Phonological Awareness Screener

(Pre and Post Assessment)

Student: ______Grade:_____

Testing Date : ______

Teacher: ______

Skill / Typically Results Results
Isolating words in a sentence / Preschool
Production / Preschool
Deletion / Kindergarten
Isolation of initial / final
Segmentation / Kindergarten
Grade 1
Grade 1
Manipulation of Sounds
Addition / Deletion
Blends / Grade 1
Grade 2

** Criterion met at 80% accuracy

Developed in consultation with Speech / Language Services

WORD Kindergarten and older

Teacher: I’m going to say a sentence and I want you to tap on the table one time for each word I say.

Let’s practice:

1. “She is a good player”.

Now let’s tap the table one time for each word we say.

“She / is / a / good / player.” (4 taps)

2. “The car is moving fast.”

Now let’s tap the table for each word.

The / car / is / moving / fast. (5 taps)

Teacher: Now it’s your turn. Tap one time for each word I say after I read the sentence.

Pre / Score
The cat is furry. (4 taps) / 1 0
My house is big. (4) / 1 0
The little dog is cute. (5) / 1 0
Strawberries taste great (3) / 1 0
I have lots of friends. (5) / 1 0
I like to play hockey. (5) / 1 0
Birds fly. (2) / 1 0
I went to the store. (5) / 1 0
Cats like mice. (3) / 1 0
I love summer. (3) / 1 0
Post / Score
The horse is brown. (4 taps) / 1 0
My computer is on. (4) / 1 0
I see a little dog. (5) / 1 0
School is fun. (3) / 1 0
I have friends. (3) / 1 0
I play with my friends. (5) / 1 0
Fish swim in the sea. (5) / 1 0
I went to see a movie. (6) / 1 0
Mice like cheese. (3) / 1 0
I like games. (3) / 1 0

RHYME RECOGNITION Kindergarten and older

Teacher: “I am going to say two words. You tell me if they rhyme.”

Let’s practice:

man-can Do they rhyme?

stop-gum Do they rhyme?

Pre Post

Items / Score
take - make / 1 0
fun – run / 1 0
bag - stop / 1 0
mom - sun / 1 0
kite - might / 1 0
friend - send / 1 0
love - light / 1 0
bike - candy / 1 0
hand - brand / 1 0
sing - bring / 1 0
Total: / / 10
Items / Score
well - fell / 1 0
pat - rat / 1 0
grow - show / 1 0
purse - horse / 1 0
desk - lake / 1 0
book - took / 1 0
ball - bat / 1 0
clock - shock / 1 0
love - lip / 1 0
sick - pick / 1 0
Total: / / 10

RHYME PRODUCTION Kindergarten and older

Teacher: I am going to say a word and you tell me a word that rhymes with it.

Model with student:

Teacher: If I say the word, “hat”, you can say, “fat” or “brat” or “mat”.

Let’s practice:

1. hop Possible responses: stop, shop, mop, etc.

2. name Possible responses: game, same, shame, etc.


Items / Response / Score
man / 1 0
stop / 1 0
king / 1 0
flower / 1 0
log / 1 0
head / 1 0
cake / 1 0
rose / 1 0
guess / 1 0
mouse / 1 0
Total: / / 10


Items / Response / Score
tan / 1 0
shop / 1 0
kite / 1 0
shower / 1 0
pail / 1 0
bee / 1 0
book / 1 0
coat / 1 0
rug / 1 0
brat / 1 0
Total / / 10

SYLLABLE BLENDING Kindergarten and older

Teacher: “I am going to say some parts of words. You put the parts together and tell me what word they make.”

Model with student:

Star ... fish makes starfish (subscript “2-second pause”)

Ca…na…da makes Canada

Let’s practice:

1. “sun… shine” “sunshine”

2. “spi…der” “spider”


Items / Response / Score
el…e…phant / 1 0
Mon…day / 1 0
lol…li…pop / 1 0
fl…ow…er / 1 0
pa…per / 1 0
sun…shine / 1 0
pur…ple / 1 0
mac…a…ro…ni / 1 0
hos…pi...tal / 1 0
butt…er…fly / 1 0
Total: / / 10


Items / Response / Score
win…dow / 1 0
cup…cake / 1 0
wat…er / 1 0
tel…e…phone / 1 0
he…li…cop…ter / 1 0
sa…tur…day / 1 0
rain…bow / 1 0
rhi…noc…er…ous / 1 0
stop…watch / 1 0
news…pa…per / 1 0
Total: / / 10

SYLLABLE SEGMENTATION Kindergarten and older

Teacher: “I am going to say a word. After I say it, you say the word slowly and clap one time for each part in the word.”

