Loch Raven High School Booster Club #2 10/4/2010

In attendance: Hilary Cosby, Kathy Lang, Kristin Friant, Lee Friant, Katherine Stanka, Steve Eckels, Holly Voelker, Michele Tsonis, Christie Pumphreys, Katie Lancaster,

Gary Smith, Sharon Mostyn, Steve Bird

( A.D. Mike McEwan unable to attend)

Meeting called to order by Pres. Steve Bird at 7:00pm

Notes of last meeting 9/7/2010 aproved

Committee Reports:

Membership: (Jackie Perry unable to attend)Steve Bird gave report- membership noted at 75 families

It was mentioned we were behind last yearstotal of 115 families

Possible ways of getting the word out along with membership form – was in next Spy Glass

also a paragraph is needed explaining what the BC does and who the BC is, and how we

can help the whole school not just sports.

A membership table needs to be set up at all school functions, Homecoming, spirit wear sales, and home(LR) sports events with membership forms.

A table needs sto be set up at the Fall Awards banquet for additional membership drive.

Suggestion made by Lee Friant of free tkt to sports awards with new sign ups.

Spirit Wear: (Robin Corotto unable to attend) no report

Team Reps: Hilary Cosby –still awaiting some of the team rosters.

Solution was mentioned that Mike McEwan has ALL rosters and will be contacted

and rosters forwarded to her for the completion of a parent rep on each team.

A parent from the golf team contacted Hilary Cosby requesting $25.00 for a team party.

It was noted that if the team had 75% BC membership they would receive their request.

Concessions: Katie Lancaster reported there have been 18events and 21 volunteers to date helping. They can use more

volunteers. Recruiting is being sent out in the Spy Glass or in an eblast.

Finances of the concession stand – Gross $4048.00 (from 18games) – $2087.00 (supplies and replacements)

Netting $1961.00to date

Senior Recognition: Holly Voelker and Michelle Tsonis stated they had enough medals for this year ( gold-1sport / silver -2sports / bronze- 3sports)

It was noted that we would not order surplus for next year-but wait. Other thoughts were if there should be recognition formale andfemale athletes

or if it will be handled by the coaches.

Treasury: Gary Smith reported (approx.) $7,200 in checking and $19,300 in savings

Concessions still to deposit $ from played games into checking.

Earmarked is $2,500 for new wrestling mats for the school (total need $20,000)

Website: Steve Sullivan would like all news release linksabout Loch Raven School ,

Sports and Faculty sent to him so they can be posted on website

Sports Awards: Ceremony Katherine Stanka and Lynn Jacobs reported need of pictures for the slide show. Team parents should be contacted for help.

Rosters are needed to be printed up in programs with coaches remarks. –

Need to contact English or Yearbook depts. for senior students good in journalism and writing to help.

Awards Ceremony dates: 12/7 –Fall, 3/17 – Winter, 5/19 - Spring

Stadium Water Project: Lee Friant stated the project needed more people on the committee. Greg Jones volunteered on the spot to help out

A meeting with Mike Homa, Lee Friant and Mike McEwan needs to be set up-so that all are updated on the project.

NEXT MEETING set for Nov. 2, 2010 – TBA OFF SITE (possible Applebee’s)

Meeting adjourned 8pm