Carlby news - Carlby & District WI met in the village hall on 9 October.

Apologies:Linda I’Anson, Gail Usher, Sarah Cardew, Kath Pollitt, Rosie Nelson, Janet Trestrail, Betty Grindey, Bridget Everitt, Audrey Duerden, Judie Pope, Sue Lester, Elaine Hawkins, Liz Kentish, Sarah Milne.

Minutes of the last meeting were signed as correct after an amendment.

Matters arising from last meeting:

MORE MIDWIVES RESOLUTION: Petition circulated again for those who missed it and will go again at November meeting.

HEREWARD GP MEETING AT RYHALL – Eric Morecombe’s daughter Gail was refreshing and a very good speaker; she even looked like him with glasses! A very successful evening. CarlbyWI was on door duty.

ST. AGNES FOUNTAIN CONCERT – Sue gave out the tickets.


  1. Christmas at the NEC Birmingham 8-11th November was mentioned and tabled.
  2. ‘The makit’ Fenland Lace & Textile Suppliers Fair 2012 at the St Ivo Leisure Centre, St Ives, Sat 3rd November 10-3 p.m.
  3. 2013 Spring Council Meeting – Tuesday 12th March Springfields Exhibition Centre. Morning speaker Ruth Bond, National Chair. Afternoon speaker David Mitchell – Chester Town Crier £10.50/£12. Signing up board sent round. Closing date is 30th Jan so if you want to go the last chance to sign up is at the November meeting. Delegate will go free. A volunteer please!
  4. WI Tombola Stall at Sleaford Market 2nd December. Members were asked by Federation for donations of suitable items which Margaret Anderson would take.
  5. Christmas Concert with The KirtonTown Band at Hale Magna V.H., Gt. Hale. Friday 7th December 7.30 p.m. £9/£11 Closing date 2nd November. Tabled.
  6. Carol Service at PrioryChurch, Deeping St James - Monday 3rd December.

Details in November.


NFWI Annual General Meeting at CardiffSaturday 1st June 2013. Observer ticket £18, Coach £17, shared accommodation £70, single £100. CarlbyWI have topay £35 toward delegate costs. UffingtonWI delegate is our representative this year.



Name Tags: A board was circulated for members to write their preferred name for the printed tags it is proposed for us to wear.

Birthday Cards: None in October - Sarah Milne on 11th November. To be delivered.


Albion Band (folk) 12th December at the Arts Centre – tickets £15/£13. Note this was wrongly minuted in September as a free concert.

Woven Chords Concert 21st October in the Arts Centre is free but ticket needed.

‘Annie Get Your Gun’ presented by Peterborough Ooperatic & Dramatic Soc. Sunday 24th March 2013. £15. Sign-up board was circulated and will be again at the November meeting, when payment is required please.

CHRISTMAS DINNER TUEDAY 4TH DECEMBER at the Three Horseshoes, Thurlby. £20 including a welcome drink. A sign-up and menu selection board was circulated and will be again in November when payment is due.

The WI Sales Table displayed an excellent selection of goods from Federation office was well supported and made a good sum.

Bourne Home Economics Group event Monday 25th March at Bourne Corn Exchange. The speaker is Rachel Green on food and a demonstration. Sign up for tickets at November meeting.

Baston WI - Tim Stubbs will speak on Antiques at the Barn in Baston on Tuesday 6th Nov.


Saturday 13th October. ‘Can You Dig it?’ at Carlby V.H. £8. Comedy songs about growing your own. Box Office Magaret Dair 590525

Saturday 20th October – Pub Night with Quiz at Carlby V. Hall.

Thursday 8th November 7.15 for 7.30p.m. – A talk by The Head Gardener from Burghley House. £2.50

The Speaker/Demonstrator for the evening was Eve Marshall who taught us how to make button necklaces, bracelets and rings. Ancient button boxes appeared inherited from mothers and grandmothers. If we did not have such an inheritance brightly coloured buttons could be bought from Eve. Nimble fingers were required and a skill developed not to curl the wire! There were very pretty creations by members and it was thought a good idea to wear them at the Christmas Party! Sue Blessett gave a delighted Vote of Thanks.

Competition winners:

1st: Anne Woolley 2nd : Mary Barlow3rd : Margaret Dair

Raffle winners: 1. Jennifer Gralka 2.Margaret Hawkins3. Heather Shead

Thanks to: Margaret Hawkins & Lou Blaes for Teas

Mary Barlow for Table Flowers

Cheryl Buckley & Heather Shead for Raffle Prizes.