Regular Meeting Minutes
April 3, 2017
Meeting was held at Lake Shastina Community Center and was called to order at 6:02 PM
Directors Present: Cervelli, Davis, Gilbert,C. Moller, R. Moller, A. Parham,and D. Parham
Directors Absent: Escobedo, and Lee
Public Comments: None
Consent Agenda: M/S/C to approve corrected Regular Meeting Minutes from March 7, 2017, and Treasurer’s Report.
1-Website layout is being finalized and expected to be ready soon, possibly this week.
2-Non-Profit status is still pending. No new information at this point.
3-Update on Club’s Storage Facility: No room at Weed Storage. Paid for another year at Butte Self-Stor. Secretary Davis to prepare letter to Weed Storage Facility for 8X10 up to 10X15 – let us know if something becomes available.
4-Board discussed the pricing and design options of 10 signs and stands from Vista Print. M/S/C to approve order. Motion to approve expenditure up to $260. Second made and carried.
5-An official referee class will be offered in July. Possible unofficial Board member/Coach referee class to be offered in June. Discussion points:
- Attend class & pay $50. If referee 9 games at any level then Club could refund $50
- Referees must purchase their own uniforms – Russ will bring costs for kits to next meeting
- Classes are held in workshop/retreat style
- Next class is June 17th – open to all Board Members – Coaches and Interested Youth
6-Revised By-laws were discussed. M/S/C to approve. Need to adopt a records retention policy. Will be included on the May Agenda.
7-Opening Day will be held on August 26th. The following items were discussed:
- WHS as location
- End of Day event: Public Safety vs Coaches game refereed by players.
- Funding options: $1 admission; event sponsors
- Opening Day Committee formed
- Becky and Gladys Adams to co-chair
- Tina Stewart
- Monte Cervelli – Pictures/Public Safety
- Jennie Davis
- Darrell Parham – Public Safety
- Alisha Parham
8-Team and Clubs Sponsorships discussion was tabled until May.
9-Items from Board Retreat 2016. To Do List were discussed. Need to order shirts for new Board members. Russ Moller/Equip Mgr. will take care of that project
Good of the Game: Discussion regarding parent conduct rules.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:09 PM to the next Regular Meeting on May 1 at the Lake Shastina Community Center. Meeting begins at 6:00
Respectfully submitted,
Secretary Davis