Is there a supernatural dimension, a world beyond the one we know? Is there life after death? Do angels exist? Can our dreams contain messages from Heaven? Can we tap into ancient secrets of the supernatural? Are healing miracles real? Sid Roth has spent over 35 years researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid for this edition of It’s Supernatural.

SID:Hello. Sid Roth here.Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. Three doctors said to my guest, you’re going to die. You have cancer. They were preparing for the funeral and God called it off. Gary and Rosey, on March 15, 2011, you were blindsided. Doctor said terminal cancer. Went to another doctor, terminal cancer. Went to another doctor, prepare for the inevitable. But interesting, Rosey, before you got this diagnosis you prophesied something. What was that?

ROSEY: I did. Gary asked me to put my hands on his throat because his symptom of the cancer was coming with a scratching throat that was just not going away, and as I was praying for him my hands moved down to his left lower left lung and the Lord just said, “Gary is going to need to walk in his healing, and Rosey, I have led you ahead of him in your spiritual journey for a time just as this. Learn everything I have taught you, Gary will learn and he will need to lean on you.” So that was our, we didn’t even know cancer was present yet, but that was about two weeks before it was diagnosed.

SID: Okay. So Gary, you were a new believer. You had an idol in your life, hockey, and when you found out, Rosey, I mean, you have a healing ministry, you know God heals, but when you found out, what’s the first thing you remember doing?

ROSEY: Well the first thing I remember doing when I met Gary, because the call came to him independent of me being there, so I walked in the house and he was shaken. I took Gary’s face and I just said, “We serve a God that heals. He’s in charge of our first day and our last, not cancer.”

SID: I’ll tell you what, you look into the camera and you say that to someone right now.

ROSEY: I would love to. We serve a God who heals. It’s all over Scripture. Let no one tell you differently. He is the God who healeth. He has declared that over himself. Jeremiah 30:17 also says, “It is my will to bind your wounds and heal your diseases.” Stand on that. Man has a lot of wonderful things about us, but God is the author of our first day and our last day, and let no one take that away from you.

SID: When your children found out, how did they react?

ROSEY: Well okay, so we found out on a Tuesday. We thought, in a parent’s wisdom, we’ll wait a couple of days to tell the kids because we didn’t want them going back to school with that. So we sat down and told them.

SID: About how old were they?

ROSEY: They were 10 and 13, and their very first response was…

Boy 1: How long have you known?

ROSEY: Three days.

Boy 2: How could you have kept this from us? We should have been praying.

ROSEY: Three days is all it was and they were indignant. They wanted to know right away and they wanted to start praying for their daddy, so that was their response.

SID: Tell me what you observed with your eyes. That’s what they wanted to do, but what did you observe with your eyes?

ROSEY: I observed their faith, just their beauty and their faith.

SID: Did you see them praying?

ROSEY: I did. I did see them praying. So we went up north. We got out of the house very quickly, went up north to a cabin and my son Alec was on his knees for an hour and a half, he’s 10 years old, an hour and a half praying to the Lord over a chair. Bennett, my older son, he’s 13, and he was deep in the Word. Friends were texting him scripture verses. He was claiming them and just really praying in the Word and I was praying. Gary had gone to bed, so he didn’t get to witness all this. But then it was beautiful, for a 10-year-old on his knees for that long a time.

SID: You told Gary.

ROSEY: Yes, oh yes.

SID: How did you react when you saw the way your sons reacted?

GARY: I was, like Rosey said, I was amazed at their faith at their age, the maturity of their faith. It was amazing for me to see. I didn’t know the depths of their faith until this happened. I did not see it firsthand like this.

SID: It must have really affected you.

GARY: I cried many nights over that.

SID: You’re a hockey player. I don’t think you’re a crier.

GARY: I am a crier, Sid. I am. I am. I am a crier and through this journey the only time I’ve cried, I never cried for myself, I always cried when somebody was doing something kind for me. I had hundreds, thousands of people praying for me and every time I interacted with any of these people I cried. We had people working around the house for us. We had an army behind us praying for us, doing things for us and the only time I cried is when I saw people doing things for us and helping us.

SID: Tears come for an evening, but I tell you, I’m telling you joy comes in the morning. Don’t you give up. And when we come back I want to find out how God called off the funeral. Do you want to find out?

We'll be right back to It's Supernatural.




We now return to It's Supernatural.

SID:So Rosey, you had a dream and this changed everything. Tell me about that dream.

