Mountain ViewCoreKnowledgeSchool

Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten Handbook


Wee Wolves

890 Field Avenue

Canon City, Co. 81212


FAX 719-275-1998

Table of Contents

Mission Statement...... 5

Introduction...... 5

MVCKS Governing Board...... 5

MVCKS Staff...... 5

Statement of Purpose and Goals...... 6

Curriculum...... 6

Enrollment...... 6

Registration...... 6

Schedule...... 7

Pre-Screening Requirement...... 7

Special Needs...... 7

Tuition, Fees and Dues...... 7

Class Size...... 7

Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten Program Developmental Objectives...... 8

Cognitive Growth...... 8

Social/Emotional/Physical Growth...... 9

Policies and Procedures...... 10

Goals for the Year...... 10

Inclement Weather...... 10

Arrival/Departure...... 10

Parking/Traffic...... 10

Emergency Procedures...... 10

Security...... 11

Signing In and Out...... 11

Policy on Late Pick-Up of Children...... 11

Outdoor Play and Walks...... 11

Care for Child Who Arrives Late For Field Trip or Excursion...... 11

Snack Time...... 11

Rest Time...... 11

Emergency List...... 12

Clothing...... 12

Cubby/Personal Belongings...... 12

Transportation...... 12

Toilet Learning...... 12

Infection Control...... 13

Toys/Show and Tell...... 13

Weapons and Rough Play...... 13

Weekly Reports...... 13

Parent Conferences...... 13

Parental Input...... 13

Fire Drills/Evacuation Procedures...... 13

Reporting of Child Abuse...... 14

Withdrawal from MVCKS Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten...... 14

Grievance Policy/Chain of Command...... 14

Behavior Management...... 15

Illness Policies and Procedures...... 15

Guidelines Regarding Illness/Suspected Illness...... 15

Parent Signature Page...... 16

Mission Statement

The mission of Mountain ViewCoreKnowledgeSchool is to stimulate wonder and curiosity, engage the mind, and promote vision and understanding of the world to all students. Goals include giving students the opportunity to maximize potential by exposure to a common foundation of an organized body of knowledge sequentially presented by grade level. Character values including integrity, respect, responsibility, and compassion will be strongly encouraged. The School achieves these goals through emphasis on a structured educational philosophy, strong encouragement of parental involvement and commitment to treating each child as a unique individual in a safe environment.


Mountain ViewCoreKnowledgeSchool has been in operation since the fall of 1996. The preschool and pre-kindergarten programs will provide children with the opportunity to explore, observe, experiment, and learn. Activities will be focused around the stimulation of cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth. Throughout the school year, the children will develop skills while learning about themes that are meaningful to their lives, using the Core Knowledge preschool curriculum. The learning environment encourages a preschooler to ask questions, make conclusions, and develop independence.

Mountain ViewCoreKnowledgeSchool Governing Board

Brad Mitchell, PresidentJeff Piquette, Vice President

Carla Braddy TreasurerKim Rupp, Secretary

Lisa Beicker, Assistant Secretary

Preschool – Pre-Kindergarten Staff

KarenSartori, Pre-K-8 Administrator

Director/Lead Teacher-Pam Caprio

Teacher Assistant-Kathy Slattery

Statement of Purpose and Goals

Teaching emphases are based on the emotional, social, and intellectual development of each child. Our classrooms offer developmentally appropriate learning centers in a warm and friendly environment. Each day in the classroom includes teacher-instructed activities, which promote individual encouragement to all children in achieving their goals. This approach exposes the children to a variety of choices so that our teachers can enrich and challenge all types of learning styles. Choices vary depending on the specific classroom and ages of children. Significant time is spent on multi-media arts, dramatic play and storytelling, music, interactive science experiments, constructive play, sand/water activities, library instruction, outdoor play, nature walks, and field trips within our community.


