Family Life
There will be a Family Life Meeting at 7:30 p.m. on April 17th, before the regular ACW meeting. Anyone interested in being a part of this group is welcome to attend.
Vestry Meeting
There will be a Vestry meeting on Thursday, April 12th at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall.
Cemetery Security
Due to increased vandalism and theft of various objects from gravesites last fall, it became necessary for us to secure the main gates leading to the Cemetery to protect the resting places of your loved ones. This will remain in effect until we have our Caretaker in place for the summer. Access to the Cemetery can be made through the gates in front of the Old Historic Church, or the gate off Spruce Hill Road. During April and May, the main gates will be unlocked on Saturdays and Sundays in order to permit vehicle access. You will, however, be responsible for opening and closing the gates behind you when you leave. If vehicle access is required during the week, please call the office.
Thank you all for continuing to save pennies. There are penny containers at the back of the church if you would like one. For further information call Sharon @ 834-4102.
Eight Week Lent Study Series
The Book of Job: Making Sense out of Suffering. Why do we suffer? Come along for eight (8) weeks to study the Book of Job and gain insight into the mystery of suffering. The series will continue on Monday, April 9th. Class start at 7:00 p.m.
Welcome to the Parish of
St. John the Evangelist
Conception Bay South, Newfoundland
April 8, 2012
Easter Sunday
The Bulletin is given to the Glory of God
and in Loving Memory of
Chesley P. Tapp
Glenda & Stephen
Dear Friends in Christ,
Alleluia! Christ has Risen, the Lord is risen indeed!
With these words we proclaim the Resurrection of the Lord. Three disciples in today’s gospel, presented with the evidence of the empty tomb, do not fully understand at first what has really happened. The beloved disciples have the best first response upon seeing the abandoned linen wrappings. He believes Jesus has overcome death. Both he and Peter do not grasp fully the meaning of Jesus resurrection.
We know, of course, that it is Mary Magdalene who is brought first to the fullness of understanding. She recognizes the Good Shepherd’s voice when Jesus calls her name. She calls Him Teacher and Lord, titles Jesus used of Himself at the washing of feet. She, like Peter, goes on to proclaim the good news of the universal gift of salvation offered from all time to all mankind by the Father of Jesus, the Father and God of us all.
Today it remains for us to search the scriptures, to believe in the Risen Lord, than too we can shout for joy. Jesus Christ is risen today!
Have a Blessed Easter
Father John +
Anglican Cycle of Prayer
PRAY for The Resurrection of our Lord
Tri-Diocesan Intercessions
Parish of Lake Melville
RectorThe Rev. Charlene Taylor
Mustard Seed Project
Please pray for our sponsored children at the Mustard Seed Babies Home: Joshua, Mary, Richard, Wilson, Alen and Sam. Also pray for the people of Uganda.
The Sick
Stephanie Richardson Cyril DaweTrevor Metcalfe Leslie Petten
Elizabeth HiscockElizabeth Gail EasonCynthia Gill
Maizie Carter
Sunday Schedule for April 15th
E A / Sidespersons / Sound / Counting8:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m. / Team 14
Glenda / Paul / Jim
Flowers on the Altar are given to the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Jean Tapper
Willis, Joan, Linda & Pat
Thanks You
A sincere thank you is extended to everyone involved in providing excellent meals every Wednesday evening during Lent.
It was a time of good fellowship and the support of our parishioners and friends was also very much appreciated. Once again, a sincere thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you to the Senior Choir, Altar Guild, Servers, Sidesperson, Eucharistic Assistants, William, Communications Sub Committee (Folding) and Jim for their dedication during the Lenten Season.
Parish Office Summer Employment
Any high school students (post secondary) that would be interested in working in the Parish Office during July and August are asked to submit their resumes marked “Parish Summer Employment” to the Parish Office. Any positions available are subject to the approval of applications made by the parish to the Human Resources Student Programs 2012.
Applications for the positionsmust be submitted by April 30, 2012.
Cemetery Summer Employment
Any high school students (Grade X1 or X11) or post secondary students who may be interested in working at the Cemetery during July and August are asked to submit their resumes marked “Cemetery Summer Employment” to the Church Office. Any positions available are subject to the approval of applications made by the parish to the Human Resources Student Programs 2012. Applications for the positionsmust be submitted by April 30, 2012.