How to pray for Kairos
Thank you for praying for the Kairos Weekend.
You have signed up to pray on ______from ______to ______.
Following are some suggestions on how to pray for the weekend. Prayer is the foundation for a Kairos weekend long before the team is formed starting with leadership up to a year and a half in advance in most cases. Issues in the prison environment are many.
Peace in the facility. The most common reason for a Kairos or other Christian event not to take place is the lack of peace in the prison. Please pray for peace.
Health of the team. We need every member of the team to be in good health and full of energy in order to be God’s messenger to the people in the unit.
Cooperation of the facility staff. During Kairos weekends, daily routines of staff are disrupted. Please pray for grace and understanding from the staff. Pray that the Lord will minister to prison staff as they see changes in the residents who participate in Kairos.
Pray for the families of the team. Pray for safety, and health. Pray that family members encourage and support the team members during the team preparation and during the weekend. Kairos involves a huge time commitment from team members to be effective.
Pray for the residents who participate in the weekend. Pray that they will be encouraged to walk with our Lord; that their questions about Christ will be answered. Pray that as they return to their units each evening that they will be encouraged by their friends, especially those who have already attended Kairos.
Pray for peace in the units each evening when the residents return. Pray for the broken relationships in the units and for healing of those relationships.
Pray for the families of the residents, that the news of Christ that the residents receive will also be Good News to the families.
Pray for the Chaplain’s department and the Department of Volunteers in the facility as well as the Warden.
Pray for open hearts and minds throughout the weekend so that all may be able to accept the love and grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Pray that the residents seek others in the facility to build a community to help them stand firm in their walk in the days ahead.
(Each 5 minutes of your time, there is a little prayer and moments for reflection). This is a sample a friend of mine blessed me with and I am happy to share it with you and may it bless you as it has me.
7:00 As the morning sun rises above the eastern horizon, please be with the Kairos team as they meet the challenges of the day.
7:05 May the prison residents be receptive to the ministry team and their messagae of God's love.
7:10 Give presenters voices that carry more than words. Give them voices that carry love and hope and voices that the listeners will hear in all their tomorrows.
7:15 May one's pain and hurt be the stepping stones to reaching out for and receiving the life God dreams of giving you.
7:20 Let all pause and reflect on choices. Help all understand the power each has in making choices. The minsitry team often has conflict too, when making choices. Lord be with the team and the residents as all reflect about the impact choices have made on their lives.
7:25 May new days bring new avenues for travel through the forest of life. When the maze is thick and fog shields the way, let hearts see the trail and lead one to a safe shelter in God's grace.
7:30 Give presenters eyes that see and ears that hear and words that pronounce a better tomorrow is within one's reach, because the Lord is reaching out for you.