/key references to the scientific background (max. 10 References)



Own work in relation to proposal (max. 1 pages)


Please describe the work and experience to date of the Investigator(s) relevant to the proposed project. If available, provide list of relevant publications, patents, or references. Please describe all preliminary findings stating hypotheses tested, methods used, and results obtained in relation to the project proposal or parts of it. Young researchers/ first time applicants without preliminary findings must provide information about how their experience and competences will enable them to pursue and successfully complete the proposed project.

3.3 / List relevant publications of investigator(s) to the proposal (no limit)
3.4 / List relevant patents of investigator(s) to the proposal (no limit)
3.5 / List relevant funding of investigator(s) to the proposal (Title, Awarding Body, Sum) (no limit)
3.6 / List all previous projects, institutional affiliations, and names of your supervisors and partners relevant to the proposal (no limit)
3.7 / You may find it useful to clearly structure and report on previous successful and unsuccessful milestones to work in relation to your therapeutic and diagnostic product. (max. 1 page)

4.0 Project description

4.1 / Summary (maximum 2000 characters with spaces, in total)
Objective: Statement of the broad, long-term objectives of the proposal. Work Plan Summary: Concise and realistic description of the work-packages in the project. Outcome: Summarise the milestones (i.e., the desired results) and how they relate to, or consist of, a therapeutic or diagnostic concept. (You may want to fill this in last.)
4.2 / Detailed description of the project design and methods (not more than 5 pages)
In this section, the project plan should be presented in such a way in order to justify the resources applied for. The work plan must be divided into specific work-packages each with their own measurable milestone(s). A flow diagram may be included if desired.
Each work-package should address specific tasks, specifications, and potential problems and solutions that require a process.
Milestones are measurable outcomes with specific time references that will be used to evaluate the progress of the project, if funded. Please indicate endpoints (i.e., when the milestone(s) should be achieved).
4.3 / Timetable/flow diagram (max. ½ page)
Include timing of work packages and milestones, preferably as a table or graph. You must offer a measurable outcome at least every six months.
4.4 / Please specify any special equipment you may require to complete your project (no limit)
(i.e.. 3,5 T MRT, FACS, Cell Sorting, small animal CT, Microarray, MaldiTof, Imaging)
4.5 / Translational cluster and collaborative project proposals, only ( max. 1 page)
For those wishing to establish a translational cluster, please complete this section. Each participation project application should fulfil all requirements of this form and application process. In addition, your project may be part of a translational cluster or collaborative project proposal, or may be related to other groups in the region, nationally, or internationally. If this is the case, please provide the information below. Please note that to be part of a cluster does not influence how your project proposal may be reviewed or judged by the reviewers. Nevertheless, we encourage our applicants to think collaboratively and internationally.
Proposed structure
Cluster coordinator (Title, Name, Affiliation, E-mail, and Function in the Cluster):
Participants (Title, Name, Affiliation, E-mail, and Function in the Cluster):
Benefits of the cluster to the translational process, clinical application, or commercialisation of your therapy or diagnostic concept:
What is the added value of the cluster?
How does this cluster relate to the TRM Gate Concept?
What happens, if one partner does not receive funding? How does it influence your chances of success?
5.0 / Financial plan for entire project
Below is the finance table for the entire project. Please fill in the grey columns with months and the white columns with numbers in euros.
5.1 Type of expenditure / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3
(after successful 2nd year evaluation)
Your own Position *
Additional personnel:
Senior scientist *
Senior clinician *
Post Doc*
PhD Student*
Direct funding:
ANIMALS / T€ / T€ / T€
OTHER (specify) / T€ / T€ / T€

*Please state number of person months required per year

5.2 / Conferences
Travel, conferences, publication costs, etc. will all be funded from central funds (both standardised and performance-related funds will be available) of the TRM. Therefore, these items are not included in the above financial tables. However, we require a list of conferences that you plan to attend in conjunction with this project.
(from - to) / Conference Title / Location / Attendance as speaker, poster presenter, delegate / Planned costs
5.3 / External funding

Is external/third-party financing available for your project?






If yes, please answer the following questions.

/ /

Are funds provided for personnel?






Are funds provided for equipment?






Are funds provided for consumables?






Are funds provided for animals?






Are funds provided for travel?






Are any other funds or support provided?






Please provide a total sum of external/third-party financing.

______€ / /
6.0 / Translational plan
6.1 / Translational concept – summary (not more that 5 short sentences)
Which new application, technology, therapy or product do you expect to develop? Describe your therapy concept, diagnostic product, preclinical animal model, or technology in not more than 5 short sentences.
6.2 / Scientific and technical success (max. ½ page)
Please describe the scientific or technical impact of the product/technology. Please describe the non-commercial possibilities for use, if they exist, for this product or technology. Examples may include: Cooperation between science and industry; product development; potential use for other partners.
6.3 / Translation - commercialisation and implementation (max. ½ page)
Do you have already a clinical or preclinical translation partner? Is your concept main stream, or does it fulfil orphan drug status? Do you have already an industry partner in mind to commercialise your concept? How would you want to involve such a partner?
6.4 / Description of next steps (max. 1 page)
Describe briefly the steps required to develop the novel application/product, and the time frame required to reach the patient (with reference to the work plan) where appropriate.
7. / Special legal requirements: Research involving humans, animals, etc.
Does your project include:
·  research involving humans or human material/tissue /
