Environmental Science and Biology 2

Feb. 1-5

Biology note of the week: It takes 12 million calories to grow a human to an 18 year old adult.

Environmental Science

Mon. 2/1Finish Blackfish/ Reflection paper due at the end of class.

Hmwk: reread p. 155 for quiz tomorrow

Tues. 2/2QUIZ/ Discuss Guinea worm/ Begin Chp. 8 lecture

Hmwk: preview chp. 8

Wed. 2/3 Lecture-Environmental health

Hmwk: read p. 154-159

Thurs. 2/4Lecture- emergent diseases/Possible web search

Hmwk: read p. 157-167

Fri. 2/5Protecting our health video

Hmwk: Test over Chapter 8 next Tues.

Biology 2

Mon. 2/1QUIZ- building vocab p. 73/ Lecture- epidermal derivatives

Hmwk: test over Chp. 4 and 5 on Wed.

Tues. 2/2Finish lecture and/or begin Chp. 6

Hmwk: test tomorrow

Wed. 2/3TEST over Chapters 4 and 5

Hmwk: preview chp. 6/NEXT quiz tomorrow

Thurs. 2/4 QUIZ over NEXT/ Lecture-general features of long bones

Hmwk: Clinical term quiz on Monday p. 87

Fri. 2/5Enjoy your senior breakfast!

Hmwk: quiz Mon.

It is not enough to have a good mind;the main thing is to use it well!


Honor’s Biology and Biology 1

Feb. 1-5

Biology note of the week: It takes 12 million calories to grow a human to an 18 year old adult.

Biology 1

Mon. 2/1Lecture-finish the process of meiosis/Why is this process important?

Hmwk: review

Tues. 2/2Who was Mendel and why are his techniques so important?

Hmwk: Chp. 10 test on Friday

Wed. 2/3 Genetic introduction/ Punnet squares and what are they really?

Hmwk: Possible punnet square homework

Thurs. 2/4Lecture- Monohybrid and dihybrid crosses

Hmwk: Test tomorrow!

Fri. 2/5TEST over Chapter 10

Hmwk: Preview chp. 11

Honor’s Biology

Mon. 2/1Meiosis and Mitosis processes

Hmwk: Begin studying for test on Friday

Tues. 2/2Gregor Mendel and his discoveries

Hmwk: worksheet

Wed. 2/3Turn in homework/ Punnet squares and what they are used for..

Hmwk: TB presentations tomorrow/begin reviewing for test Friday

Thurs. 2/4TB presentations/Lecture-monohybrid and dihybrid crosses

Hmwk: Test tomorrow!

Fri. 2/5TEST over chapter 10

Hmwk: preview chapter 11

It is not enough to have a good mind;the main thing is to use it well!
