WTC Staff Details

Chalkhill Environmental Consultants

Ref no / Consultancy Name / Staff name / Job Title / Qualifications / Professional Memberships / Start Date
Chalkhill – Staff / Stephen Davis / Head of Conservation Policy, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust / BSc Hons Zoology
Jan Freeborn / Project Ecologist / BSc (Hons) MSc Ecology
Rob Large / Project Ecologist / BSc (Hons)

CES – Cheshire Ecological Services Ltd

Ref no / Consultancy Name / Staff name / Job Title / Qualifications / Professional Memberships / Start Date
CES - Staff / James Grundy / Principal Ecologist & Consultancy Manager / - / ACIEEM / 2013 (previously used as a self-employed sub-contractor since 2006)
Dawn Goodfellow / Senior Ecologist / BSc (Hons) / MCIEEM / 2005 (previously used as a self-employed sub-contractor since 2001)
Faye Durkin / Senior Ecologist / BSc (Hons), MSc / MCIEEM / 2008
Paul Smith / Projects Manager / - / Has recently applied for MCIEEM, awaiting decision / 2005 (previously used as a self-employed sub-contractor since 1999)
John Harding / Field Team Manager / BSc (Hons) / MCIEEM / 2005 (previously used as a self-employed sub-contractor since 2001)
Matthew Lawton / Ecologist / BSc (Hons) / ACIEEM / 2013
Natasha Firth / Graduate Ecologist / BSc (Hons), MSc / Grad CIEEM / 2013
CES - Subcontractors / Adam Taylor / S/E Field Team Member / - / - / 2003
Ian Roberts / S/E Field Team Member / - / - / 2003
Michael Bazley / S/E Field Team Member / - / - / 2003
John Turner / S/E Field Team Member / - / - / 2007
Rosemary Brown / S/E Field Team Member / - / - / 2006
Angie McEwan / S/E Field Team Member / - / - / 2009
Neil Watkin / S/E Field Team Member / - / - / 2014

CEC – Cornwall Environmental Consultants Ltd

Ref no / Consultancy Name / Staff name / Job Title / Qualifications / Professional Memberships / Start Date
CEC - staff / Phil Hills / Consultancy Manager / BA (Hons) DipTPDipLA / CMLI / 2002
Jenny Stuart / Principal Ecologist / BSc, MSc / MCIEEM, CEnv, CBiol, MSB / 2004
Steve Adams / Senior Ecologist / BA (Hons), MSc / MCIEEM, CEnv / 2001
Michael Davies / Lead Botanist / BSc, MSc / MCIEEM / 2003
John Sproull / Ecologist / MSc, BA (Hons) / MCIEEM / 2006
Steve Marshall / Senior Bat Ecologist / 2005
Dave Hunter / Bat Ecologist / BSc / MCIEEM / 2007
Birgit Hontzsch / Principal Landscape Architect / Dip.Ing, / CMLI / 2004
Lucy Wilson-Richards / Senior Landscape Architect / BSc, PGDip LM / CMLI / 2007
Graham Sansom / Landscape Architect / BSc (Hons) DipLM / CMLI / 2012
Nicole Weber / Landscape Architect / Dip.Ing, / 2007
Amanda Neal / Assistant Landscape Architect / BA (Hons) / 2011
CEC - Subcontractors / Mark Tunmore / Birds, Bats, Invertebrates / BSc (Hons)
Steve Crummay / Birds, Invasives, General / BSc (Hons)

Devon Wildlife Consultants

Ref no / Consultancy Name / Staff name / Job Title / Qualifications / Professional Memberships / Start Date
Devon - Staff / Carly Ireland / Senior Consultant / MSc / MCIEEM / 2005
Li-Li Williams / Senior Ecologist / MEnvSci (Hons) / MCIEEM / 2011
Kitty Straghan / Consultant Ecologist / BSc (Hons) / ACIEEM / 2015
Tom Nitti / Assistant Ecologist / BSc (Hons) / Grad CIEEM / 2015
Rob Johns / AssistantEcologist / BSc (Hons) / Grad CIEEM / 2015
Kari Bettoney / Seasonal Ecologist / BSc (Hons)TechCertArb / 2016
Devon - Subcontractors / Lee Knight / Aquatic Invertebrate Specialist / Not known / Not known / 2010
Keith Alexander / Terrestrial Invertebrate Specialist / PhD / Not known / 2010
Paul Smith / Botanical Specialist / PhD / MCIEEM & CIEMA / 2012
Julian Perrett / Marine & Intertidal Specialist / MSc / MCIEEM & CIEMA / 2012

