“Somebody to Love”

Full Cast Numbers

The Telephone Hour

Somebody to Love

If Ever I Would Leave You

Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now

Who Loves You

Additional Numbers

Always On My Mind (Willie Nelson)

Claudia and Mike

Boy Band Remix (WT)

Bill, Don, Fred, Keith, Mike, Ed, Dan, Matt, Steve(Stacey, Vicki, Rachelle,Christine)

Breaking Up is Hard to Do (Neil Sedaka)

Mary, Don, Fred, Camille, Rose, Richelle, Mike, Genelle, Ed, Kathy, Colleen, Dan, Linda, (Matt), (Steve)

Down With Love (Judy Garland)

Camille, Karen and Rachelle & Sandy, Christine, Kelly, Kimi, Phyllis, Richelle, Kathy, Colleen, Suzie, Alice, Kay AND Bill, Don, Keith and Mike

Fever (Peggy Lee)


Forget About the Boy (Thoroughly Modern Millie)

Kelly & Claudia, Sandy, Christine, Tara, Jenni, Kimi, Phyllis, Stacey, Karen, Allison, Vicki, Suzie, Rachelle, Alice, Kay

How Could You Believe Me… (Fred Astaire/Jane Powell)

Claudia, Sandy, Bill, Don, Keith, Mike, Genelle, Ed, Alice, Kay

I Can Hear the Bells (Hairspray)

Jenni & Kelly, Phyllis, Rachelle

I Can Love You Better (Dixie Chicks)

Sandy, Suzie, Alice

If I Fell (The Beatles)

Mary, Bill, Don, Fred, Keith, Camille, Rose, Phyllis, Karen, Allison, Vicki, Ed, Colleen, Dan, Alice, Kay

I’ll Never Fall in Love Again (Orwell, Bacharach, Costello, Warwick, etc)

Mary and Dan

Let’s Hear it For The Boy (Footloose)

Suzie and Don & Mary, Christine, Keith, Tara, Kelly, Kimi, Stacey, Karen, Mike, Vicki, Genelle, Kathy, Rachelle, Matt, Kay

“Somebody to Love”

Additional Numbers (cont.)

L-O-V-E (Nat King Cole)

Fred and Rose

Love Shack (B-52s)

Keith and Stacey & Christine, Don, Kelly, Jenni, Kimi, Phyllis, Mike, Allison, Vicki, Suzie, Rachelle, Alice, Matt, Steve, Kay + Crowd

Need You Now (Lady Antebellum)

Colleen and Steve

Old Fashioned Wedding (Annie Get Your Gun)

Kimi & Matt

One Fine Day (The Chiffons)

Rachelle & Claudia, Sandy, Kelly, Kimi, Stacey, Richelle, Genelle, Suzie

Signed, Sealed, Delivered (Stevie Wonder)

Mary, Kelly, Jenni, Kimi, Phyllis, Richelle, Mike, Allison, Matt, Steve

That Thing You Do (That Thing You Do)

Christine, Don, Keith, Tara, Stacey, Mike, Vicki, Suzie, Rachelle, Alice, Matt, Steve, Kay

There’s A Fine, Fine Line (Avenue Q)


They Can’t Take That Away From Me (Gershwin)

Sandy, Bill, Don, Fred, Keith, Kelly, Kimi, Karen, Richelle, Mike, Genelle, Ed, Suzie, Dan, Alice, Matt

Too Late Now (Royal Wedding)


Uptown Girl (Billy Joel)

Ed & Sandy, Mary, Christine, Keith, Kelly, Jenni, Phyllis, Karen, Richelle, Genelle, Kathy, Dan, Linda, Rachelle, Matt, Steve

Wedding Bell Blues (5th Dimension)

Genelle, Linda and Kay

What Causes That (Crazy for You)

Bill and Keith

You’re the One That I Want (Grease)

Sandy, Bill, Don and Alice & Claudia, (Mary), (Keith), (Kelly), Kimi, Stacey, Mike, Allison, Vicki, Genelle, (Ed), Kathy, Suzie, Dan, Rachelle, Matt, Steve, Kay