Working Group on Sustainability

Progress report of the 2012-13 Work Plan (DRAFT)

1 / Summary of International Standards on Health & Safety protocols during renovations of occupied buildings / In progress. ILO has agreed to support this work.
2 / Guidance on developing a Environment Management System / An assessment of the cost benefits of EMS, along with a broad approach for the proposed EMS for the UN has been developed by UNEP and WFP, with support from ADB and UNU among others
The CEBand HLCM considered this report during its meeting in 2013, and decided that UN entities should move ahead in implementing an EMS
A training was provided in February 2013 for WHO on EMS. Currently supporting WHO in implementing EMS in HQ and 6 Regional Offices.
Agreement has been reached with EC to collaborate in developing and implementing EMS. The framework for cooperation is being discussed, including possibilities for staff exchange
Discussions are progressing with the Government of Sweden for support for implementation of EMS, including access to expertise from the Swedish Environment Protection Agency (EPA)
3 / Guidance on conducting energy audits/assessments / A preliminary guidance has been developed. To ensure that energy audits are implemented, further training needs to be provided
4 / SUN to create guidance for creating a green lease / A preliminary guidance has been developed. To progress on this, much more work is required, and funding might be needed.
5 / Help desk, SUN to provide facility managers with assistance on demand, with adequate linkage with similar service provided on Sustainable Procurement through the HLCM Procurement Network / A free helpdesk service on energy management in facilities has been set up. The helpdesk utilizes the expertise within the working group and that of Dr.Brahmananda Mohanty[1]
To support the helpdesk service and as a first point of reference, a detailed Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section is under development with the help of Dr.Mohanty
A list of information resources on Sustainable Facilities has been developed and is available at
Support has been provided for AfDB, for reviewing the design of their new office building in Abuja, Nigeria
Support was provided for greening the new Green One UN House in Hanoi. The design aims for a gold rating of the VietnameseGreenBuilding certification scheme (LOTUS). The construction has started and is expected to be completed by end of 2014. Along with this, capacity building and awareness raising activities are being planned in association with UNDP, Vietnam
Support was provided to UNDP to incorporate green clauses, during its recent revision of its standard lease format
Support is being provided to the Facility Manager’s in Geneva to support sustainability initiatives in their facilities and to collaborate with each other and with relevant local and federal government departments.
Support is being provided to the Facility and the Procurement Officers in Geneva to collaborate with each other, with the active support of UNOG and the Common Procurement Action Group(CPAG)
Links and information exchange are being maintained between the INFM Working Group on Sustainability and the HLCM Procurement Network Working Group on Sustainable Procurement.
6 / Develop a proxy methodology to estimate energy consumption for those facilities who are unable to get energy data from landlords / Completed. Needs updating based on latest data
7 / Establish a global energy efficiency index for buildings / An approach has been agreed upon. Much more work is needed to progress on this, for which funding is needed.
8 / Develop a sustainability training module, integrated into basic training for all staff / The work has progressed and will be completed in 2013
9 / Guidance on assessing training needs for sustainability / draft version under review

2013-14 Work Plan (DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION)

1 / Develop a Summary of International Standards on Health & Safety protocols during renovations of occupied buildings / To complete this, in partnership with ILO.
To also make use of the recent email exchanges on asbestos, led by IMF
2 / Support Implementation of Environment Management Systems, including:
1)Develop a guide on EMS for the UN
2)Support WHO in implementing an EMS
3)Conduct a half day online training on EMS for INFM members and UN agencies
4)Based on requests, conduct face to face trainings on EMS, on cost recovery basis
5)Further develop the cooperation with EC and the Swedish Government on implementation of EMS / For developing the guide, to make use of the ADB EMS manual. ADB has kindly agreed to share its manual
3 / Support implementation of energy audits, including:
1) Conduct abrief online introductory trainingon energy audits/assessments
2) Based on requests, conduct face to face trainings on energy audits, on cost recovery basis
3) Support implementation of energy audits, based on requests
4 / Support implementation of green lease:
1) As per requests, support inclusion of greening clauses during renewal of leases or initiation of new leases
2) Initiate an assessment of leasing procedures in the UN
5 / As per requests, continue providing a free helpdesk service on energy management in facilities to INFM members and UN agencies / This service could be advertised by INFM. Currently it is under utilised
6 / Develop an FAQ section on energy management in facilities / Ongoing work to be completed
7 / Develop a sustainability training module, integrated into basic training for all staff / To complete this ongoing work
8 / Guidance on assessing training needs for sustainability / To complete this ongoing work
9 / Develop a joint proposalfor fund raising, that could support further expansion of the activities of the Working Group

[1]Visiting Professor at the Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok and Regional Advisor for Asia of ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency)