September 17, 2008 Bul 14 - 08

Update on 48/96

The 48/96 schedule change was introduced via a member grassroots movement several years ago. A survey was distributed, and a committee was formed that was opened to members and included both those in favor and not in favor of a 48/96 schedule. The committee wrote and produced the UFLAC informational report for each station to read and review. On August 7th, 2007 2,027 members voted, and the outcome was 61.6% in favor, and 35.6% against a 48/96 one-year trial.

The committee took the results to the UFLAC board, and board members presented the issue to representatives for management. Fire Chief Barry appeared to be impartial about the work schedule change, but his verbalized sentiments initially blocked negotiations: “If 48/96 is discussed it will not be in the vein of a trial period, but a permanent change in the work schedule.” By making that initial decision, it was impossible for UFLAC to move forward on a permanent schedule change when the membership had clearly stated that it was only willing to pursue a trial period.

On July 7th, UFLAC Met & Conferred with management to present the issue of trial period for a schedule change. We were informed that the Fire Chief would be willing to consider a one-year trial period. Management’s position is that they must study all potential pitfalls of the proposed schedule prior to committing to a trial period.

As of September 16th, we are still waiting to schedule additional Meet & Confer sessions with management regarding the proposed 48/96 work schedule. We understand the anticipation of an outcome by the UFLAC membership. Each member has a unique set of circumstances, and we encourage you to review the 48/96 schedule making note of both the advantages and disadvantages.

As a side note, the Meet & Confer process can be a tedious process that involves several issues being discussed in the same set of meetings. Just as a point of reference, former Second Vice President Steve Norris often said, “Remember, it took 6 years of Meet & Confer to get a patch on the uniforms.” The following topics are currently being discussed through Meet & Confer: reducing the penalties attached to the disciplinary guidelines; changes in working conditions at OCD; bonuses for ARFF positions at Los Angeles World Airports; the Helitac bonus; the Three Whole Score Rules for future promotional examinations; paramedic school selection criteria; and, Urban Search & Rescue hiring procedures. Though this is not a complete list of issues being discussed with Management, this should give a glimpse of the number of issues that can and are being considered all at once.

We value your input, questions and comments regarding the potentially new schedule.

Executive Board

United Firefighters of Los Angeles City, Local 112

removal date – 10/17/08