2008 High Plains Performance Test Update
Dennis Pietsch- Director, Crop Testing Program, Texas AgriLife Research
July 24, 2008
I just recently returned from the High Plains and had an opportunity to visit a number of the sites where we have tests. Below is a brief summary from each site.
Lubbock, Bushland, and Clovis Dryland Grain Sorghum Tests:
I will have more information from these sites very soon. If you need information before I am able to put it on our web site, please contact me.
Halfway Grain Sorghum (Limited Irrigated):
This test will be conducted under the supervision of Dr. Gary Peterson.
Dumas Corn (Irrigated): Planted 4-30-08
This test site suffered extensive hail damage from thunderstorms during the first week of July. The test has recovered but potential yields have probably been affected. The test has finished silking. All test plots have been staked.
Dalhart Corn (Irrigated): Planted 4-29-08
This is an outstanding test up to this stage. The test block has received timely rainfall in addition to a timely irrigation schedule. The test has just finished silking. All plots have been staked. This is a very clean test.
Hartley/Dumas Short Season Corn (Irrigated): Planted 5-1-08
This is the first year a short season corn test has been conducted by the Crop Testing Program in the Texas High Plains. Mr. David Ford is the cooperator for this test. This is an outstanding test up to this stage. The test has received approximately 3.5” of rainfall from recent rains in addition to timely irrigations. The test block has just finished silking.
Etter Corn Silage (Irrigated):
Dr. WenWei Xu is the collaborator for this test. According to Dr. Xu, this is a good test that finished silking last week. He also indicated that a field day is scheduled for August 7 at the North Plains Research Field near Etter. Please contact Dr. Xu at 806-746-6101 for email him at for additional information.
Halfway Corn Silage (Irrigated):
Please contact Dr. Xu for specific information regarding this test.
Hereford Grain Sorghum (Full Irrigated): Planted 5-29-08
The test block has received approximately 8” of rainfall from several recent rain events. There are some weak stands in some plots. The test is approximately 2 weeks from the “boot stage”. There is quite a bit of weed pressure, but the farmer indicated he should be able to control the weeds. Contact Rick Auckerman, Deaf Smith CEA, at 806-364-3573 for additional information.
Bushland Sorghum Forage Silage and Hay Tests (Irrigated): Planted 5-27-08
Dr. Brent Bean is the collaborator for this test. According to Dr. Bean, these are good tests that have been aided by beneficial rains. The first harvest in the hay trial is scheduled for the end of July. For specific information regarding these tests please contact Dr. Bean at 806-677-5600.
Lubbock Sunflower Test:
According to Dr. Calvin Trostle, the test bloomed on July 13 and has been sprayed for head moths on 7-12 and 7-18. For specific information, please contact Dr. Trostle at 809-746-6101.
Halfway Sunflower Test:
According to Dr. Trostle, this test was planted on July 3 with very good stands reported.
Harvesting of corn and grain sorghum performance tests in the southern portion of Texas is in full swing. Despite prolonged periods of hot and dry conditions, yields are good. Results from these sites will be available soon.
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