Model with student:

Teacher: “elephant”… (then repeats the word slowly)… “el – e – phant”, clapping one time for each part of the word.

Let’s Practice:

1. tree “tree”

2. telephone “tel …e…phone”

3. starfish “star …fish”


Items / Answer / Response / Score
rainbow / rain - bow / 1 0
volcano / vol - ca - no / 1 0
bicycle / bi- cy - cle / 1 0
ball / ball / 1 0
watermelon / wa - ter - mel - on / 1 0
basketball / bas - ket - ball / 1 0
kangaroo / kan - ga - roo / 1 0
Tuesday / Tues - day / 1 0
circle / cir - cle / 1 0
motorcycle / mo - tor - cy - cle / 1 0
Total: / / 10


Items / Answer / Response / Score
rainbow / rain - bow / 1 0
man / man / 1 0
helicopter / he - li- cop - ter / 1 0
turkey / tur - key / 1 0
October / Oc - to - ber / 1 0
porcupine / por - cu - pine / 1 0
Kindergarten / Kin - der- gar - ten / 1 0
zoo / zoo / 1 0
computer / com - pu - ter / 1 0
pencil / pen - cil / 1 0
Total: / / 10

SYLLABLE DELETION Kindergarten and older

Teacher: “I am going to say a word then you will say it. Then I am going to ask you to take a part or a sound away from the word and you tell me the new word.”

Model with student:

Teacher: If I say ‘sunshine’ and then say it again, but I don’t say ‘sun’, I get ‘shine’.

Let’s Practice:

1. Say ‘snowman’. (pause) Now say it again, but don’t say ‘snow’.

Response: “man”

2. Say ‘starfish.’ (pause) Now say it again, but don’t say ‘fish’.

Response: “star”

Prompt: “Say ______. Now say it again, but don’t say______.”


Word / Omit / Response / Score
cupcake / cake / cup
snowman / snow / man
recycle / re / cycle
paper / per / pay
picnic / pic / nic
deliver / de / liver
mat / /m/ / at
take / /t/ / ake
meat / /t/ / me
bread / /b/ / red

Prompt: “Say ______. Now say it again, but don’t say______.”


Word / Omit / Response / Score
rainbow / rain / bow
triangle / tri / angle
alphabet / bet / alpha
fit / /f/ / it
candy / dy / can
seat / /t/ / sea
fine / /f/ / ine
time / /m/ / tie
daffodil / /dil/ / daffo
bread / /b/ / red

PHONEME: ISOLATION Kindergarten and older

Teacher: “I’m going to say a word and I want you to tell me one of the sounds in that word.”

Model with student:

Teacher: “If I say ‘mat’, what is the first sound you hear in the word mat? ……./m/

Let’s Practice:

1. “bat---What’s the first sound you hear in the word bat?” ……./b/

2. “top---What’s the last sound you hear in the word top?”…… /p/


Items / Response / Score
first sound
rain / 1 0
trip / 1 0
kick / 1 0
gum / 1 0
soccer / 1 0
last sound
stop / 1 0
bus / 1 0
cake / 1 0
nut / 1 0
paper / 1 0
Total: / / 10


Items / Response / Score
first sound
clock / 1 0
rabbit / 1 0
lobster / 1 0
heart / 1 0
apple / 1 0
last sound
tree / 1 0
jump / 1 0
flat / 1 0
crayon / 1 0
down / 1 0
Total: / / 10

PHONEME: BLENDING Grade 1 and older

Teacher: “I’m going to say the sounds in a word. You tell me what word the sounds make.”

Model with student:

Teacher: “b – i – ke ’makes ‘bike’.”

(two sec.)