The Core Knowledge Preschool Sequence will teach children the necessary skills to help them grow emotionally and socially, while also developing independent thinking and problem solving skills. Our literacy-rich environment, which includes a strong emphasis on language development, provides many learning opportunities that will encourage young children to develop an interest in reading and writing. There is also a strong emphasis in mathematical reasoning, orientation in time and space, scientific reasoning, music, movement, physical education, and visual arts. We will also employ the Core Knowledge Assessment tool, ensuring that your child has received the highest quality of a preschool education. In addition, the staff will write individual goals for each child and assess progress regularly. Social skills and core virtues will be woven throughout daily instruction. See for more information.


Students are enrolled on a first come, first served basis and are put on a waiting list according to the post date on the envelope in which the Preschool Letter of Intent was mailed. Exceptionsare made for children and grandchildren of MVCKS Governing Board Members, teachers, staff, and those who are on Colorado Preschool to Kindergarten Program scholarships. Students who attend the 3 year old preschool class will have automatic entry into the pre-kindergarten (level II Preschool) program.. A separate Letter of Intent is required for those interested in the K-8 school. The waiting lists for the preschool/pre-k will also be separate from the K-8 school. You may fill out the separateLetters of Intent for all levels at the same time.


All students must have a complete and up-to-date student file before they are allowed to attend. The following items must be completed and given to the school administrator prior to the first day of school:

Emergency Contact / Authorized Persons Who May Pick Up Our Child

Health Examination Form

Immunization Records

Echo (or other) Screening Paperwork

Signed Parental Responsibility In Case of Child’s Illness Form

Signed form stating agreement to follow the policies and procedures of MVCKS, as stated in handbook


Preschool: 8:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Monday-Thursday and an occasional Friday for Professional Developement

Age Requirement: The child must be 3 years old by December 31stof the school year. Children who do not meet the 4 year old age requirement for Pre-Kindergarten will also be eligible.

Pre-Kindergarten: 12:00-3:00 p.m. Monday-Friday

Age Requirement: The child must be 4 years old by June 1st prior to the start date. Children who do not meet the 5 year old age requirement for Kindergarten will also be eligible.

Our calendar will follow the Mountain ViewCoreKnowledgeSchoolcalendar, which is similar to the

RE-1 schedule.

Pre-Screening Requirement

Students will be required to go through a complete screening process prior to registration for bothnewpreschool students and new pre-kindergarten students. We encourage the use ofECHO as it is a thorough and free service available to everyone. Appointments can be made by calling 719-276-6174. We will also have routine hearing and vision screenings throughout the school year.

Special Needs

If it is determined that your child is in need of special services, those will be available to you through Canon City Schools. All services are provided by licensed therapy staff and are in compliance with IDEA and the Colorado State Special Education mandates. Services are fully inclusive with the therapists working in the child’s classroom. Regularly scheduled consultation occurs between the therapists and the classroom staff and the therapists are available for informal consultations upon request. The classroom staff and therapists work together to plan for and determine child outcomes throughout the school year.

Tuition Fees and Dues

. Registration Fee and supply fee for either class is $100 (yearly/non-refundable) due at the time of registration

. Preschool $200 monthly/non-refundable (Aug-May) regardless of breaks.

. Pre-Kindergarten $215 monthly/non-refundable (Aug-May) regardless of breaks.

. Each child will provide one box of snack crackers per month.

*Tuition is due on the 30th of each month for the next month of preschool. There will be a $20.00 a month late fee when fee is 10 days past the 30thof the month due date.

*If tuition is not paid or arrangements have not been made after two months of tuition not being paid the child will be asked to leave.

*Tuition will not be reimbursed for absences regardless of the reason.

Class Size

There is a lead teacher and an assistant in each class with a maximum of 16children at any one time.

