CLU Poster Instructions for

“Reaffirming Our Commitments to Excellence and Service”

2012-13 Presentations

Purpose: To better inform our students, supporters, Board of Regents, our campus colleagues and our community about our Departments, Programs, and Offices


·  Inform others about your Department / Office

·  To create lasting posters and related materials to describe the Department or Office

Expect to reuse and revise the material several times over the coming years.

Date: Friday, February 22, 2013

Time: Expect between 8 a.m. and Noon. Specific time for Board of Regents visit TBD

Where: Soiland Arena

Poster Instructions:

·  Limit the size of your poster to between 20” x 30 and 36" x 48" (tri fold foam boards preferred).

o  Plan ahead to stand your poster on a tabletop (i.e., bring your own pins, masking tape or required supports). No human easels allowed!

o  Given limited space, do not assume projection space or equipment

·  Place the Department / Office name in large letters centered above the center line of the poster. There is no need to provide contact information on the poster. Contact information can be on a supplemental handout accompanying the poster.

·  Include at least the following headings and descriptive content:

o  Description of the Department / Office

Δ  College/School and Program mission statements

Δ  Major Recent Accomplishments

o  Fit with the CLU Identity & CLU Mission

o  Fit with the CLU Strategic Plan

o  Evidence on the accomplishment of the CLU Student Learning Outcomes

o  Evidence on the accomplishment of Program Learning Outcomes

·  Have at least one presenter at the assigned space during the designated time to answer questions and discuss the poster. Bring any and all to learn about the Departments / Offices on campus.

Tips for Poster Presentation:

·  Poster should stimulate discussion, not give a long presentation. Therefore, avoid lists, keep text to a minimum, emphasize a few key graphics and make sure every item in your poster is necessary.

·  Utilize handouts to supplement your poster. Assume that at least 50 to 80 people will visit your poster

The most recent “board report” should be more of a resource and not a handout

·  Viewers must be able to read the materials at a distance of 4 feet.

·  When choosing a background, remember that neutral or gray colors will be easier on the eyes than a bright color.