Let’s Practice:

1. b-oy ……. “boy”

2. c-a-ke ……. “cake”


Items / Response / Score
b-ee / 1 0
c-a-t / 1 0
b-all / 1 0
b-e-s-t / 1 0
ch-i-p-s / 1 0
h-ou-se / 1 0
i-n / 1 0
s-t-i-ck-s / 1 0
b-i-ke / 1 0
n-e-s-t / 1 0
Total: / / 10


Items / Response / Score
c-a-ke / 1 0
w-e-t / 1 0
s-a-t / 1 0
t-ea / 1 0
p-a-p-er / 1 0
b-r-i-ck-s / 1 0
f-r-o-g / 1 0
g-r-ee-n / 1 0
f-or-k / 1 0
s-p-i-d-er / 1 0
Total: / / 10


Teacher: “I’m going to say a word and I want you to say each sound in the word.”

Model with the student:

Teacher: “If I say ‘bag’, the sounds are b-a-g.”

Let’s Practice:

1. “Say each sound in the word ‘boy’?” …… b-oy

2. “Say each sound in the word ‘cat’?” …… c-a-t


Items / Answer / Response / Score
toy / t-oy / 1 0
face / f-a-ce / 1 0
luck / l-u-ck / 1 0
he / h-e / 1 0
sock / s-o-ck / 1 0
touch / t-ou-ch / 1 0
bike / b-i-ke / 1 0
five / f-i-ve / 1 0
planet / p-l-a-n-e-t / 1 0
tooth / t-oo-th / 1 0
Total: / / 10


Items / Answer / Response / Score
change / ch-a-n-ge / 1 0
ski / s-k-i / 1 0
think / th-i-n-k / 1 0
kite / k-i-te / 1 0
bean / b-ea-n / 1 0
farmer / f-ar-m-er / 1 0
stamp / s-t-a-m-p / 1 0
smile / s-m-i-le / 1 0
stomach / s-t-o-m-a-ch / 1 0
eel / ee-l / 1 0
Total: / / 10


ADDITION / DELETION Grade 1 and older

Teacher: “I’m going to ask you to either add or take away (delete) one sound from a word/sound. You tell me what the new word is.”

Model with the student:

Teacher: “Add /t/ to /ag/. The word is ‘tag’”.

“Take away (or delete) /s/ from ‘seat’. The new word is ‘eat’”.

Let’s Practice:

1. “Add /f/ to /an/. The word is ‘fan’”.

2. “Take away (or delete) /d/ from /dice/. The new word is ‘ice’”.



Items / Response / Score
Prompt: Add __ to ___
/t/ to /oy/ / 1 0
/s/ to /eat/ / 1 0
/g/ to /ame/ / 1 0
/k/ to /oat/ / 1 0
/m/ to /ain/ / 1 0
Prompt: Take away__from__
/b/ from bike / 1 0
/t/ from table / 1 0
/m/ from mice / 1 0
/s/ from snap / 1 0
/k/ from cup / 1 0
Total: / / 10


Items / Response / Score
Prompt: Add __ to ___
/b/ to /ike/ / 1 0
/k/ to /ouch/ / 1 0
/h/ to /am/ / 1 0
/t/ to /ape/ / 1 0
/p/ to /in/ / 1 0
Prompt: Take away__from__
/b/ from bed / 1 0
/t/ from tap / 1 0
/m/ from mouse / 1 0
/s/ from star / 1 0
/b/ from bus / 1 0


Teacher: “I’m going to say a word and ask you to change a sound to make a new word.”

Model with the student:

Teacher: “If I say ‘stay’ and change /t/ to /l/, the new word is ‘slay’”.

Let’s Practice:

1. “Say ‘sleigh’. Now change /s/ to /p/. the new word is ‘play’”.

2. “Say ‘smack’. Now change /m/ to /n/. The new word is ‘snack’”.


Items / Answer / Response / Score
p(l)ay, /r/ / pray / 1 0
s(p)ider, /l/ / slider / 1 0
(b)low, /s/ / slow / 1 0
s(m)all, /t/ / stall / 1 0
(gr)ow, /sn/ / snow / 1 0
Total: / / 5


Items / Answer / Response / Score
s(l)ed, /p/ / sped / 1 0
g/l/ow, /r/ / grow / 1 0
s(l)eep, /t/ / steep / 1 0
/c/limb, /s/ / slime / 1 0
(cl)oud, /pr/ / proud / 1 0
Total: / / 5