ROSEY: Well the dream was the night we went up to Duluth to pray. The dream was I had sought the Lord after the boys went to bed and just sought him, not for his will, but for his plan in the situation. I knew his will was to heal disease. I know that, but what was his plan in our life? So after that he was quiet. I was expecting, I was asking the heart of David, tell me, please tell me, but he was quiet, and that surprised me. So I went back to bed and right before I woke up, just that little hazy time when you know you’re waking up, but you’re still in a dream state, that’s when I hear the Holy Spirit the loudest, and he filled my mind with scriptures of healing, the last one being Jeremiah 30:17, which says, “My will is to bind your wounds and heal your diseases.” So this is 6:00 in the morning, 6:30 in Duluth, Minnesota. It’s cold. It’s March. So I jumped out of bed. My poor husband who has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

GARY: Very sick.

ROSEY: Very sick at the time, coughing all night long, I jumped out of bed and I woke him up, and I said, “God is going to heal you. You’ve got to get up and out.”

GARY: What? It’s freezing outside.

ROSEY: I don’t care how cold it is outside. God is going to heal you. You’ve got to get up and out. Because part of the healing, in Matthew, he talks about move this mountain. But if you keep on reading further, it’s first get unforgiveness out of the way. Gary and I needed to get unforgiveness in our marriage out of our way first. The Lord just said, “How can I have mercy on you if you will not have mercy on each other. So we had to get up. We had to clear the decks. Our boys were still sleeping. That is nothing I wanted them to hear. So we were up and walking in the parking lot. Gary was so obedient. He didn’t feel good, but he was out there in the cold and we literally confessed to each other the pain and suffering that we had brought each other in marriage.

SID: I don’t want to jump too far. Gary, how has it changed your marriage because of what you’ve gone through, because of that repentance and being real with each other?

GARY:It has made our relationship all the more real. Up to that point we were casual with each other. We were spiritually in different places. Now we are in sync. We are more authentic to each other. We tell the good and the bad, and we confess on the fly.

SID: Yeah, but she was a hockey wife, meaning, you were away playing hockey all the time. He is he away all the time?

ROSEY: No, he’s not away at all. And we take time, you know, it’s okay to be direct with each other and that’s what the Lord said, is “I’ve made you feisty.” You need to be honest when the emotions come. Don’t bury things. It doesn’t serve anybody. Serve each other in truth and in honesty and I will come, and I will meet you there. And so that’s the way our marriage started to change is that we started to be a little bit more direct. I do not like this and this behavior. I do not like this. I need you to come alongside me in a different way. And when you’re tender to listen, healing comes. It’s beautiful.

SID: Okay. So every doctor says he’s terminal.


SID: But then you got some medicine that no doctor knew about. What was that medicine, Gary? You’re holding it.

GARY: I’m holding this book right here and for those of you that are not familiar with this book, it’s the “Bible Promises for Life.” And I had a very similar book to this, but it has categories, and it had, depending on the situation that you’re in, and for me it was if you have a medical crisis in your life, and it gives probably 30 to 40 verses. When you’re sick, when you’re deathly sick it’s difficult to pour through the Bible. You don’t have the energy to do it. This book was so efficient for me. I could pick it up. I could flip to the section on medical situations and I could recite that scripture to me over and over, and over, and I did it over and over, and over, and over.

SID: I have to ask you this. I was told they’re wheeling you in to remove your lung afflicted with cancer, for surgery. Where was that book when they’re wheeling you in?

GARY: I’m laying like this. I’ll never forget it. This book is in my left hand against my left thigh and that’s the way I went into the operating room. And I would guess at some point, because they had to flip me over to take my lung out, I would guess they had to remove it at some point, but this book never left my side. It was there when I woke up from my surgery, it was there when I was wheeled in, and I continue to carry this book with me wherever I go. I have it with me on this trip.

SID: So Rosey.


SID: The doctor comes out and says, “Well we removed the lung, but.” What did he tell you?

ROSEY: Well the pathology report takes a couple of days, so it was three or four days after the lung had come out, and the doctor said…

Doctor: This is a very aggressive form of cancer. We have to be honest. It’s all over his body and if we see it again it’s going to be on a vital organ.

ROSEY: And Gary was, the Lord had put Gary into a place of denial and I knew that he was going there. So again, I took his face and again I said, “Gary, God is the author of our first day and our last, not cancer.” And the tsunami had just hit in Japan and took so many lives, and I said, “There are people in that tsunami that had cancer and thought they were going home. Gary, God is the author and I need you to join me in spite [of this].”

