Viking Society Book Auction 2010

The list presented here is of books belonging to the late Professor Peter Foote, now offered for sale by auction. Bids are invited. The auction will proceed as follows:

Bids should be sent to by 31st July 2010. Bids received after that date will still be considered (on a first-come, first-served basis) if there is no other bid for the item. Bids can also be sent by post to Alison Finlay, Dept of English, Birkbeck College, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX. It is not necessary to be a member of the Viking Society in order to bid. Libraries and other institutions are invited to bid, as well as individuals.

The book will normally be sold to the highest bidder. There is no minimum reserve price. If two or more identical bids are received, the bid received earliest will be successful.

Buyers will be required either to pay for postage/carriage, or to make arrangements to collect books from University College London. Normally buyers will be informed of their successful bids and sent an invoice to cover the cost plus carriage; books will be despatched when paid for. Bidders should bear in mind that carriage can add up to a very significant addition to the price of the books! For indications of the cost, consult http://www.royalmail.com/portal/rm/jump2?catId=400023&mediaId=11200122

Large orders will be sent by courier, but the price will be comparable to that charged by Parcelforce.

We will make every effort to despatch books as soon as possible. Because of the large volume of items, however, some items will be sent several months after the deadline for bids.

Books are listed in no particular order. Box numbers refer to the location where books are stored, and are of no relevance to those making bids. It would be helpful, however, if those making bids could include references to the box numbers of the books they are interested in. In some cases sets of two or more books have been accidentally separated in the packing process and volumes will be in more than one box; in some but not all cases these have been cross-referenced.

Some sets of periodicals and encyclopedias are included (e.g. Mediaeval Scandinavia, Kulturhistoriskt Lexikon). Preference will normally be given to bids for complete sets. This does not apply, however, to books published in series (e.g. Early Icelandic Manuscripts in Facsimile, Studia Islandica).

The condition of the books has not been described in detail, unless they are significantly damaged. Otherwise they can be assumed to be in good or very good condition. Where a book has been rebound, or is otherwise a particularly fine copy, this has been indicated. It is also not always noted whether they are in paperback or hard cover.

Unsold books will probably be re-offered in a subsequent auction at a later date. It is a priority, however, to reduce the volume of stored books as much as possible, so even very low bids will be accepted in most cases.

Books (including cost of carriage) can be paid for by cheque to ‘The Viking Society’, or by PayPal (via the Viking Society web site) using a credit or debit card. All proceeds of the auction will go to the Foote Memorial Fund, which will be used to fund a bursary or prize for postgraduate students awarded by the Viking Society.


Larson, L. M. Canute the Great. 1912.

Schnall, Uwe. Navigation der Wikinger. Schriften des deutsche Schiffartsmuseums. 1975.

Wainwright, F. T. (Ed. H. P. R. Finberg). Scandinavian England. 1975

Shetelig, Falk and Gordon. Scandinavian Archaeology. 1937

Bjernum, J. Kilder til vikingetidens historie. 1965.

Smyth, A. Scandinavian York and Dublin, vol. II.1979.

Kiedel and Schnall, eds, The Hanse Cog of 1380. 1985.

Herteig, Asbjørn E. Kongers havn og handels sete. Fra de arkeologiske undersøkelser på Bryggen i Bergen 1955-68. 1969.

Fenton, A. and Hermann Pálsson, eds, The Northern and Western Isles in the Viking World, 1984.

Herteig, A. E. Bryggen i Bergen. 1961.

Worsaae, J. J. A. Den Danske Erobring af England og Normandiet. 1863. (Cover detached).

Hannestad, K. et al. (eds). Varangian Problems, Scando-Slavica. Supplementum 1. 1970.

Boyer, R. Les vikings et leur civilisation. Problèmes actuels.1976.

Todd, Malcolm. The Northern Barbarians 100BC-AD 300. 1975.

Blöndal, S. Væringjasaga. 1954

Marcus, G. J. The Conquest of the North Atlantic. 1980.

Aarbøger for nordisk oldkyndighed og historie 1964.

Halldór Hermansson. The Problem of Wineland. Islandica XXV. 1936

Swanton. The Wineland Voyages. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections vol. 107, no. 12. 1947.

Halldór Laxness. Vínlands punktar. 1969 (Inscribed by author).

Tryggvi Oleson. Early Voyages and Northern Approaches. 1964.

