Plants Flip Folder

1.  Plant Organs

a.  Roots, taproots, lateral roots

b.  Root modifications

c.  Stems, axillary buds, apical buds

d.  Stem Modifications

e.  Leaves, blade, petiole, stalk; simple vs. compound

f.  Leaf modifications

2.  Plant Tissues and cells

a.  Dermal tissue, epidermis, cuticle, periderm

b.  Vascular tissue, xylem, phloem, stele

c.  Ground tissue, pith, cortex

d.  P(photocynthesis)arenchyma, colenchyma, s(stem)chlerenchyma

e.  Xylem

f.  Phloem, sieve plates

3.  Meristems

a.  Indeterminate, determinate growth

b.  Annuals, biennials, perennials

c.  Apical meristems

d.  Primary vs. secondary growth

e.  Vascular cambium vs. cork cambium

4.  Primary Growth

a.  Root cap

b.  Leaf primordial

c.  Stomata, guard cells, mesophyll

5.  Secondary Growth

a.  Vascular cambium growth

b.  Cork cambium growth, bark, dendrochronology

6.  Resource acquisition

a.  Above ground, phyllotaxy,

b.  leaf area index

c.  mychorrhizae

7.  Transport

a.  Transport proteins, membrane potential

b.  Osmosis

c.  Water potential, plasmolysis, flaccid, turgid, aquaporins, plasmodesmata

d.  Apoplast vs. symplast

e.  Bulk flow

8.  Water and mineral transport

a.  Endodermis

b.  Nutrient filtering and the casparian strip

c.  Xylem sap, root pressure



f.  xerophytes

9.  Sugar transport

a.  Phloem Sap

b.  Sugar Sink

c.  Sugar source

10.  Soil

a.  Humus

b.  Topsoil

c.  Soil horizons

d.  loams

11.  Essential Plant Nutrients

a.  Macronutrients

b.  micronutrients

12.  Plant Symbiosis

a.  Rhizobacteria

b.  Nitrogen cycle and N-Fixing bacteria

c.  Ectomycorrhizae and arbuscular mychorrhizae

d.  Epiphytes, parasitic plants, and carnivorous plants

13.  Angiosperm Life Cycle

a.  Female and male gametophytes

b.  Flower anatomy

c.  Complete flowers vs incomplete flowers

d.  Pollen, pollen tube

e.  Embryo sac

14.  Flower Pollination

a.  Wind, bees, butterflies, birds, flies, and bats

b.  Double fertilization, endosperm

15.  Seeds

a.  Seed anatomy, diagram

b.  Cotyledons, seed coat

c.  Seed germination, describe the germination of a garden bean

16.  Fruit Development

a.  Define fruit

b.  Simple, aggregate, multiple, and accessory fruits

c.  Fruit and seed dispersal

17.  Plant Biotechnology

a.  Golden rice

b.  grafting

18.  Monocots vs. Dicots

a.  Definitions

b.  Traits that define each

19.  Plant Hormones

a.  AUXINS, cytokinins, GIBBERELINS, Brassinosteroids, ABSCISIC ACID, ETHYLENE

b.  Describe what each does for a plant

20.  Response to Light

a.  Photoreceptors and phytochromes

b.  PHOTOPERIODISM and control of plant life cycles

21.  Response to herbivores

a.  Hypersensitive response

b.  System acquired resistance

c.  Salicylic acid