Sherryle MathisETEC 620
Classifying Quadrilaterals Using Inspiration
Software: Inspiration
Grade level: Middle School
Curriculum Area: Math
Length of Lesson: One forty-minute computer lab session
NETS Standards and Performance Indicators
- Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity (3).
- Students use tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, prepare publications, and produce other creative works (3).
- Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources (5).
- Students use technology tools to process data and report results (5).
LA Standards and Benchmarks;
- G-1-M Using estimation skills to describe, order, and compare geometric measures; (1, 2)
- G-2-M Identifying, describing, comparing, constructing, and classifying geometric figures and concepts;(1, 2, 3)
- G-4-M Constructing two- and three-dimensional models;(3)
- G-5-M Making and testing conjectures about geometric shapes and their properties; (1, 2, 3, 4)
Lesson Goals:
- Students will understand the properties of quadrilaterals
- Students will define and classify quadrilaterals
Lesson Objectives:
- To identify and classify quadrilaterals.
- To describe properties of parallelograms and trapezoids
- To create a diagram to demonstrate the relationship between special
A point based rubric will be used to evaluate each student’s printout. Attached:
Technology Connection:
This activity will allow students to organize and classify quadrilaterals in the form of a flow chart using Inspiration. Internet sites are available for review. Students will create special quadrilaterals using Inspiration and create diagrams to represent the properties
Prior Knowledge:
- Polygons
- Parallel lines
- Internet Site Location Skills
- Introduction to Inspiration
- A review of menu commands for Inspiration will be demonstrated
- Students will use internet site to review quadrilaterals and the properties associated with them.
- Students will have a direction sheet to follow. Sample diagram will be given for a guideline to follow.
Management Skills
- Each student will have a direction sheet to follow.
- During activity I will monitor students and check for understanding.
- Website given to help manage time.
- Evaluation rubric
- Direction sheet
- Sample diagram
- Computers with Inspiration software and internet access.
- The activity to could be extended to finding the perimeter and area of quadrilaterals.
- Students could apply properties to prove congruence.
- Students could use Geometers Sketckpad to further study relations between quadrilaterals.
- Quadrilaterals could be plotted on a coordinate plane.
Higher Order Thinking skills:
- Activity requires judgment and analysis to properly organize ideas.
- Students must apply logical thinking when viewing outline form.
Students will need a brief demonstration as to the menu and commands of the Inspiration program. Many students can take off on their own when they know the basic commands. I did not have time to compare the diagrams, because I needed to help some students with the programs. The internet site proved to be a useful review site. This avoided the students from getting out their text or notes to review.
Effective and Efficient:
This lesson could be taught in a one-computer classroom. Students can help organize ideas and concepts. The diagram could be a form of an informal quiz. Students could fill in missing parts, given some clues. Ideally each student should have the opportunity to create their own diagrams classifying quadrilaterals. Inspiration can help deepen understanding, especially for ‘visual’ students.