Vebæk, C. L. and S. Thirslund. The Viking Compass Guided Norsemen First to America. 1992

Almazán, Vicente. Gallaecia Scandinavica Introducción ó estudio das relacións galaico-escandinavas durante a Idade Media. 1986

Gathorne-Hardy, G. M. The Norse Discoverers of America, the Wineland Sagas. 1921

Meldgaard, Jørgen. Nordboerne I Grønland: en vikingebygds historie. 1965

Krogh, Knud. Viking Greenland. 1967.

Jones, G. The Norse Atlantic Saga, being the Norse voyages of discovery and settlement to Iceland, Greenland and America. 1964

Fynbo, J. and K. E. Jørgensen, eds. Spotlight on Greenland. 1973.

Roesdahl, Else. Hvalrostand, elfenben og nordbøerne i Grønland. 1995.

Ingstad, H. Landet under leidarstjernen. En ferd til Grønlands norrøne bygder. 1960

Greenland. Published by the Royal Danish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. 1961

Norge i vestelommeformat .1943 (Pocket atlas of Norway).

Barlow, F. William I and the Norman Conquest. 1965.

A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford, rev. 1997. pb.

Le Goff, J. Les intellectuels au Moyen Âge. 1957. pb.

Southern, Medieval Humanism. 1970. pb.

Heer, F. The Medieval World: Europe 1100-1350. 1961. pb.

Stenton, D. M. English Society in the Early Middle Ages. 1951. pb.

Thorlby, A., ed. Penguin Companion to Literature 2: European. 1969. pb.

Bien, H. et al. Nordeuropäische Literaturen. 1978.

Nicolaisen, W. F. H. Scottish Place-names. their study and significance. 1976. b.

Smith, A. H. English Place-name Elements. 2 vols. 1956.

Charles, B. G. Non-Celtic Place-names in Wales. 1938.

Domesday 1086-1986 (exhibition guide)

The Vikings in England and in their Northern Homeland. 1981-2. (exhibition catalogue)

Hodgkin, R. H.History of the Anglo-Saxons. 2 vols. 3rd ed. 1952.

Stenton, F. Anglo-Saxon England. 2nd ed. 1947.

Barlow, F. Edward the Confessor. 1970. pb.

Finberg, H. P. The Formation of England 550-1042. 1974. pb

Chibnall, M. Anglo-Norman England 1066-1166. 1986. pb.

O'Croinin, D. Early Medieval Ireland 400-1200. 1995. pb.

Davies, W. Wales in the Early Middle Ages. 1982.

Crawford, B. Scandinavian Scotland. 1987.

Coulton, G. G., ed. Life in the Middle Ages. I: Religion, Folk-lore and Superstition. 1928.

Waddell, H. The Wandering Scholars. 1927.

Haskins, C. H.The Renaissance of the 12th Century. 1955. pb.

Bordonove, G. La vie quotidienne des templiers au xiiie siècle. 1975.

Alan of Lille. Plaint of Nature. trans. J. Sheridan. 1980.

Barmby, B. H. Gisli Súrsson: a Drama; Ballads and Poems of the Old Norse Days and Some Translations. 1900.

Morris, W., trans. Volsunga saga. ed. Sparling. (Scott Library)

Fox, C. M., trans. Tale of the Men of Laxdale, with an abridgement of the Lovers of Gudrun. 1929

Jones, G., trans. Erik the Red and Other Icelandic Sagas. 1961.

Press, M., trans. Laxdaela saga. 4th ed 1925

British Isles Pocket Atlas. 1948.

Heinrich von Morungen. Lieder. (Reclam) 1978.

Atkinson, W. C. A History of Spain and Portugal. 1960 pb

Whitelock, Douglas, Lemmon, Barlow. The Norman Conquest: Its Setting and Impact. 1966 pb

Duby, G. The Knight, the Lady and the Priest: The Making of Modern Marriage in Medieval France. 1981 pb.

Southern, R. Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages. 1970 pb

Leff, G. Medieval Thought from Saint Augustine to Ockham. 1958

Hay, D. Annalists and Historians: Western Historiography from the 8th to the 18th Century. 1977 (loose pages)

Hight, G., trans. The Saga of Grettir the Strong.

Braastein, T. and G. Indrebø, trans. Soga om Honse-Tore. 1872.

Storm, T. Immensee. trans. C. W. Bell.


Dasent, G., trans. The Story of Burnt Njal (Everyman) 1967.

Guðni Jónsson, ed. Íslenzkir sagnaþættir og þjóðsögur. vol. IV 1944.

Guðni Jónsson, ed. Íslenzkir sagnaþættir og þjóðsögur. vol. V 1944.