PreschoolPre-KindergartenProgramDevelopmental Objectives

Cognitive Growth

To develop a positive attitude toward learning:

· To be successful in learning activities

· To make discoveries

· To take risks

· To continue with tasks after making a mistake

To enhance learning skills:

· To ask questions

· To use perceptual motor skills such as figure/ground discrimination, part whole discrimination, and configuration

· To explore and investigate something new in the environment

· To recall experiences

To expand logical thinking skills:

· To identify similarities and differences among objects (shapes, colors, texture, sizes)

· To sort objects according to common characteristics (i.e. things that look alike, things that belong together)

. To identify common characteristics of objects or events

. To arrange events in a sequence (i.e. what happened first, second, and last)

· To recognize patterns and be able to repeat them

· To explain simple cause and effect relationships on the basis of concrete experiences

· To identify solutions to problems

To acquire concepts and information leading to a better understanding of the immediate world:

· To demonstrate an understanding of time concept (sequence of day's activities, yesterday, today, tomorrow)

· To identify and use the names of objects and things in the environment (i.e. plants, animals, people)

· To make comparisons (i.e. more/less, tall short, large/small)

· To identify and use words to describe the characteristics of objects (i.e. colors, sizes, shapes)

· To identify the roles people play in society (i.e. family, doctors)

· To identify where objects exist in space (i.e. below, inside, under)

· To use numbers in correct sequence

· To match one to one when counting

To expand on verbal communication skills:

· To listen to a story and explain what happened

· To recall words in a song or finger play

· To identify word order and sentence patterns

· To follow simple directions

· To use words to explain ideas or feelings

· To talk with other children during daily activities

· To use correct grammar

· To participate in group discussions

To acquire beginning written communication skills:

· To make increasingly representational drawings

· To move from scribbling to using some letters and numbers

· To recognize written names

· To print one’s name

· To demonstrate an interest in using writing tools for a purpose (i.e. making signs, sending letters)

Social/Emotional/Physical Growth

To experience a sense of selfesteem:

· To identify oneself as a member of a specific family and cultural group

· To demonstrate confidence in growing abilities

· To demonstrate increasing independence

To exhibit a positive attitude toward life:

· To demonstrate interest and enthusiasm in classroom activities

· To try new activities

· To demonstrate trust in adults

· To be able to separate from parents with ease

· To participate in routine activities easily

To demonstrate prosocial behavior:

· To develop friendships with adults and children

· To identify and appreciate differences

· To accept some responsibility for maintaining the classroom environment

· To help others in need

· To respect the rights of others

To enhance large muscle skills:

· To use large muscle skills with confidence

· To walk up and down steps

· To run with increasing control over direction and speed

· To jump over objects or from objects without falling

· To use large muscles for balance (i.e. walk on tiptoe, balance on one foot)

· To catch a ball or bean bag

· To throw an object in the intended direction

· To ride and steer a tricycle

· To climb up or down equipment without falling

To enhance and refine small muscle skills:

· To use small muscle skills with confidence

· To coordinate eye and hand movement (i.e. assemble puzzle pieces of increasing

Difficulty, string beads, use scissors)

· To use small muscles to complete tasks (i.e. build with blocks, stack

Graduated cylinders, place pegs in pegboards)

· To use small muscles for selfhelp skills (i.e. pour without spilling, use eating utensils, zip and button)

· To manipulate objects with increasing control

· To use writing and drawing tools with increasing control and intention

To use all senses to increase physical capabilities:

· To identify similarities and differences in sounds

· To identify how things are visually alike and different

· To identify foods by taste

· To identify how things smell

· To balance with increasing skill

· To respond to rhythm

· To use directionality

· To refine eyehand coordination

Policies and Procedures

Goals forthe Year

We work on being consistent with everything we do, and we follow through with all of our rules in the classroom (sitting down, raising hands, listening to one another, and we use words not hands - to communicate to our friends). Our curriculum is designed to help each child grow socially, emotionally, physically and cognitively in an environment where he/she is having fun and learning at the same time. We follow Developmentally Appropriate Practices based on NAEYC recommendations. Updates on your child’s individual goals and progress will be given to you at conferences. Feel free to arrange a meeting with the teacher in the event that you are concerned or need more information on progress monitoring.

