******Cosponsor Insert: LOCATION + YEAR


Because of the potential for accidents on field trips and at the facility, IOIA requires that all attendees sign a waiver and release of liability.

I, ______, knowingly assume the risks inherent in going onto premises used for agricultural production and/or food processing. I understand that these locations are not designated for human comfort, safety or convenience, and I have been encouraged to refrain from any undertaking that challenges my sense of safety.

I agree to hold harmless all involved parties of this Organic Inspector Training: the Independent Organic Inspectors Association; sponsors of this Organic Inspector Training; and the owners/managers of the conference facility, farm, and processor field trip sites, for any claims, demands, or expenses because of bodily injury, personal injury, emotional distress, wrongful death, property damage, loss of use of property, or other related expenses arising out of or in any way related to the attendance of this course, except those claims due soley to negligence or willful misconduct of the parties responsible for this course.

Signature ______




Because of the sensitive nature of information collected during field trips, it is necessary that all participants sign a confidentiality agreement. In addition, it gives attendees practice in keeping information confidential. Many processing facilities will require that confidentiality statements be signed prior to the field trip.

I, ______, hereby affirm that I will not disclose at any time any information that I learn or to which I have access as a result of my participation in an Organic Inspector Training Course field trips, to any person or organization for any purpose. I also affirm that I will not use this information to further my own or my family’s economic interests or those of my present or future business. I recognize that violation of this agreement by the improper use or disclosure of information may result in the revocation of my IOIA Certification of Completion, revocation of my IOIA membership, and/or expose me to legal action and the imposition of monetary damages if found liable.

Signature ______