EcoNorth: Updated Nov 2016

Ref no / Consultancy Name / Staff name / Job Title / Qualifications / Professional Memberships / Start Date
EcoNorth - Staff / John Thompson / Principal Ecologist/Ornithologist / MSc Ecological Assessment
GCN License / MCIEEM / 2010
Claire Snowball / Senior Ecologist / MSc Wildlife Conservation and Management / MCIEEM / 2016
Catherine Taylor / Ecologist / MSc Wildlife Conservation & Habitat Management
GCN Class 1 License
Bat Class 2 License / MCIEEM / 2011
Scott Mackenzie / Ecologist / BSc Environmental Management / GradCIEEM / 2013
Vicki Mordue / Managing Director / MSc Environmental Management / MIoD / 2013
Mark Middleton / Senior Ecologist/Ornithologist / PGCE Conservation Management / 2015
Paul McGinn / Assistant Ecologist / 2015
Krzysztof Daborwski / Assistant Ecologist / MSc Ecological Consultancy / 2015
Maria Thompson / Assistant Ecologist / MEnvSci Environmental Science with Ecosystem Management / 2016
EcoNorth - Subcontractors / Kevin O’Hara / Associate Ecologist / MSc Environmental Management
EPS Licenses for:
Otter, Badger, Watervole
Licenses for White Clawed Crayfish & GCN / 1994
Dr Duncan Hutt / Associate Ecologist/Land Manager Lead / PhD
GCN License / 2000
Maeve Lee / Associate Irish Lead/ Ecologist / MSc Ecological Consultancy
GCN Class 1 License / MCIEEM / 2013
Naomi Waite / Associate Ecologist / MSc Ecology & Management of Natural Environment
GCN & Bat License / MCIEEM / 2010
Dr Janet Simpkin / Associate Ecologist/Botanist / PhD / MCIEEM / 2012
David Beaver / AssociateArboriculturalist

EcoÉireann – updated Nov 2016

Ref no / Consultancy Name / Staff name / Job Title / Qualifications / Professional Memberships / Start Date
EcoÉireann - / Maeve Riley / Lead Ecologist / MSc Ecological Consultancy
GCN Class 1 License / MCIEEM / 2016
EcoÉireann - Subcontractors / Alan Lauder / Ecologist / Ornithologist / BSc Ecology / 2016

EECOS – Essex Ecology Services Ltd

Ref no / Consultancy Name / Staff name / Job Title / Qualifications / Professional Memberships / Start Date
Essex - staff / Neil Harvey / Manager of EECOS / BSc / MCIEEM / 1994 (contract)
2000 (full time)
Adrian Knowles / Senior Ecologist / BSc / MCIEEM FRS / 1994
Pat Hatch / Senior Ecologist / Dip Field Ecology (Ireland)
C&G Biological Surveying (Scotland) / MCIEEM / 2007
Martin Pugh / Ecologist / BSc / MCIEEM / 2005
Colin Austin / Assistant Ecologist / ACIEEM / 2004
Simon Smith / Arboricultural Consultant / BA
TechArborA / Technician Member of Arboricultural Association
AICF / 2013
Dana Knollova / Casual Field Ecologist / 2005
Essex – no regular subcontractors