Guðni Jónsson, ed. Íslenzkir sagnaþættir og þjóðsögur. vol. VI 1945 (cover loose)

Guðni Jónsson, ed. Íslenzkir sagnaþættir og þjóðsögur. vol. VII 1948 (no cover - it is in box 20)

Heinesen, W. Færøsk kunst. 1982.

Aðalsteinn Ingólfsson and Matthías Jóhannesson. Kjarval. Málari lands og vætta. 1981.

Tími Romanov ættarinnar í Rússlandi (exhibition catalogue 2005)

Siguringi E. Hjörleifsson. Hljómblik. 1952.

Blanck, A. La Suède et la littérature française. 1947

Li Sao and other poems of Chu Yuan. 1953.

Holzapfel, O. et al., eds. The European Medieval Ballad: A Symposium. 1978

Wistrand, W. Politik och litteratur I antikens Rom. 1962

Espmark, K. Försök till liv. 1979.

Brøndsted, M. Oehlenschlägers Fynsrejse. (boxed) 1969

Kalevala 1835-1985. (exhibition catalogue).

Einar Ól. Sveinsson. Fagrar heyrði ég raddirnar. Þjóðkvædi og stef. 1974.

Gerould, G. H. The Ballad of Tradition. 1957.

Holberg, Ludvig. To bidrag til Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter. 1972

Toivola, U. Introduction to Finland. 1960.

Ólafur Halldórsson, ed. Grunnrannsóknir á Íslandi. 1988

Johnsen, A. O. Kristianssunds Historie. 1949

Meissner, R. Die Kenningar der Skalden. 1921.

Liestøl og Moe. Norske folkevisor III. 1924.

Dal, E., ed. Dansk Folke Digtning 1967.

Liestøl, K. Draumkvæde. 1946.

Jonsson, Bengt R. Om Draumkvædet och dess datering 1996.

Andersson, R. et al. Bygga och bo i Dalarna 1991.

Lindström, R. Fäbodliv 1969.

Byock, Jesse. Feud in the Icelandic Saga. 1982

Olrik, A., ed. Danske Folkeviser 1922 (cover loose).

Frandsen, E., ed. Danske folkeviser I: Tekst og kommentar 1937; II Inledning 1944.

Undset, S. Kristin Lavransdatter. 1931.

Svartvik, J. On Voice in the English Verb. 1966.

Bugge, S. Gamle Norske Folkeviser. 1971.

Zettersten, A. Studies in the Dialect and Vocabulary of the Ancrene Riwle. 1965

Alexander Jóhannesson. Uppruni mannlegs máls. 1960.

Íslenzk list 1900-65. (exhibition catalogue)

Popplewell, R. G. The Pronunciation of Norwegian (in box with vinyl disc) 1963.

Gunnar Karlsson. Frelsisbarátta Suður-Þingeyinga og Jón á Gautlöndum. 1977.

Hall, W. The Finns and their Country. 1967.

Johnsen, A. O., ed. Norske Regnskaber og Jordebøger, fra det 16de Aarhundrede. bd 5, hft 1. 1966.

Johnsen, A. O., ed. Norske Regnskaber og Jordebøger, fra det 16de Aarhundrede. bd 5, hft 2. 1972.

Morris, W. and Eiríkr Magnusson, trans. The Story of the Volsungs and the Niblungs. With Certain Songs from the Elder Edda. 1870.

Heller, R., trans. Isländersagas. I: Egils saga, Eyrbyggja, Laxdæla; II: Njals saga, Grettis saga 1982.

Fell, C., trans. Egils saga. 1975.

Simpson, J., trans. The Northmen Talk. 1965.

Hastrup, K., ed. Den nordiske verden. 2 vols. 1992.

Bredsdorff, E. Nonsens og bogsens. 1978.

Whiston, W., trans. The Works of Flavius Josephus. no date..

Jón Árnason, ed. Íslenkar þjóðsögur og æfintýri. Vol. I, parts 3, 4, 5, 6 (1927-30); Vol. 2, parts 1-10 (1930-39) (Nákvæm eftirmynd af frumútgafunni 1862-64)

Jón Árnason, Íslenkar þjóðsögur og æfintýri. Vol. I 1862.

Sigfús Sigfússon, ed. Íslenzkar þjóðsögur og sagnir. Vol II. 1923.

Garmonsway, G. An Early Norse Reader. 1928.

Laing, S., trans. The Norse Kings’ Sagas (Everyman) 1930.

Perry and Oppé. This was a man. A memorial of G. M. Gathorne Hardy. 1973.


