Español 2
Señor Dominguez
Room: E214
School Phone Number: (951)894-5750 ext. 6614 and 8614
This course will introduce the basic skills and vocabulary needed to converse in the Spanish language, and give students an understanding of the Hispanic culture.
- En Español, Year 2 Textbook. This is to be checked out from the library and kept at home. There is a set of books in the classroom to use during class.
- Students will need the following materials:
A workbook (Purchase from the School Library, cost $18)
1000 Flash cards (10 sets of 100 flashcards and keep them in class)
1 dry black erase marker
2 dividers and label each as:
Mis prácticas
Mis apuntes
- Always bring paper to write on and a pen and pencil.
- It is strongly recommended that students have a Spanish-English dictionary and a shoebox where they can keep their flashcards in a safe place until mid-terms and finals.
-A material check will be done the second week of the semester.
This will affect their citizenship grade. If they are off task, disruptive, or not prepared. If students swear, talk back, or are disrespectful in my class, they will receive a phone call home, spend 20 minutes in my room after school and/or receive a disciplinary referral.
In addition to the rules stated in the Student Handbook, you will be expected to adhere to the following class rules:
- Have Respect!! This means respecting yourself, everything, and everyone in the classroom, including your teacher! The best way to respect your teacher is to not talk while he is talking, and to follow directions immediately.
- Be prepared.
- No gum or food in the classroom.(I assign detentions to be served at lunch in class.)
- Always be the best that YOU can be.
- Absolutely NO cell phones or electronic devices visible during class!!
(My music is the only music allowed in class and it is in Spanish!)
1st offense = verbal warning
2nd offense =brief conference with student
3rd offense = second conference with student and parent notification
4th offense = referral to learning director/administrator
A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F = below 60%
30% Participation (Active Participationand On Task Behavior)
25% Assignments (Homework and Classroom Work)
25% Quizzes and Tests (Weekly Quizzes)
10% Projects and Reports (1 / chapter)
10% Cumulative Final(reading, writing, oral, and listening)
Homework assignments are given regularly and quizzes will be given weekly and sometimes daily if students are not taking notes. A project will be assigned for each chapter. Students will be given time in class to start projects, however, time should be allotted at home to complete projects. Students should study their vocabulary lists and notes at least 10 minutes a night to be prepared for assignments, quizzes and tests.
Late Work:
Students have the same amount of days to make up their assignments as they had excused absences. Work turned in due to absence will only be accepted for full credit with an excused re-admit slip. Late assignments are given half credit if completed and turned in before the chapter test. Missed tests must be taken within a week of the excused absence.
Participation Points:
Students are expected to participate regularly in class. Each class period students will be offered the chance to earn boletos. Boletos are turned in at the end of each class period and students will be rewarded for positive input.
Bathroom Passes:
All students will receive four bathroom passes from me for each semester. The only way you are allowed to leave the room is if you give me one ticket. Save them for emergencies! At the end of the semester you can turn these tickets in to me for 5 extra credit points per ticket.
If students are caught cheating or plagiarizing they will receive a zero on that assignment and a disciplinary referral.
Parent Contact:
I will be in contact with parents/guardians regularly. I also encourage parents to contact me with any questions they have. E-mail is the best way to contact me. Parents, please keep in touch with all of your child’s teachers! This is very important to your child’s success in school!
Additional Support and Tutoring:
Students are encouraged to come and visit me before or after school if they need help. If you need help, please set up a time with me to ensure that I will be in the classroom.
Please return this sheet signed to the Teacher!!!
First Name: ______Last Name:______
Birthday: ______(mo/day/yr) Age: ______
Your goals after high school: ______
Grade you hope to EARN in my class: ______
Three ways you are going to EARN this grade:
What clubs or sports do you participate in: ______
What parent would you like me to contact if I need to call home? ______
Mother (Guardian) / Home phone: / Cell phone:Father (Guardian) / Home phone: / Cell phone:
I have read the guidelines for Sr. Dominguez’s Spanish class and understand all that is required of me.
Student Signature:______
Parent / Guardian Signature:______
Best Time to Call: ______
Parent E-mail address:______