EMEC Ecology

Ref no / Consultancy Name / Staff name / Job Title / Qualifications / Professional Memberships / Start Date
EMEC - Staff / Sean Gallagher / Consultancy Manager / BSc, MSc / MCIEEM / 2004
Steve Ralph / Senior Ecologist / BSc, MSc / MCIEEM / 2005
Sarah Love / Senior Ecologist / BSc, MSc / MCIEEM, AIEMA / 2011
Richard Anderton / Ornithologist / Consultant Ecologist / BSc, MSc / ACIEEM / 2011
Zoe Jackson / Ecologist / BSc, MSc / ACIEEM / 2010
Chris Turner / Ecologist / BSc / - / 2013
Jordan Taylor / Assistant Ecologist / BSc, MSc / Grad CIEEM / 2013
Will Sheppard / Assistant Ecologist / BSc / - / 2013
Chris Dutton / Entomologist / - / - / 2012 (part time)
Dave Sutton / Groundworks Manager / BSc / - / 2014
Henry Smith / University Placement – 1 year / - / - / 2013 (until July 2014)
Ricky Claxton / University Placement – 1 year / - / - / 2013 (until July 2014)
EMEC - Subcontractors / Robert Melrose / Groundworks Assistant / Dip.Ag. / - / 2005
Andrew Turnbull / Arboriculturalist / MArborA / - / 2011

Enfys Ecology

Ref no / Consultancy Name / Staff name / Job Title / Qualifications / Professional Memberships / Start Date
Enfys – staff / Rhian Hughes / Principal Ecologist/Consultancy Manager / BSc Zoology / MCIEEM / 2007
Tim Yardley / Consultant Ecologist / M.Sci Ecology / ACIEEM, FBA / 2013
Iwan Edwards / Community Wildlife Officer / BSc Hons Ecology
HND Landscape Design / 2009
Enfys – subcontractors / Andrew Turnbull / Arboriculturist / MArborA, FDSc / 2013
Sam Dyer / Bat ecologist / MSc / 2010
Cathy Wurster / Bat ecologist / 2010
Tim Hodnett / Ecologist / 2011
Jane Walsh / Ecologist / 2010

First Ecology

Ref no / Consultancy Name / Staff name / Job Title / Qualifications / Professional Memberships / Start Date
First Ecology - staff / Helen Ward / Consultancy Manager / BSc Zoology
CSH Assessor / CIEEM / 2011
Conrad Barrowclough / Ecologist / BSc Conservation Biology and Ecology / CIEEM / 2012
Steve Workman / GIS Officer / BSc Geography / Not Applicable / 2011
First Ecology – subcontractors not disclosed

Glos - Wild Service

Ref no / Consultancy Name / Staff name / Job Title / Qualifications / Professional Memberships / Start Date
Wild Service - Staff / Jeremy Doe / Senior Ecologist / BSc (Hons) / MCIEEM, CEnv / 1988
Boyd Henderson / Business Manager / April 2014
Wild Service - Subcontractors / Colin Menendez - bats / Associate Ecologist (Sub) / BSc (Hons) / MCIEEM, CEnv / 1995 approx
Richard Lansdown – freshwater plants / Associate Ecologist (Sub) / Chair IUCN SSC Freshwater Plant Specialist Group / 2000 approx

Kent Wildlife Trust Consultancy

Ref no / Consultancy Name / Staff name / Job Title / Qualifications / Professional Memberships / Start Date
Kent - staff / Anne Waite / Conservation Officer (Consultancy) / BSc (Hons); NVQ Level 3 – Skills for Managers / Chartered Biologist (CBiol); Member of Society of Biology (MSB) / 1991
Neil Coombs / Conservation Officer (Senior Land Management Advisor) / BSc (Hons); PGCE (Secondary Education); Certificate in Biological Recording / Chartered Environmentalist; MCIEEM / 2003
Alison Riggs / Conservation Officer (Local Wildlife Sites) / BSc (Hons); MSc
Area of expertise is GIS / MCIEEM / 2007
Kent - subcontractors / Joyce Pitt (Worker – zero hours contract) / Botanist / Bsc (Hons)
Area of expertise is vascular plants; lower plants; fungi; lichens / 1983
Katia Bresso / Ecological Consultant / MSc equivalent (Burgundy University, Dijon, France)
BSc equivalent (University of Tours, France). / Chartered Environmentalist; MCIEEM / 2008
Jon Bramley / Ecological Consultant / MPhil; BSc (Hons) / MCIEEM / 1998 (originally KWT employee)
Martin Newcombe / Ecological Consultant / Area of expertise is bats; dormice; badgers; Phase 1 Habitat Survey / - / 1990s
Laurence Clemons / Entomological Consultant / BA (Hons)
Area of expertise is terrestrial invertebrates particularly Diptera (True flies) and Symphyta (Sawflies) / Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society / 1990s
Lesley Mason / Botanical Consultant / Phd; MSc; BSc (Hons) / ACIEEM / 2006
Ron Carr / Entomological Consultant / BA (Hons)
Area of expertise is aquatic invertebrates / FRES / 1990s
Colin Plant / Entomological Consultant / BSc / FRES / 1990s

