SUBJECT / Geometry
UNIT TITLE / Right Triangle Trigonometry
BIG IDEA / How can we use Trigonometric ratios to solve right triangles?

Topic: Trigonometric Ratios ( Tangent, Sine and Cosine Ratios )


To use tangent, sine and cosine ratios to find side lengths and angle measurements in right triangles

Core Content for Assessment:


Students will apply definitions and properties of right triangle relationships (right triangle trigonometry and the Pythagorean theorem) to determine length and angle measures to solve real-world problems.

DOK – 3

Essential Question:

How can we tangent, sine, and cosine ratios to estimate distance to a distant object?


Prentice Hall Textbook

Scientific Calculator

Legend of Sohcahtoa

Paper to create foldable 8 page book for Chapter 9 Formulas


Opener--9-1,9-2 Group Activity

Discussion of group activity

Read the story of Sohcahtoa

Optional: Have students create own mnemonic device and make poster in groups of 4.

Make foldable book. Title first page with “Right Triangle Trigonometry” and place Sine, Cosine and Tangent Pictures and formulas on the next three pages.

Work examples of sine, cosine and tangent problems.

Worksheet #1

Work examples using inverse to find angle.

Worksheet #2

TI LearnCheck Quiz

Your Homework Assignment

Lesson Assessments:

Poster (Optional)


Worksheet #1

Worksheet #2

TI LearnCheck

Your Textbook Assigment

SUBJECT / Algebra I
UNIT TITLE / Introduction to Functions
BIG IDEA / What is a function and how are they used to represent real world phenomena?

Topic: (replace with section and title)


(replace with section objective)

Core Content for Assessment:

(replace with KY core content for assessment new version)

Essential Question:

(this is the hook to get students interested. What will they learn)


(what materials are needed for this lesson)


(what specific activities do you do)

Lesson Assessments:

( how will you assess knowledge of new materials)