Parent and Carer Questionnaire

About people who may be helping you fill out this form

If you are completing this questionnaire on behalf of a Parent/Carer, please tick here and state your relationship to the Parent/Carer (for example, Friend or Social Worker):


If your Child attends, or is planning to attend, a Non-maintained or Independent School or College please complete all sections below:

Please tick as appropriate:

My Child currently attends a Non-maintained or Independent Special School or College

My Child is planning to attend a Non-maintained or Independent Special School or College

If your Child attends, or is planning to attend, a Non-maintained or Independent Special School or College, what three things do you think make it or would make it great? And how would you measure these? (for example; a school is great if I know my child will be safe as the School has well trained staff)

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If your Child attends, or is planning to attend, a Non-maintained or Independent Special School or College what three things are important to you when the staff at the School or College communicate with you? (for example; it is important to me that the people delivering services speak to me about my Child at least once a week)

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If your Child attends, or is planning to attend, a Non-maintained or Independent Special School or College, what information would you like to be given by the Staff at the start of your placement? (for example; I would like to know the name and contact details of the person who will be responsible my Child)





If your Child attends, or is planning to attend, a Non-maintained or Independent Special School or College, when it’s nearly time for them to leave this School/College, how would you like staff to help your Child prepare for the next steps that they are going to take and have a sense of responsibility and independence? (for example, I would like staff to communicate regularly with me and other professionals to ensure a smooth transition)





If your Child attends, or is planning to attend, a Non-maintained or Independent Special School or College, how would you like to see Children/Young people involved in the recruitment of staff at the School or College? (for example, I would like Children/Young People to be on the interview panel)





If your Child attends, or is planning to attend, a Non-maintained or Independent Special School or College, how would you like to be able to tell the Council when you have a concern or compliment about the School or College your Child goes to? (for example, I would like a named person to speak to)





Please return your completed form in the enclosed self addressed envelope to reach us no later than Friday, 3rd February 2017.

If you have any questions about completing this questionnaire, please contact:

By telephone 0191 4333540 or email