June 17, 2016
Time Called to Order: / Time Adjourned: / Location: / Minutes By:
9:08 a.m. / 11:10 a.m. / 115 S. Andrews Avenue, A337
Fort Lauderdale, FL / ASG
Members Present / Members Absent / Other Participants
Jarvis Brunson
Cassandra Evans, Secretary
Commissioner Dale Holness
Carmen Jones
Robert Mayersohn
Audrey Millsaps
Mickey Pope
Nora Rupert
Laurie Sallarulo
Dan Schevis, Chair
Joel Smith, Vice Chair
Karen Swartzbaugh
Lidia Wallace / Kim Gorsuch
/ Staff:
Mandy Wells, CPD
Scott Silverman, CSA
Deborah Scott, CSA
Anna Gibbs, CSA
Regenia Walker, Office of Justice Services
County Attorney:
Sharon Thorsen
Superintendent Robert Runcie, Broward County Public Schools
Billie Morgan, First Call for Help 2-1-1
Anna Del Barrio, Henderson Behavioral Health
Catherine Baez Sholl, Children’s Services Council
Shawn Preston, ARC Broward
Item / Action/Discussion/Recommendations / Due Date / Status/
Staff Responsible
1. Call to Order / Mr. Schevis, Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:08 a.m. He welcomed new CSB member Ms. Karen Swartzbaugh. Mr. Schevis also acknowledged and welcomed Superintendent Robert Runcie, who was attending this CSB meeting.
2. Roll Call / At the request of the Chair, Ms. Wells called the roll and a quorum was established with eight (8) members present.
3. Committee
Updates / Mr. Schevis announced that the order of agenda would be modified to ensure votes would take place before some members needed to leave the meeting due to scheduling conflicts. Mr. Schevis asked Ms. Millsaps to proceed with the report from the Needs Assessment Committee.
Needs Assessment - Ms. Millsaps reported that the Needs Assessment Committee met on June 13, 2016. She asked Ms. Scott to provide an overview of the proposed FY17 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne/JAG) Request for Proposals (RFP).
Ms. Scott highlighted the target population and services included in the RFP. The FY 17 RFP will address the Federal Purpose Area of Prevention and Education with an emphasis on the identified priority area of recidivism reduction for youth. The focus will be on supported employment services for youth with Behavioral Health problems served by the Broward County Juvenile Predisposition Services Project or who are dually involved in the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice systems (crossover youth). There will be $375,557 advertised with the final amount dependent on the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s award to Broward County.
Ms. Wallace arrived at 9:15 a.m.
Mr. Smith commented that it would be helpful for the CSB to receive a more detailed description of supported employment. Ms. Wells commented that staff would send additional information to the CSB.
Ms. Sallarulo arrived at 9:18 a.m.
Commissioner Holness asked staff to explore the work being done by the Transit Division and OIC to ascertain whether there might be opportunities for collaboration.
Ms. Mayersohn arrived at 9:20 a.m.
Commissioner Holness moved and Ms. Swartzbaugh seconded to approve the proposed funding and services presented for the Byrne/JAG FY 17 RFP. MOTION PASSED.
Ms. Millsaps indicated she would next present the Needs Assessment Committee’s recommendations on the FY 17 General Fund RFP and FY 17 Renewal Reallocations.
At the request of the Chair, Ms. Thorson reviewed the provisions of the County Ordinance and State Statute regarding Conflict of Interest. Information on both had been included in the meeting materials sent to CSB members.
Ms. Millsaps presented the FY17 General Fund RFP recommendations that had been provided in the meeting materials as Attachment 3 (also attached to the minutes as Attachment 1A). She announced that discussion and voting would be done on a page-by-page basis.
Ms. Pope indicated she would abstain from voting on any items related to Henderson Behavioral Health, the School Board of Broward County and Harmony Development Center. Ms. Rupert commented that she would abstain from voting on any items related to the School Board of Broward County and Henderson Behavioral Health. Mr. Mayersohn moved and Ms. Sallarulo seconded to separate the votes on proposals from Harmony, Henderson and the School Board from votes on other proposals. MOTION PASSED.
Ms. Sallarulo raised concerns about the level of need for Respite services and that full funding could not be recommended for requests due to the amount of funds available.
