I.I.S. “P.Artusi” – Chianciano Terme

Anno Scolastico 2015/2016

Classe: 5 Sez: A Ind. ENOGASTRONOMIA Docente: Prof.ssa Paola Sasso

Programma di Lingua e Cultura Inglese


1- The world of Hospitality

1) Commercial vs non-profit catering

2) Commercial catering

3) Famous food outlet chains

Grammar: Present Simple vs Present Continuous. Zero Conditional.

2- In the Kitchen

- The Staff

1) Kitchen Brigade

2) A chef's uniform

3) Hygiene

- The kitchen and the equipment

1) Kitchen areas

2) Equipment

3) Food preparation appliances

- Grammar: Imperative. Linkers.

3- Foods and Preparation

- Food stores and supplies

1) Sourcing suppliers

2) Different kinds of suppliers

3) Ordering and storing food

- Food Preparation (Pulses, Cereals, Cooking Fats, Fruit and Vegetables, Meat, Poultry, Eggs, Fish)

4- Cooking

- Food Preservation

Physical methods, Chemical methods, Physico-chemical and biological methods

- Cooking Techniques

1) Water cooking techniques

2) Fat cooking techniques

3) Heat cooking techniques

4) Mixed cooking techniques

5- Menus

- Special Menus (Breakfast, lunch and dinner menus)

- Wine and dessert menus

7- Culinary Culture

1- Culinary Geography

Food in the Uk

2- Cooking Art

The History of food in art

3- Culinary Habits

British Cuisine: Traditions and Festivities

4- Cooking History

The history of food in Britian

5- Society and identity

- Multicultural London

- Multicultural New York

6- Institutions

- UK Institutions

- American Institutions

- Eu Institutions

7- Literature Contents

1) The Victorian Age (FOTOCOPIE)

2) Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens (FOTOCOPIE – 2° capitolo)

3) Charles Dickens Biography (FOTOCOPIE)

4) Oscar Wilde: the brilliant artist and the dandy. The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891) and the theme of beauty. Reading of “I would give my soul” (chapter 2) (FOTOCOPIE)

8- Additional Contents

1) Mahatma Gandhi Biography (FOTOCOPIE – Gandhi's speech at Ahmedahad)

2) Indian Cooking and Sout African Cuisine

3) Birth of democratic South Africa

4) Women's Suffrage Campaigns and Women Suffrage Cookbook : “The Election Cake”

5) BBC: 6minutes English “Food Waste” listening and - reading

6) BBC: A balanced Diet for Women and for Men - reading

7) Eating Healthy Food - reading

8) Food – a right for everyone. The causes of hunger (hunger and malnutrition) - reading

Chianciano Terme, lì 10/06/2016 Il docente

Prof.ssa Paola Sasso

Gli studenti