Volunteer Role Description

Volunteer Role: Network Coordinator Volunteer


Scottish Rural Action (SRA) aims to be a powerful voice for the people of rural Scotland. We were established in 2013 as a non-profit organisation to deliver the Scottish Rural Parliament and build the foundations for a longer term rural movement.

The next stage in our development is to build our grass-roots presence and influence by engaging volunteers in our campaigns on issues prioritised by rural communities. In 2017-18 these are digital connectivity, land, business, transport and democracy and governance.

The main purpose of this volunteer role is to co-ordinate a locally based network that supports the work of SRA. The purpose of the network will be to campaign on issues of local importance, to support SRA-led campaigns and to assist SRA in consulting with communities on rural issues and policies.We welcome applications from everyone, and are particularly keen to hear from young and older people and people already involved with projects or campaigns in their local community

Tasks / Description of Role (volunteers may choose to focus on one or two of the tasks below):

  • To set up and manage a local facebook group to share information and encourage interest in campaign activities and the work of SRA
  • To recruit group members to create a local ‘Network Group’ and run local network meetings (SRA can assist in recruitment)
  • To campaign locally on issues affecting rural areas – either supporting on SRA-led campaigns or identifying issues relevant to the local area.
  • To recruit a group/email listof volunteers who are willing to take part in consultation on government policies that are relevant to rural areas (SRA will provide direction on this)
  • To liaise with relevant staff and board members at SRA and communicate with the Volunteering and Campaigns Coordinator with regular support sessions.

Has experience/understanding of:

We particularly welcome volunteers with previous experience of rural affairs, community work, experience in political or social organisations/movements, campaign experience or who live in very rural/remote areas. Particular interest in the issues surrounding rural areas and Land, Business, Digital Connectivity, Transport or Local Governance is also welcome. SRA aims to establish a process for the people of rural Scotland to have their voice heard and make an impact for change/improvement within relevant policy and legislation.

Application Process

  • application form
  • references (e.g. one professional, one personal / character)
  • interview (this can be over the phone)

Preparation for the role

Volunteers are required to participate ina volunteer induction and any training identified/agreed uponas the role progresses.

Support, Access, Reviews

Named person / staff contact:Fiona Thompson, Volunteering and Campaigns Coordinator

Volunteers will receive ongoing support by phone, email and 6-8 weekly support sessions (method of communication to be discussed). Details of support sessions and a General Volunteer Code of Conduct are outlined in the Volunteer Agreement.

Support meetings are an opportunity to discuss with SRA what is going well/challenges encountered and to feedback on the overall volunteer experience.

All reasonable out of pocket expenses incurred by the volunteer may be met by SRA, e.g. travel costs. See the Volunteers Expenses Policy for full details.