Page 1 - Commissioner Holness moved and Ms. Sallarulo seconded to approve the recommendations listed on page 1 as presented by the Needs Assessment Committee. MOTION PASSED.
Page 2 - Commissioner Holness moved and Ms. Rupert seconded to approve the recommendations listed on page 2 as presented by the Needs Assessment Committee. MOTION PASSED.
Page 3 - Commissioner Holness moved and Mr. Mayersohn seconded to approve the recommendations for the items on Kids in Distress. MOTION PASSED. In a separate motion, Ms. Sallarulo moved and Commissioner Holness seconded to approve the recommendation for the proposal from the School Board of Broward County also on page 3. Ms. Rupert and Ms. Pope abstained from this vote. MOTION PASSED.
Proposals from Harmony (Pages 4 and 5) - Ms. Sallarulo moved and Ms. Rupert seconded to approve the recommendations on the proposals from Harmony Development Center. Ms. Pope abstained from this vote. MOTION PASSED.
Page 5 - Ms. Sallarulo moved and Commissioner Holness seconded to approve recommendations for the proposal from Legal Aid Services of Broward County on page 5. MOTION PASSED.
Ms. Millsaps continued and presented the Needs Assessment Committee’s recommendations for FY17 Renewal Reallocations that had been provided in the meeting materials as Attachment 4 (also attached to the minutes as Attachment 1B). She stated that discussion and voting would also be done on a page-by-page basis.
Page 1 - Commissioner Holness moved and Ms. Rupert seconded to approve the recommendations listed on page 1, as presented by the Needs Assessment Committee. MOTION PASSED.
Page 2 - Commissioner Holness moved and Ms. Jones seconded to approve the recommendations listed on page 2 as presented by the Needs Assessment Committee. Ms. Sallarulo abstained from this vote. MOTION PASSED.
Page 3 - Ms. Jones moved and Ms. Evans seconded to approve the recommendations listed on page 3 as presented by the Needs Assessment Committee. MOTION PASSED.
Page 4 - Ms. Jones moved and Commissioner Holness seconded to approve the recommendations listed on page 4 as presented by the Needs Assessment Committee. Ms. Rupert and Ms. Pope abstained from this vote. MOTION PASSED.
Page 5 - Ms. Jones moved and Commissioner Holness seconded to approve the recommendations listed on page 5 as presented by the Needs Assessment Committee. Ms. Rupert and Ms. Pope abstained from this vote. MOTION PASSED.
Page 6 - Ms. Jones moved and Commissioner Holness seconded to approve the recommendations listed on page 6 as presented by the Needs Assessment Committee. MOTION PASSED.
Page 7 - Commissioner Holness moved and Ms. Jones seconded to approve the recommendations listed on page 7 for The School Board of Broward County. Ms. Pope and Ms. Rupert abstained from this vote. MOTION PASSED. In a separate vote, Commissioner Holness moved and Ms. Jones seconded to approve the recommendations for United Cerebral Palsy of Broward County, Inc., Civil Citation, the Juvenile Predisposition Services Project and Byrne/JAG Planning/Oversight as presented by the Needs Assessment Committee. MOTION PASSED.
Mr. Smith moved that the CSB ask the Commission to place in a parking lot the amount of funds allocated to Civil Citation so they can be reallocated to Respite services. Mr. Meyersohn seconded. MOTION PASSED. Mr. Smith clarified that he was not asking that funds be removed from Civil Citation. Commissioner Holness commented the CSB may want to consider asking for additional funds. He requested staff to provide information on the total amount of funding requested and available for Respite Care services and the number of children on the waiting list. Ms. Wells indicated that the information would be provided.
Mr. Brunson asked about the process to reallocate under-utilized funds. Ms. Wells responded that staff review utilization and present this information as part of the mid-year utilization review and reallocation process. She indicated that the review of Respite services could be done after Quarter 1 in FY 17 to address over-utilization and demand for service earlier in the year. Ms. Sallarulo moved and Ms. Swartzbaugh seconded that between now and September 30, 2016, if there are additional under-utilized funds they should be reallocated to Respite services. Ms. Wells commented that there would not be time to bring recommendations back to the Needs Assessment Committee and CSB and for providers to use additional funds before the end of the fiscal year. Ms. Swartzbaugh amended the motion to authorize staff to reallocate under-utilized funds to Respite services for the remainder of FY 16. Ms. Sallarulo accepted the amendment. Mr. Smith indicated that he would not be in favor of this as a general practice, but thought it was appropriate in the current circumstances. MOTION PASSED. Ms. Wells indicated that staff would provide updates to the Needs Assessment Committee and Children’s Services Advisory Board.
