/ HHSC Uniform Managed Care manual / CHAPTER / PAGE
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September 1, 2017
Version 2.2
Baseline / N/A / September 1, 2007 / Initial version Uniform Managed Care Manual Chapter 12.3 "Migrant Farmworkers Children Annual Report Template"
Revision / 1.1 / September 1, 2010 / Chapter 12.3 is modified to add validation efforts to Section B and the actual number of FWC to the reporting requirements for Sections C, D, and E.
Revision / 2.0 / November 15, 2015 / Revision 2.0 applies to contracts issued as a result of HHSC RFP numbers X29-10-0020, X29-12-0002, X29-13-0042, and X29-13-0071.
Revision / 2.1 / June 1, 2016 / Revision 2.1 applies to contracts issued as a result of HHSC RFP numbers X29-10-0020, X29-12-0002, X29-12-0003, X29-13-0042, and X29-13-0071.
Template is modified to add Dental Plans.
Revision / 2.2 / September 1, 2017 / Chapter name is changed from "Children of Migrant Farmworkers Annual Report Template" to "Farmworker Child(ren) Annual Report Template."
Template is modified to add "Reporting Period" and "Program(s) Included"; to remove "Plan Code(s)/Program/Service Area/Mailing Code/Mailing Region Covered by the Report" and "Time Period covered in the report"; to require that MCOs report by Program instead of by Plan Code; and to add that incomplete reports will be returned and MCOs may be subject to contract remedies.
Directions for Sections A through F are added.
Section A "Community Resources" is modified to update the requirements.
Section B "Outreach and Identification" is renamed "Identification of Farmworker Children" and the requirements updated.
Section C "Outreach" is added and subsequent sections are re-lettered.
Section D "Accelerated Services" is added.
Section E "Care Coordination/Continuity of care" is added.
Section F "Service Delivery" is added.
Directions for previous Sections C, D, and E are deleted and the sections are designated as optional.
"Successes" (previously Section C) is renamed "Success Stories" and modified to add a description.
"Challenges" (previously Section D) is modified to add a description.
"Improvements" (previously Section E) is modified to add a description.
1 Status should be represented as “Baseline” for initial issuances, “Revision” for changes to the Baseline version, and “Cancellation” for withdrawn versions
2 Revisions should be numbered according to the version of the issuance and sequential numbering of the revision—e.g., “1.2” refers to the first version of the document and the second revision.
3 Brief description of the changes to the document made in the revision.


Child(ren) Annual Report

Managed Care Organization:

Reporting Period:

Program Included: STAR STAR Kids Children’s Medicaid Dental Services

Sections A through F of the Farmworker Child(ren) (FWC) Annual Report must be completed. Incomplete reports will be returned and may be subject to contract remedies.

A. Collaboration with Statewide and Community Organizations that Serve Farm Worker Children.

1.  List the community and statewide groups or organizations, that serve FWC in the MCO service area(s)/region(s) (specify the service area(s)/region(s) in which the organization works with FWC);
2.  Describe MCO efforts to coordinate with these groups or organizations during the reporting period; and
3.  Describe how these groups or organizations assisted the MCO with identification of FWC during the reporting period.

B. Identification of Farmworker Child(ren) Enrolled in Plan

1.  Describe the methods used to identify FWC enrolled with the MCO during the reporting period;
2.  Describe the method(s) used to maintain accurate lists of FWC enrolled with MCO during the reporting period; and
3.  Describe the method(s) used to maintain confidentiality of the information obtained about FWC enrolled with MCO during the reporting period.

C. Provision of Timely Checkups and Follow-up Care

Describe outreach methods used by MCO during the reporting period to reach out to FWC to encourage timely checkups and follow-up care.

D. Provision of Accelerated Services

1.  Describe MCO efforts to assess whether FWC have a need for accelerated services.
2.  Describe MCO efforts to assist FWC with obtaining checkups due during a period of migration prior to leaving the area for farm work.
3.  Describe MCO efforts to assist identified FWC with obtaining follow-up care or services prior to leaving the area for farm work (e.g. identified need for eyeglasses or dental treatment being met prior to traveling with family for work).

E. Care Coordination/Continuity of Care

1.  Describe MCO efforts to assist FWC with obtaining checkups due during a period of migration prior to leaving the area for farm work.
2.  Describe MCO efforts to assist identified FWC with obtaining follow-up care or services prior to leaving the area for farm work (e.g. identified need for eyeglasses or dental treatment being met prior to traveling with family for work).
3.  Describe efforts to support access to needed care during the time the FWC is traveling with family for work.

F. Service Delivery

1.  By service area, provide the unduplicated number of FWC identified during the State Fiscal Year (SFY).
2.  By service area, provide the number of FWC who received a checkup during the reporting period.
3.  By service area/region provide the number of FWC who received accelerated services during the reporting period.
Service Area/Region / Number of FWC / Number of FWC with Checkups / Number of FWC with Accelerated Service(s)
Health / Dental
Bexar / Region 1
Dallas / Region 2
El Paso / Region 3
Harris / Region 4
Hidalgo / Region 5
Jefferson / Region 6
Lubbock / Region 7
MRSA Central / Region 8
MRSA Northeast / Region 9
MRSA West / Region 10
Nueces / Region 11

The following sections are optional:

Success Stories: Provide success stories about coordinating with organization to identify FWC or about working with a FWC or FWC family.

Challenges: Describe challenges experienced during the year, and efforts to overcome them.

Improvements: Describe any improvements to processes or procedures implemented during the year that could be considered best practices.