2016 February VINE


The mission of St. John’s Evangelical

Lutheran Church is to lovingly proclaim

the Gospel among all people in order to

form and nurture loving communities

which confess by word and deed that

Jesus is Lord and Savior

The Newsletter of St. John’s

Evangelical Lutheran Church & School

(718) 761-1600

Volume 2016 Issue # 2

Roster of Officers

St. John’s Lutheran

Church & School

2015 Church Committees

Reverend Michael Bagnall, Pastor

President Gerard Valles

Vice President Michael Clandorf

Treasurer Fred Bock

Secretary Bonnie Selletti

Board of Elders Thomas Sax

Board of Christian Education Robert Holls

Board of Evangelism-Social Ministry Elsa Webb

Board of Properties Henry Heinsohn

Board of Elders Board of Properties

Thomas Sax Henry Heinsohn

Dave Decker Daniel Ferucci

Bruce Mohlenhoff Doug Moat

Board of Christian Education Board of Evangelism-Social Ministry

Robert Holls Elsa Webb

Audrey Mahoney Joy Rouse

Susan Neitzel Christine Ferucci

Yvonne Clinton Joan Mohlenhoff

Mildred Clandorf Charles Small

Ruth Roscheska Leonor Abugel

Karen Gannon Pam Cavagnaro


Pastor’s Page

Dear beloved saints in Christ,

Greetings in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ, who has revealed to us the glory of God in flesh and blood! As we are all aware, the recent storm forced us to postpone my installation as Pastor of St. John’s. It was a sad day, but by no means tragic, while this congregation is deserving of an opportunity to celebrate, I officially became your Pastor the day I accepted the Divine Call to serve this blessed congregation of God’s beloved sheep, so I am going nowhere. So whether you like it or not, you are stuck with me. The great joy is, this coming Sunday we will rejoice together at our Lord’s Holy Altar, the Word will be proclaimed, the Sacrament received, and sinners will be forgiven…this is our purpose here, and while it is nice to gather in fellowship and celebrate; the true celebration is at the altar, as we gather together, with Angels, and Archangels, and all the company of Heaven at the Feast that does not end.

The installation will come, and we will rejoice together in fellowship when it does, but until that time comes, we will continue to come together as the family of Christ, to feast on His mercy, abide in His grace, a rest in His love. I am so thankful that you, the congregation of St. John’s were so willing to celebrate with me my installation, your thoughtfulness and generosity never cease to amaze me. May the Lord of all grace and mercy continue to bless us with His presence, that we may always grow in the faith that leads to eternal life.

In Christ



4 Nick Gencarello

5 Thomas Sax

6 Charles Hermann III

7 Christine Ferucci

13 Darlene Hewitt

14 Eleanor Ferenczy

15 Emmy Alvestad

Russell Browne

16 Jenifer Moat

18 Mildred Shirley Clandorf

19 Richard Baller

19 Kathy Neos

21 Daniel Hewitt

22 Kyle Clandorf

23 Laszlo Szoke

24 Joan Mohlenhoff


Please remember in your prayers the following that are ill:

Heinz Zeller ~ Robert Browne ~ Sonia Ingerson

Mary Francis ~ Kathy Francis ~ Eric Hansen

Audrey Hansen ~ Flo Karl ~ Ruth Roscheska ~ Joyce Spruth Mark Woycik ~ John Draper

·  Thrivent Choice Dollars - Our church is now one of the choices that you can choose with your Thrivent Choice Dollars. You can either go to www.thrivent.com and register or call 1-800 THRIVENT (847-4836) and speak to a live person. When you call the toll free number, you will say “Choice Dollars,” at which time you will be transferred and asked for the last 4 digits of your social security number. You then will speak to a representative who will assist you. Please note that if you use the website, we are listed as St John without the ( 's) Lutheran. We thank all those who have inquired, and we thank everyone who has chosen to help further the ministry of our church. May God richly bless you. Please feel free to share this information with anyone who is a part of this program.

·  Mary Martha Workshop – Has resumed

·  Worship time – 10:30 a.m. Every Sunday

·  Thursday Breakfast Bible Study resumed on January 14

Sun 9:00 a.m. Youth Hand-Bell Rehearsal, Bible Study &

Sunday School

10:30 a.m. Divine Worship Service

11:30 a.m. Children’s Choir Rehearsal

12:00pm Violin Rehearsal

Tues 7:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal

Wed 9:00 a.m. Chapel at school

Thurs 9:30 a.m. Breakfast Bible Study resumed with Luther Study


2016 Easter Food Box Drive

Continuing the ministry of helping local families in need, the Evangelism-Social Ministry Board of St. John's Lutheran Church is planning for its Annual Easter Food Box Drive. The joint efforts of our church and school has blessed so many people over the years, and we look forward to this opportunity to serve others in Jesus' name. We expect to fill food boxes for 18 families, which consists of 33 adults and 37 children.

Easter is on March 27 this year so it's not too soon to make plans for the food drive. From Sunday, February 28, through the date of the last Lenten service on Wednesday, March 16, we will be receiving food donations. Please place your donations on the back table in the church basement.

The important difference between the Thanksgiving and Easter Food Drive is that we must supply the meat/poultry for each family. For this reason we welcome pledges of meat/poultry donations and monetary gifts.

As always, checks must be made out to St. John's Lutheran Church and MUST say HUNGER FUND in the check's memo. The date for sorting the food will be on Thursday, March 17. Packing will be on Friday, March 18, and distribution will be on Saturday, March 19.

Additional details will be included on the church's website, Sunday bulletins and in the March Vine.

Please call Joan Mohlenhoff with any question at,

(718) 273 2644.

In His Service,

The Evangelism/Social Ministry Committee
Elsa Webb: Chairman
Joan Mohlenhoff: Food Coordinator

Ladies Guild News

Next guild meeting on Thursday, February 4, 2016 at 7:30pm.

In Christ,

Brigitte Hermann, President

Ruth Roscheska, Secretary

Please visit our website at


Our website is updated frequently, and most if not all of your inquiries can be answered simply be logging in.

Dear Members of the Congregation,

Thank you for your constant support to St. John's Lutheran Church's Music Ministry. A special thank you to our adult choir, children's choir, hand-bell choir and to all our church musicians for their dedication and hard work.

Our hand-bell choir has been enhancing our worship for over a year now. Currently we have a two octave hand-bell set we own at the church. Unfortunately that is not enough of a range if I expect my current eight ringers to play. Each week I bring from the school a set of four octave hand-chimes to incorporate with the church's bells. Needless to say the three cases I transport not only are the school's, but they are heavy and I always have concerns they could get damaged in transport.

We are now on track to purchase additional bells for our church thanks to some very generous parishioners. A special thanks to those who attended Lessons and Carols. That Sunday we collected $900.00. Unfortunately, we still are in need of approximately $1000.00. Any donation would be appreciated and will go towards the purchase of these new bells. May you and your family have a healthy and happy New Year showered with God's many blessings.

In Christ,

Tommy Sax

Music Director

Dear Church Members of St. John’s and Friends,

I would like to thank you for the prayers, cards, and phone calls for my recent accident and I appreciate everyone’s thoughts at this time. It really helped me through my long days. I’m doing better and I hope to be back at church soon.

Thank You,

Flo Karl

Mark 11:24

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

St. John's Lutheran School Open House

February 6th, 12-3pm Come by for a Tour! Meet the Staff!

Offering Over 60 Years of Quality Christian Education



Christian Values, Small Class Attention

Project-Based Learning, Enrichment Classes

Smartboards, Laptops, iPads, Title 1 Service

Outdoor Playground, Indoor Gym

Extended Day Program AM & PM Available

After School Programs, Sports, Music

Middle-School Preparation for all Types of High Schools

Lutheran Schools Association Member

Middle States Accreditation

St. John’s Lutheran admits students of any race, color and national or ethnic origin.

Visit our website at www.school.stjohnslutheransi.org.

Please call for a tour

663 Manor Road, Staten Island, NY 10314

Phone: 718-761-1858 Fax: 718-761-4962

Come Out and Support our Youth!

St. John’s Lutheran Church’s Youth Group
Valentine's Dinner Fundraiser

There will be one seating at 7pm
Saturday February 6, 2016 In the Church basement

Dinner Includes
Garden Salad
Light entertainment

$7 Children $10 Adult

All funds go to the Saint John's Lutheran’s Youth Group to support future youth group activities.

Please RSVP with your reservations by Wednesday, February 3, 2016 to either

Michael Clandorf

(718) 442 1561
Audrey Mahoney

(347) 277 0025