RPE Project - 6 month evaluation May to October 2013 (DRAFT)


The project is being marketed (internally and externally) through a ‘soft launch’ making use of HSE electronic communications media. Uptake of the RPE tools and information in the first 6 months of the launch is progressing reasonably well. Promotion of the information and tools from the RPE project has been very limited due to the on-going delay in producing the priced DVD publication.

The RPE website home page has up to 1800 hits per month since the May launch. There has been a recent spike in October putting the number of hits for that month well above significant topics such as road safety and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

Total downloads of HSG 53 pages is approximately 18,000 as compared with 1,500 for the LEV (local exhaust ventilation) guidance. There is some evidence from web activity that the materials are being promoted independently of HSE.

Planned communications have been put on hold until the DVD priced publication product is available.


The evaluation in the first 12 months will focus on the short term outcomes as identified in the RPE project logic model (see Annex 1) and evidence to support this:

·  Increased purchases/downloads of HSG53 guidance – web hits data

·  Employer surveys to identify improved skills of workers

·  Survey of inspector skills and knowledge

·  Increased enquiries to HSE, BSIF, TU’s and H&S consultants about best practice and approved RPE suppliers

·  Increased sales of RPE – BSIF data

·  Wider media attitude change to RPE - specifically correct usage on TV (HSE Press Office Enquiries)

·  Sector reports – foundries

·  THOR trends reports 2012 - respiratory disease section

a.  RPE web site

The RPE web site went live in May along with a landing page for the revised fourth edition of HSG 53. An article was placed in the April edition of FOD briefing as a heads up to launch of the materials. The launch was notified to organisations with an invitation to attend a meeting to discuss how those organisations could promote the materials.

Visits to the RPE web site has been between 1600 and 1800 since the launch. However there has been a spike in October of 2700. Top 5 page hits and order are:

§  Fit testing

§  RPE basics

§  FAQs

§  Resources

§  Toolbox talk

The spike in October is interesting as it places the website hits for this month significantly above a number of topics including: road safety; lead; lung disease, COPD and falls from vehicles.

RPE web site visits are compared with those for the LEV and vibration web site in the tables below.



Page requests

LEV web site visits

Vibration web site visits

As a new web page on the HSE website that has not had any significant promotion the results are promising.

b.  Respiratory Protective Equipment at work - a practical guide (HSG 53) and pocket card

142 copies of HSG 53 have been purchased since its launch. Sales of HSG 53 peaked in July with 102 copies sold and overall 142 copies sold in the first six months. Purchases of HSG 53 prior to the release of the fourth edition are as follows:

2010 - 175

2011 - 94

2012 - 65

2013 – 21

The online version has had approximately 12,000 visitors and 18,000 downloads. Activity peaked in July. This compares with 8,000 visitors and 1,500 downloads for LEV guidance HSG 258.

54 copies (£5 for a pack of 20) of the pocket card INDG 460 have been sold peaking in the months of April, May and June.

c.  DVD materials

The plan has been to offer the DVD materials to key organisations to copy on free to members and make it available as a priced publication. The priced publication is still unavailable 6 months after the ‘soft launch’ although the DVD materials have been advertised through the RPE website resources page. A decision was made to provide copies of the DVD to those making a direct request in the absence of the priced publication. Groups requesting and who have been sent the materials that are of note include:

§  Ministry of Defence

§  Mercedes

§  Cast Metals Federation

§  British Safety Industry Federation

The DVD contains three films:

§ Introducing and managing RPE in the workplace

§ Protect yourself: RPE user guide

§ Inspecting a respiratory protective programme

There is now a significant gap between the release of the other project information and materials in May 2013. This continues to cause delay for the planned articles for express and the Health and Safety Newsletter.

d.  Uptake and use of materials

There is some limited evidence of uptake of the materials as follows:

(i)  HSG 53 material and approach used to update NEBOSH National Diploma for Element 3B Engineering Controls and Personal Protective Equipment

(ii)  Three web sites have published short articles promoting HSG 53 as an easy to use and simple guide. The PP Construction safety web site article ‘HSE ISSUE SIMPLE GUIDE TO SELECTION & USE OF RPE - Step-by-step straightforward and practical approach to RPE.’ is typical of how the new guide is communicated.

(iii)  Invitations were received to give presentations at meetings of the Institute of Quarrying conference and Cast Metals Federation meeting.

e.  Other

HSE received a request from the Norwegian authorities to translate HSG 53 as they find the document very useful. Worksafe in Australia requested the inspection DVD for their library so it would be available for their inspectorate to view as well as available for loan to businesses within Western Australia.

Annex 1

Short term outcomes of the RPE project (awareness. Learning, knowledge or attitude change)

·  Increased awareness amongst workers of the long-term health risks of respiratory ill health through work exposures.

·  Awareness and willingness to access suitable RPE training

·  Health and Safety reps feel confident/competent to negotiate on RPE health and safety issues for staff members

·  Line managers more receptive to Health and Safety reps

·  More demand for Fit Testing

·  Increased demand for suitable RPE equipment

·  Improvement in product availability – both quality and wearability

·  Up skilling of workers using new HSE RPE tools provided

·  Increased demand and approval of RPE budgets and training

·  Training opportunities available to employers and workers through various routes

·  Workers and Line Managers engage with the new training

·  Change from overconfident to informed users

·  Training provided with physical equipment not just diagrams/instructions

·  Wider and better informed press and trade coverage of RPE