Hannes Þorsteinsson et al, eds. Huld. Safn alþýðlegra fræða íslenzkra. Vol. 1. 1935.

Jakob Benediktsson, ed. Íslendingabók, Landnámabók. Íslenzk fornrit I. (In 2 parts: I(i) and I(ii)).

Nordal, S., ed. Egils saga Skalla-Grímssonar. Íslenzk fornrit II 1933.

Nordal, S., and Guðni Jónsson, ed. Borgfirðinga s†gur. Íslenzk fornrit III. 1938.

Einar Ólafur Sveinsson and Matthías Þórðarson. eds. Eyrbyggja saga, Eiríks saga rauða. Íslenzk fornrit IV. 1935.

Einar Ól. Sveinsson, ed. Laxdœla saga. Íslenzk fornrit V. 1934.

Ed. Björn K. Þórólfsson and Guðni Jónsson, eds. Vestfirðinga s†gur. Íslenzk fornrit VI. 1943.

Guðni Jónsson, ed. Grettis saga. Íslenzk fornrit VII. 1936.

Einar Ól. Sveinsson, ed. Vatnsdœla saga. Íslenzk fornrit VIII. 1939.

Jónas Kristjánsson, ed. Eyfirðinga s†gur. Íslenzk fornrit IX. 1956. (spine damaged).

Björn Sigfússon, ed. Ljósvetninga saga. Íslenzk fornrit X. 1940.

Jón Jóhannesson, ed. Austfirðinga s†gur. Íslenzk fornrit XI. 1950.

Einar Ól. Sveinsson, ed. Brennu-Njáls saga. Íslenzk fornrit XII. 1954.

Þórhallur Vilmundarson and Bjarni Vilhjálmsson, eds. Harðar saga. Íslenzk fornrit XIII. 1991.

Jóhannes Halldórsson, ed. Kjalnesinga saga. Íslenzk fornrit XIV. 1959.

Sigurgeir Steingrímsson, Ólafur Halldórsson and P. Foote, eds. Biskupa sögur I. 2 vols. Íslenzk fornrit XV (i) and (ii). 2003.

Ásdís Egilsdóttir, ed. Biskupa sögur II. Íslenzk fornrit XVI. 2002.

Guðrún Ása Grímsdóttir, ed. Biskupa sögur III. Íslenzk fornrit XVII. 1998.

Bjarni Aðalbjarnarson, ed. Heimskringla I. Íslenzk fornrit XXVI. 1941.

Bjarni Aðalbjarnarson, ed. Heimskringla II. Íslenzk fornrit XXVII. 1945.

Bjarni Aðalbjarnarson, ed. Heimskringla III. Íslenzk fornrit XXVIII. 1951. (spine broken, front cover missing)

Bjarni Einarsson, ed. Ágrip. Fagrskinna. Íslenzk fornrit XXIX. 1985.

Þorleifur Hauksson, ed. Sverris saga. Íslenzk fornrit XXX. 2007.

Finnbogi Guðmundsson, ed. Orkneyinga saga. Íslenzk fornrit XXXIV. 1965.

Bjarni Guðnason, ed. Danakonunga s†gur. Íslenzk fornrit XXXV. 1982.

Hagland, J. R., trans. Soga om Tord den hardbalne. 2004.

Són, Tímarit um óðfræði. Hefti 2, 2004.

Torfeus, Tormod. Historien om det gamle Vinland. Ed. Egil Kraggerud. 2004.

Ægidius, J. P., trans. Sagan om Erik den røde. 1997 (Danish)

Morris, W. and Eiríkr Magnusson, trans. The saga of Grettir the Strong. 1869.

Ægidius, J. P., trans. Kjalnesinge saga eller sagaen om Bue Andridssøn. 1981 (Danish).

Heusler, A., trans. Die Saga vom weisen Njal. 1978. (German).

Laing, S., trans. Heimskringla. 3 vols (Everyman). 1964.


Bosworth, J. An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. Edited and enlarged, with supplement by T. N. Toller. 1898.

Olavus Petri. Samlade Skrifter. 4 vols. 1914.

Westin, G. Historieskrivaren Olaus Petri. Svenska kronikans källor och kronikeforfattarens metod. 1946.

Sephton, J., trans. The Saga of King Olaf Tryggwason who reigned over Norway AD 995 to AD 1000 by Oddr Snorrason. 1895.

Sephton, J., trans. Sverrissage, The Saga of King Sverri of Norway. 1899.

Dasent, trans. Gisli the Outlaw. 1866.

Monsen, E., trans. Heimskringla. 1932.