Inclement Weather

In the case that school is closed or delayed due to inclement weather, please listen to local radio station KRLN AM 1400, Star Country 104.5, or watch news Channel 5 for details. If it is stated that Fremont RE-1 schools are closed or delayed, assume that MVCKS is also. On late start days, there will be no a.m. preschool. There will be one make-up day offered for every missed day passed three. We will be open on hot days as our school has fully functioning air conditioning.


Our first priority is your child’s safety! Children will only be released to people whose names are on the child’s information form. There will be no exception at any time.

Doors will open 10 minutes prior to start time. Please do not drop off you r child earlier as teachers are busy preparing for the school day.

It is required that you walk your student into the classroom daily making sure to sign in upon arrival. You must also come into the classroom and sign the child out when departing at any time.

It's normal for children to have a difficult morning, from time to time; but lengthy goodbyes often do more harm than good. Let us know if we can assist with your departure and make it easier for both you and your child. Also, always say goodbye at your child's eye level.

If you need to speak to your child’s teachers, feel free to schedule a meeting with the lead teacher. It is important that the teachers are involved with the children at all times, including arrival and pick-up. If you would like to speak to the teachers you may call the office, and leave a message or call your child’s classroom.


We understand that traffic can get pretty hectic at both drop-off and pick-up times. Our staff will park in the back of the building to allow for more room in our front parking lot. We have also staggered the start and stop times by 15 minutes to alleviate as much congestion as possible. Please allow adequate time for all parking and traffic situations. Vehicles must never be left running unattended with children in them.

Emergency Procedures

Parents or guardians shall be notified immediately of any illness or injury to their child, and specific instructions regarding action to be taken shall be obtained. In case of an emergency, if the parents cannot be reached, the Head Teacher/Assistant Teacher, the Director, or the Administrator, will contact those individuals designated on the emergency contact form. Please make sure you advise the teacher and school office of any changes in contact information.


It is required that you sign in and out of the front office at all times when visiting school (other than arrival and departure sign in/out). You will be given a visitor’s badge and must wear it at all times while on campus.

Signing In and Out

It is extremely important that you sign your child in and out. This is done in the hall by the preschool classroom door. In case of an emergency, this is the form of attendance that we use to show your child is present. These sign in/out sheets are dated and should not be removed from the clipboard for any reason. No child should ever be in the classroom without a teacher present.

Policy on Late Pick-Up of Children

MVCKS will charge $5.00 for every 15 minutes you are late picking up your child after your scheduled pick-up time. This is payable at time of pick-up, unless other arrangements have been made. Children that are left beyond a half hour of school closing and staff dismissal (3:30 p.m.), will be released to the Department of Human Service’s custody if no one has been reached on the emergency contact forms.

Knowing Where Children Are

Preschool and Pre-K children will never be left unattended. We follow best practices for ratios in the classrooms. If there are any questions, please refer to our lost child plan posted in the classroom.

Outdoor Play and Walks

Outdoor play is a scheduled part of the daily program. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the day's weather conditions and is wearing an appropriate pair of shoes (sneakers). If your child wears sandals or dress shoes to school, please bring a pair of sneakers as well so the teachers can help your child change his/her shoes before going outside. If you would like your child to wear a hat on the playground and on walks, please bring one to school labeled with your child's name. The times and routes for the walks are posted in the classroom. Occasionally we may go on unscheduled walks as well.

Care for Child Who Arrives Late For Field Trip or Excursion

In the event that a child comes late to preschool and his/her class has left for a fieldtrip, the parent has the choice of driving the child to the event and signing him/her in with the staff in charge or keeping the child out of preschool for the day. Teachers will be available by cell phone.