London Wildlife Ltd

Ref no / Consultancy Name / Staff name / Job Title / Qualifications / Professional Memberships / Start Date
London - staff / Tony Wileman / Conservation Ecologist (LWT) / BSc / MCIEEM / 2007
Petra Sovic Davies / Conservation Ecologist (LWT) / BSc, MSc / 2011
Alister Hayes / Policy and Planning Manager (LWT) / post-graduate Diploma in Countryside Management / member of the London Biodiversity Steering Group and London Wildlife Sites Board / 2012
London - subcontractors / Huma Pearce / Freelance Bat Ecologist / BSc MSc Bat Survey Level 2 / MCIEEM / n/a
Elaine Hughes / Freelance Landscape Designer / BA Hons, MA Landscape Architecture / Associate member of Landscape Institute / n/a
Annie Chipchase / Freelance Ecologist / BSc / n/a

Middlemarch Environmental Ltd

Ref no / Consultancy Name / Staff name / Job Title / Qualifications / Professional Memberships / Start Date
Middlemarch - staff / Dr Philip Fermor / Managing Director / PhD / CEnv, MCIEEM, MCIWEM / 1999
David Smith / Landscapes & Ecology Director / BSc (Hons) / MCIEEM / 1997
Dr Katy Read / Executive Director / PhD, Dip SM / CEnv, MCIEEM, MCIWEM / 1999
Colin Bundy / Associate Director / BSc / MCIEEM / 2007
Lucy Philpott / Arboricultural Manager / MSc / MCIEEM, CEnv / 2005
Nick Steggall / Principal Technical Consultant / MSc / MCIEEM, CEnv / 2001
Jemma Gaskin / Principal Technical Consultant / BSc (Hons) / MCIEEM / 2002
Dr Susanna Saari / GIS Manager / PhD / Member of the Association for Geographic Information / 2008
Tim Hextell / Principal Technical Consultant / HND / MCIEEM / 2000
another 40 – 8 support and other consultants
Middlemarch - subcontractors / Dr Lynn Besenyei / Specialist Botanical Surveyor / PhD / 2004
Dr Paul Smith / Lower Plants Surveyor / PhD / MCIEEM, CEnv / 2006
Richard Wright / Invertebrate Taxonomist / BSc PGCE / 2008
Keith Tompkins / Safety Advisor / BSc. Hons, DipNEBOSH / 2009
Mike Doughty / Camberwell Landscapes Planting / - / - / 2004
+ several others

Norfolk Wildlife Services

Ref no / Consultancy Name / Staff name / Job Title / Qualifications / Professional Memberships / Start Date
Norfolk – staff / Chris Smith / Consultancy manager / BSc
Sue Traer / Senior Consultant / BSc / CIEEM
Abi Gray / Ecological consultant / BSc, MSc / ACIEEM
Stewart Wesley / Ecological consultant / BSc, MSc / CIEEM
Daniel Cadwallender / Ecological consultant / Bsc, MSc
Norfolk - subcontractors / Not supplied

Radnor Wildlife Services Ltd

Ref no / Consultancy Name / Staff name / Job Title / Qualifications / Professional Memberships / Start Date
Radnor – staff / Phil Ward / Consultancy Manager / Civil Engineering and Business experience / CIEEM / 2013
Katie Gaisford / Senior Ecologist / BSc (Hons.):Zoology / CIEEM / 2011
Radnor - subcontractors / Julian Jones / RWT Director / MSc: Environmental Management
PGCE: Environmental Science
BSc (Hons.) Environmental Biology
BTEC Ordinary National Diploma in Science / CIEEM / 1999
Sorcha Lewis / Bat, dormouse, mammal associate / tbc / tbc / tbc
Mike Paskin / Retired / BSc: Zoology
Fellow of Royal Entomological Society / tbc / tbc
Julia Williams / Bat Associate / tbc / tbc / tbc
Darylle Hardy / Water Vole licence / tbc / tbc / tbc

