Phase 1 Tasks
TASK 1: Review Available Documents and Data
Develop and submit a document/data/info request to the Port. The Port has various documents including a recent breakbulk and cargo forecast and project-specific studies, in addition to the current Master Plan, which may be of use for this task. An initial listing of Port documents and data are provided in Appendix F. These documents will be made available to the selected Consultant Team after contract award.
Review and summarize existing documents, as needed.
Identify information and analysis gaps (ongoing) and reach out to additional organizations as needed for documents and data, such as the Regional Planning Commission, MARAD, LA DOTD, etc.
task 1 total
TASK 2: Strategic Assessment and Visioning
Conduct interviews and focus group sessions with Board of Commissioners, Senior Staff and key stakeholders (TBD) on current and potential strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats related to the Port of New Orleans (SWOT analysis).
Facilitate development of a concise Vision Statement and strategic goals for the 2016 Master Plan.
Develop a priority list of challenges and key questions to address over the course of plan development, concentrating on the delta between 2008 and present.
task 2 total
TASK 3: Market Analysis
Identify market changes, and capacity changes between 2008 and present. Evaluate and chart changes to cargo tonnages. Identify, where applicable, industry drivers, business environment, and other events resulting in significant change in year-to-year volumes.
Evaluate potential new cargoes.
Assess industry outlook for major commodities currently or potentially to be handled at the Port.
Interview current port tenants, staff, carriers and shippers to assess near and long term outlook for current and new cargoes. Tenant interviews may be complemented with interviews with select shipping companies, as needed.
Prepare a survey to be distributed to a minimum of 100 potential Port customers, shipping lines, freight carriers and other market stakeholders, and conduct in person interviews with key industry leaders.
Identify potential for support or added-value services for Port industrial properties and current facilities – such as value-added manufacturing, trans-loading operations, warehousing and other commercial development.
Update cruise market assessment and forecast including demand projections and potential for growth for domestic and international trips. Examine demand from emerging markets including:
Adjust SWOT analysis in Task 2 to reflect new findings and trends.
task 3 total
TASK 4: Predict Alternative Cargo Demand Scenarios
Prepare a market assessment, with changes from 2008, where applicable. Incorporate input from recent market studies and forecasts completed by the Port and input from current tenants and Port staff.
Identify a minimum of three most likely cargo demand scenarios for Port cargo/cruise/industrial facilities. Detail any changes to scenarios identified in the 2008 Master Plan and why the differences exist.
Identify the most likely cargo mix scenarios. For each scenario: opportunity costs, required transportation and value added services, cost of implementation, rank scenarios.
task 4 total
TASK 5: Facilities Evaluation & Capacity Assessment
Identify changes to the comprehensive inventory of Port facilities and supporting infrastructure, including off-terminal rail and freeway access infrastructure.
Review recent capacity model results and estimate capacity of the Napoleon Avenue Container Terminal and other cargo terminals. This assessment will be both quantitative and qualitative and will consider waterside (berth and navigation channel), cargo handling, storage, gate, equipment, landside access (rail and highway) and added value services capacity. Analysis will consider data from all available sources, including but not limited to: Regional Planning Commission, Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Port of New Orleans studies, Input from current cargo customers and tenants.
Review and compare updated capacity and current/projected demand to ascertain current utilization and timing of capacity shortfalls.
Identify solutions to address capacity shortfalls (e.g., technology, cargo/tenant, as well as non-cargo port assets, relocation, productivity improvement, operational modification, facilities investment, facilities rationalization, etc.). Where appropriate, identify the timing of each solution against each cargo demand scenario detailed in TASK 4 (2021, 2026, 2036). Cargo compatibility with non-maritime commercial uses shall also be considered.
Quantify changes to investment requirements of terminal capacity solutions and prioritize according to corresponding benefit (e.g., additional capacity) and cost (e.g., capital investment) criteria.
Analyze existing and planned cruise capacity including, but not limited to, ship berthing, parking, transportation access, traffic impact, supportive services, and projected market expansion.
task 5 total
Phase 2 Tasks
TASK 6: Rail, Highway and Inland Waterway Access Evaluation
Off-Terminal: Review, evaluate and update active and non-active rail and highway infrastructure which does or could provide access between the Port facilities and its markets. Also assess opportunities – such as inland port development– to expand and additional support inland waterway and rail cargo movement. Evaluation should consider: infrastructure (dedicated and shared), operating windows and conflicts with other uses, capacity (current and future utilization), operational limitations, costs, utilization, ownership/oversight, capital investment requirements, operating agreements/restrictions, etc.
On-Terminal: Identify changes to inventory and evaluate rail and road infrastructure and operations. Assessment of freight service integration by dedicated public belt rail provider.
task 6 total
TASK 7: Identify Development Alternatives
Determine any supportive businesses, services or additional alternative cargo/maritime businesses beneficial to the Port for attraction or expansion, based upon the analysis detailed above.
Revise and detail expansion/redevelopment options considering the now constrained land area to accommodate growth in current and new cargoes. Key elements of this analysis include:
Establish land use principles for property acquisition and disposal.
Examine possibilities for land acquisition for growth or reconfiguration of cargo services, cruise terminals and other commercial endeavors.
Consider reconfiguration of non-service assets, cargo/tenant facilities and cruise terminals for consolidation of uses and most efficient land use.
Assessing addition or changes to cargo/tenant/adjacent non-Port development (residential, commercial, etc.) compatibility, including regional warehousing;
Quantifying rough order magnitude (ROM) changes to capital investment requirements (project identification) for new development, redevelopment, facilities enhancement, etc. for landside access, port facilities, and waterside. Where available, earlier study development costs (e.g., dredging) and Port engineering estimates will be utilized;
Identify opportunities to incorporate emerging technologies and infrastructure to stay ahead of the market, improve efficiency, and enhance long-term resiliency.
Building from earlier tasks, identify optimal development alternatives for evaluation. Where applicable, detail any changes to scenarios established in the 2008 Master Plan.
task 7 total
TASK 8: Capital Program Development
Develop a process for prioritization of all projects, including new facilities and development and capital maintenance and renovation projects for critical infrastructure.
For the identified development alternatives, prepare high level development costs, with cost benefit analysis for each of the major components and other key decision-making criteria.
Develop a Capital Program, which outlines the timing of expenditures in conjunction with the timing of implementing the 2016 Master Plan.
As part of the Capital Program, recommend strategies for funding and asset management.
Capital Program should also include key performance indicators for measuring success and implementation throughout the planning horizon. Performance indicators should include normalization factors and weigh economic inputs and outcomes, as well as with community and environmental impacts.
task 8 total
TASK 9: 2016 Master Plan Document Development
Submit draft Table of Contents including a list of figures and graphics prior to document draft development.
Coordinate plan branding and design with Port Communications and External Affairs.
In addition to bi-weekly status updates submitted with invoices, submit a draft 2016 Master Plan and final 2016 Master Plan with executive summaries (see Deliverables section below).
Present draft and final plan to the Board of Commissioners.
task 9 total
project total