Ms. Jones left the meeting at 10:30 a.m.
Crossover Pilot Advisory Committee - Ms. Evans provided a brief update on the meeting held on June 1, 2016. Henderson Behavioral Health provided a status update. Among other areas, the Advisory Committee addressed ways of better engaging youth. Ms. Evans indicated that Ms. Stang, CSC’s representative to the Advisory Committee, had retired, and the committee indicated that staff should ask CSC to recommend another member of its management staff to serve in this capacity. The next meeting is scheduled for August 24, 2016.
Special Needs Advisory Coalition (SNAC) – Mr. Meyersohn provided a report on the SNAC meeting held on June 2, 2016. A topic of discussion was how to increase the number of youth who are on Med Waiver. Mr. Mayersohn also shared that a new committee of SNAC has been launched that will focus on youth who have both developmental disabilities and behavioral health problems. The committee will address both access and resources. He reported that the Annual Transition to Life Summit is scheduled for September 24, 2016.
4. Update: Juvenile Predisposi-tion Services Project / Ms. Walker gave a presentation on the Juvenile Predisposition Services (JPS) Project, which received some FY 16 funding from Children’s Services, as recommended by the CSB. There are currently three Case Coordinators who receive Juvenile Court referrals of youth who have been arrested and detained. JPS provides case coordination and linkages to community-based therapeutic services when needed and to positive youth development activities, educational services and other community programs. The intent is to prevent further Juvenile Justice involvement. JPS began serving clients on April 1, 2016.
Commissioner Holness left the meeting at 10:45 a.m.
5. Chair’s Report / Mr. Schevis reported that following up on the discussion at the previous CSB meeting, an extended meeting for strategic planning by the CSB was being proposed on the date of the regularly scheduled October CSB meeting. Mr. Meyersohn moved and Ms. Evans seconded to approve a CSB strategic planning session on October 21, 2016, from 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. MOTION PASSED.
Mr. Schevis announced that he will be out of the country and unable to attend. Therefore, Mr. Smith, Vice Chair, will serve as chair for this meeting.
Ms. Thorsen left the meeting at 10:56 a.m.
Mr. Schevis also reported that he, Ms. Thorsen and Ms. Raybin had met with staff who are coordinating the Sunset Review process in the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Professional Standards. This meeting is part of the Sunset Review process to provide information about the work and operations of the CSB. Mr. Schevis and Ms. Raybin shared that the CSB is working on recommendations for consideration as part of the process and these recommendations would be finalized in August.
6. Approval of Minutes / Ms. Sallarulo moved and Mr. Mayersohn seconded to approve the minutes of the May 20, 2016, CSB meeting. MOTION PASSED
Ms. Rupert moved and Ms. Swartzbaugh seconded to extend the meeting by ten (10) minutes. MOTION PASSED.
Ms. Wallace left the meeting at 11:05 a.m.
7. Staff Report / Ms. Wells informed the CSB that as requested, Ms. Campbell, Human Services Department (HSD) Director, will attend the September 2016 CSB meeting to present information on the future direction for Children’s Services leading into strategic planning in order to help inform the next budget planning process.
8. New Business / No new business.
9. Public Comment / No public comment.
10. Good of the Order / Mr. Schevis announced that staff member Scott Silverman will retire from Broward County in August. The CSB thanked him for his many years of dedicated service.
11. Adjourn-ment / Ms. Sallarulo moved and Ms. Evans seconded to adjourn the meeting. MOTION PASSED. Meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m.
The next meeting of the Children’s Services Advisory Board is scheduled for August 19, 2016, at 9:00 a.m.
These minutes were approved at the Children’s Services Advisory Board meeting dated August 19, 2016, as certified by
Cassandra Evans
Children’s Services Advisory Board Secretary
Approved CSB Minutes – June 17, 2016 Page 5