Wildscapes CIC

Ref no / Consultancy Name / Staff name / Job Title / Qualifications / Professional Memberships / Start Date
Wildscapes – staff / John Thompson / Team Leader / BSc (hons), IOSH, CSCS, NPTC, LANTRA / CIEEM (full member application in process) / 2012
Elizabeth McBride / Senior Ecologist / BSc (hons), Dip Arb L4 (ABC), IOSH / CIEEM (full member) / 2007
Position vacant / Ecologist / TBC / TBC / TBC
Myles Flanagan / Site Supervisor / BA, IOSH, LANTRA, NPTC (chainsaw, pesticides, chipper, digger, dumper) / 2013
Vicky Moore / Site Assistant / MSc, LANTRA, NPTC (chainsaw, pesticides, chipper, dumper) / 2011
Mike Timmons / Site Assistant / IOSH, LANTRA, NPTC (chainsaw, pesticides, chipper, digger, dumper, outdoor forklift) / 2012
Wildscapes - subcontractors / Jim Clarke / Ornithologist / 2010
Robert Eades / Aquatic surveyor / BSc (hons) / 2010

Surrey Wildlife Trust Ecology Services

Ref no / Consultancy Name / Staff name / Job Title / Qualifications / Professional Memberships / Start Date
Surrey – staff / Isobel Girvan / Principal Ecologist / BSc PGCert / MCIEEM / 1999
Claire Gibbs / Senior Ecologist / BSc (Hons) MSc / MCIEEM / 2003
Nicky Williamson / Ecology Services Manager / BSc (Hons) MSc / MCIEEM, PADI / 2008
Scotty Dodd / Invertebrate Ecologist / MSc / MCIEEM, Royal Ent Soc / 2009
Surrey - subcontractors / Rosalind Salter / Bats / MCIEEM / 2012
Craig Turner / Bats / MCIEEM / 2012
Gareth Matthes / Reptiles / MCIEEM / 2006
Daniel Whitby / Bats / MCIEEM / 2006
Ken Anckorn / SWT Planning Manager – barn owls / BSc (Hons) DipEnv / MCIEEM / 2006
Mike Waite / SWT Living Landscapes Manager – bats, birds everything / BTec / MCIEEM / 2010
Jim Jones / SWT Living Landscape Officer – otters, water voles / MSc / MCIEEM / 2011
David Williams / SWT Mammal Officer – badgers / none / MCIEEM / 2000

Suffolk - SWT Trading Ltd

Ref no / Consultancy Name / Staff name / Job Title / Qualifications / Professional Memberships / Start Date
Suffolk – staff / Dr Simone Bullion / Consultancy Manager / Bsc (Hons)PhD / CMIEEM / 2004 as consultancy but joined staff in 1999
Penny Hemphill / Water for Wildlife Adviser / Bsc (Hons) / CMIEEM / 2004
James Meyer / Conservation Planner / Bsc (Hons) / GradCIEEM / 2010
Suffolk - subcontractors / Alison Looser / Subcontractor (Site assessment, Phase 1 and protected species) / BSc Hons
Jonny Stone / OHES Environmental (Specialist plant surveys) / BSc Hons
John Baker / Subcontractor (Reptiles and Amphibians) / BSc Hons PhD

Worcestershire Wildlife Consultancy

Ref no / Consultancy Name / Staff name / Job Title / Qualifications / Professional Memberships / Start Date
Worcs – staff / Edward Leszczynski / Consultancy Manager / BSc (Hons) MSc / MCIEEM / 1999
Elizabeth Pimley / Principal Ecologist / BSc (Hons) PhD / MCIEEM CEnv / 2010
Alan Shepherd / Senior Ecologist / MCIEEM / 1994
Joshua Evans / Ecologist / BSc (Hons) / MCIEEM / 2006
Worcs - subcontractors / Liz Mckay
Colin Cross
Robert Pelc
Dominique Cragg
Neil McLean
Jeff Marlow
Sally Pendergast
Cody Levine
Simon Roberts