Adaptations Notes

An adaptation is something that helps an organism survive in its surroundings.

Sometimes there are not enough resources to go around.

Animals with excellent adaptations have a better chance of getting the resources they need.

Adaptations can be separated into two categories:

·  Physical adaptations are body structures that allow a plant or animal to make (plants) or find and consume food, defend itself, and to reproduce its species.

·  Behavioral adaptations are animals’ actions performed by animals that allow them to respond to life needs.

Behavioral adaptations can either be instinctive or learned.

Instincts (Inherited behaviors) happen naturally.

Learned behaviors must be taught.

Adaptation / Description / Animal Example
Migration / This adaptation is the movement of animals from one location to another location. The animals move to find new food sources, or to avoid cold temperatures. Some animals also migrate to a different place to reproduce. / Canadian Geese
Hibernation / This adaption is when animals sleep for long periods of time to avoid harsh conditions. Some animals sleep through the winter. Other animals sleep during harsh summer conditions. / Bear
Camouflage / This adaptation is when plants or animals blend into their environment. This adaptation allows animals and plants to hide from predators. It also allows them to sneak up on prey that they want to eat. / Chameleon
Sea Dragon
Adaptations / This adaptation helps organisms protect themselves from being attacked. This adaptation is a natural weapon or shield that helps organisms survive in their environment. / Octopus
Mimicry / This adaptation is when one organism tries to look or sound likes another organism. Sometimes when one organism is poisonous, another organism will try to look like that organism. This causes the predators to be tricked into thinking the animal is poisonous even though it is not. / Viceroy butterfly
King Snake
Lyre Bird
Mimic Octopus
Lyre Bird
Structural Adaptation or Trait / This adaptation is a special body part or structure that the organism has that helps it survive by allowing it to perform necessary activities. These can be located anywhere on the body of the plant or animal. / Elephant Trunk
Opposable Thumbs