Voice: Listen to her. Listen to her. She knows what she’s talking about. We will help you fight as well on this side.

ROSEY: So that’s what we did. We fought with this book. We fought with God’s promises.

SID: Okay. I don’t know if you caught that or not. Gary had been so digesting the Word of God he went into a zone called supernatural denial, which is just, I believe God, everything is going to be fine. Doctors might have thought he was meshuga, that’s a Hebrew word for crazy.

ROSEY: They did.

SID: But God says he was normal. He had the Word in his heart and no one could take it out. And when we come back you’re going to find out what happened.

We'll be right back to It's Supernatural.




We now return to It's Supernatural.

SID:Okay. Now Gary had a death sentence, but he’s getting this new medicine into him, the Word of God. He got to such a point that he believed God’s Word over anything that was going on. As a matter of fact, in Corinthians 5:7 says in the Amplified, “For we walk by faith, not by sight or by appearance.” But Gary, you’re an engineer by training. You’re cerebral. You’re a new believer, but you started pressing into God. For the first time in your life you started hearing God. Tell me about that.

GARY: Okay. So I was saved a few months before my diagnosis and I would hear God sporadically over,as I was getting sicker and sicker, I would hear him. But there was one particular, we have a room in our house, it’s Bennett’s bedroom. It’s a very spiritual room. We’ve had several spiritual events in this house. Rosey can attest to that and my boys have as well. I decided, I was very ill that night, I decided I’m going to go lay in Bennett’s room and I sat there, and it was a gusher. He was speaking to me so fast I couldn’t even process everything that he was saying. I think he was catching up for all the years that I wasn’t listening. And I got up. I was frantic. I have to get a pen. This is such good stuff. I got to get an envelope. Where is it? And so I fumbled through and I sat there. I turned the lights down and I just wrote and wrote, and scribbled as he was speaking to me. It was like a gusher. And ever since then it hasn’t been a gusher like that. Like I said, he was making up for lost time and now it’s just more of a every day I hear, I’ve given my life over to him and he’s leading me. My mission is not complete here. I have a job here and he’s leading me in that direction.

SID: Rosey.


SID: Things did not get better. The medical reports were getting worse and worse, and God told you about praying his will. Explain that.

ROSEY: Well his scripture is our perfect medicine because it’s his will, and Jesus has put his name to it. Jesus is, as the Word in John 1:1 says, “The Word is before us all the time.” And that is Jesus. So he just said, I didn’t know how to pray any more, Sid. My prayer time, I had gone as far as I could go in my spirit, and that’s when the Lord said, “Pray Scripture. Pray Scripture for every cancer cell that is in his body.” The doctor had told us literally millions of cells were there. So I prayed Scripture out loud all the time. He did. Our boys did. Gary did. In one one-hour period he had prayed a scripture verse 25 times out loud and just, it was the constant, we had a stand for victory for three and a half years, and we did not give up praying Scripture out loud for that period of time.

SID: Tell me what the term “double-minded” means to you.

ROSEY: Okay. So double-minded means that often when you’re given a terminal diagnosis, you start thinking about what it would be like if death comes. And what the Lord had told me was that I was praying for healing in one breath and then imagining death in another, and that was double-minded. Now if he told me it was understandable, but it wasn’t acceptable, and it was depleting my energy, it was also thinking of a future without him.

SID: You know what? Then the devil is so diabolical, he comes in disguised as God. What happened?

ROSEY: Well Gary was in a sense of denial and Satan came in, in a voice that sounded just like my God’s, and so it tricked me for about two and half months. Now I am standing and I didn’t want to tell any of my spiritual sisters that I was going through this because I wanted no one to help me into acceptance of this illness. Does that make sense? So I fought Satan by himself and he kept on saying, “You know what, Gary is just getting extended time. You need to take him out of denial because you need to be the one that tells him.” And I fought and I fought, and I just would cry out to the Lord, “No, no! You gave me these promises. I’m standing. Abraham asked for Lot. You took Sodom and Gomorrah and you brought out Lot. I’m asking you to bring out Gary and I’m standing in your truth because this is what you said is true.” And it was in a counseling appointment, the night before his first CT scan where they expected the cancer to come back, the counselor that was helping me through this whole process, she said, I had not told her anything about this, I broke down that night and she said…