PA Reporting Category: E07.B Informational Text
PA Core Standards:
  • CC.1.2.7.A Determine two or more central ideas in a text and analyze their development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.
  • CC.1.2.7.B Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences, conclusions, and/or generalizations drawn from the text.
  • CC.1.2.7.C Analyze the interactions between individuals, events, and ideas in a text.

Assessment Anchor: E07.B-K.1 Key Ideas and Details
Descriptor: E07.B-K.1.1 Demonstrate understanding of key ideas and details in informational texts.
Eligible Content: E07.B-K.1.1.2 Determine two or more central ideas in a text and analyze their development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.
Alternate Eligible Content Code: E07BK1.1.2b
Alternate Eligible Content: Summarize the text.
Alternate Eligible Content - Coded

  • Summarize (how to)
  • summarize
/ Context
  • the text

Definition notes:
Summarize: To capture all of the most important parts of the original text (paragraphs, story, poem) but express them in a much shorter space and as much as possible in the reader’s own words.
Text Selected Link: “Different Forms of Water”
Intent Statement:Describe key elements of the text relaying the overarching big idea in your own words in an order that makes sense
  1. Most Complex Level (at the level as written):Modify the text to reduce complexity, stating 3 key elements from the text.
  • Content target: Student will summarize the text by showing/telling 3 ways that people use water.
  • Example: Have the student read or listen to the original text, then pair with the modified text below.Then ask the student to “List 3 ways that people use water.” Student can respond by writing, typing, exchanging pictures, pointing to, or telling you their response. If you are having them point to the pictures, ensure that there are at least 4 choices to point to.
Modified Text:
Water is very important and covers most of the Earth. People use water in many different ways. Water can be used to cool off your body when swimming or playing in it on a hot day. Water can be used to cool our bodies when we feel hot. People drink water to cool down and stay alive. We freeze water to make ice. We boil water to make drinks and food. We use water for energy to cool and heat our homes. Water can be used to help our food grow. We use water in many ways and forms every day.

Tell me/show me/List 3 ways (on paper or out loud) that people use water.
  1. Mid-Complex Level:State 2 key elements from the text.
  • Content target: Student will summarize key points of the text by showing/telling two ways that people use water.
  • Example: Read to or have the student read the original text paired with the modified text, below. Then tell the student to draw or show you pictures that will illustrate the different uses of water. Say “Draw/point/tell2 different ways you can use water.” (If student is pointing to a picture, ensure you have 3 choices to select from.)
Modified Text:
People use water in many different ways.
We swim and play in water.

Water can be used to cool our bodies when we feel hot.

People drink water to cool down and stay alive.

We freeze water to make ice.

We use water in many ways every day.
How do we use water? (2 correct choices)

To make ice To pet a dog To drink
  1. Least Complex Level:Choose the pictures that show the important part of the text.
  • Content target: Use pictures to illustrate the different ways people use water.
  • Example: Read to, or have the student read, the original text followed by the modified text, below. Point out the pictures that show each way water can be used. Then present 3 pictures, of which only 1is actually from the text. Ask the student to point to how we can use water.
Modified Text:
People use water in many different ways.
We drink water.

We make ice.

We give our plants water.

Present the student with 3 pictures (only 1 of them will be the correct answer from the text.) Say “Show me how you use water.”