Community Information Notice

22 December 2008


Investors – Please ensure your tenant(s) receive a copy of this notice.


CONDO FEES: Your Board of Directors wishes to thank every unit owner who paid his or her monthly condominium fees on time this year. Each month the Board reviews the monthly financial statements, including the accounts receivable report. While it is not practical to note an individual “Thank You” to those unit owners who pay their fee on time each month, your punctuality has not gone unnoticed. Again, “Thank You” from your Board and Management for paying your monthly fee on time.

3RD PARTY BILLING: A reminder to all of you who use a bill paying service, such as online banking, to pay your condo fees, please remember to update your account with the new condo fee of $375.00 beginning January 1, 2009.

FRONT DOOR BUZZER PROGRAMMING: The Board has decided to provide one annual buzzer programming for each unit at Association expense. Please e-mail Andi Reed-Lenane with your landline phone number, unit number and name if you need your buzzer re-programmed. The information will be collected over the next two months and the buzzer programming will take place in February 2009.

PARKING TAGS: If you have not already picked up your parking tags, please do so immediately, as the new parking policy that has been distributed is in effect and towing has begun.

PARKING: Parking is not allowed in the rear of the building. The lot is being patrolled and anyone who is found to be parked in this area will be towed without further notice and at the expense of the Unit Owner.

COLLECTIONS: The new collection procedures that are being distributed to all owners are enclosed with this notice and are effective as of January 1, 2009.

WEBSITE INFORMATION: Your community has a website that contains lots of useful information, such as meeting minutes and community information newsletters, among many other things. Unit Owners can access the website by going to . Click on the drop down menu for Associations and select Mount Saint Mary’s. The username is MSM and the password is 73. Enjoy!

COMPLAINTS: All complaints (be they about neighbors, dogs, parking, etc.) must be in writing with the date, time and unit number (if known) and vehicle description and plate number (if applicable) and signed. An e-mail with these details is acceptable. Your name and unit number at the bottom will be considered a signature.



As sad as it is to say, the holiday season will soon be over and Christmas trees will need to be discarded. Christmas trees will be collected only on the following days:

29 December 2008 - 05 January 2009 - 12 January 2009

Please note this schedule is weather permitting. Should your tree not be collected on the day noted above, it will be collected on the following day. After 12 January 2009 it becomes the owner’s responsibility to properly dispose of their Christmas tree.

Your may leave your tree just outside the dumpster, but NOT in the dumpster. We hope you enjoy the holiday season and we thank everyone in advance for their cooperation.


Contact Information for your Evergreen Management, Inc. Team:

Questions/Comments: Please contact Evergreen Management, Inc. 603.622.7000. Please ask to speak with the person in the department your question pertains to or e-mail to:

Maintenance: Linda Malbon,

Accounting: Rose King,

Sales/Refinancing: Shannon McGahey,

Administrator: Andi Reed-Lenane,

Association Manager: Jeffrey Robinson,