Tri-Valley Board of Education
Minutes fromJune 17, 2011
Board Members:
Terry Hutchison - president
Eddie Brock
Cindy Cameron
Eva Sieber
Scott Welker
Treasurer’s Report:
ü Authorized the treasurer to request a revised amended certificate of estimated
resources from the Muskingum County Auditor.
ü Approved the updated appropriations for FY11 as presented.
ü Approved a one year administrative contract to Connie Fellers as Tri-Valley
Fitness Center Manager beginning August 1, 2011.
ü Approved a one year administrative contract to Greg Ardrey as Network Administrator to begin June 20, 2011.
ü Accepted the resignation of Michael House as part-time teacher @ Adamsville and part-time assistant principal @ Nashport, effective August 1, 2011. Mr. House has been with T.V.Schools for 11 years.
ü Approved one year temporary teaching contracts to the following for the 2011-2012 school year:
Adamsville: Nashport:
Brenda Moran – 3rd grade Sarah Burdine – 1st grade
Carrie Cullins – kindergarten Kelly Greulich – 2nd grade
Samantha Bice – 2nd grade
ü Approved a contract for Michael Fitz as summer school instructor @ Nashport Elementary for 2011.
Superintendent’s Report:
ü Approved the following resolution:
Whereas the Tri-Valley Local School District has experienced significant reductions in funding totaling more than two million dollars over the last two years, and whereas, these reductions in funding have significantly impacted the ability to employ necessary personnel for effective operation of the school district. The Tri-Valley Board of Education does hereby acknowledge that seven kindergarten aide positions would have been eliminated prior to the start of the 2011-12 school yearif Title I funds were not used to compensate the employees in the aforementioned positions.
ü Approved the recommendation to accept the bids for bakery supplies from Nickles Bakery and the fleet tires from Joe Buckey Tires.
ü Approved the high school track resurfacing bid to Current Surfaces, Inc.