The Mayor and Council of Boonsboro held their Regular Meeting on Monday, November 2, 2015 in the Eugene C. Smith Community Center. In attendance were Mayor Charles Kauffman, Assistant Mayor Howard Long, Council Members Janeen Solberg, Cynthia Kauffman, Barbara Wetzel and Brigitte Schmidt. Also present were Town Manager Megan Clark, Police Chief Charles Stanford and Administrative Assistant Kimberly Miller. The meeting convened at 7:00 PM with the pledge and the invocation offered by Mayor Kauffman.
· Motion by Council Member Wetzel, second by Council Member Solberg to approve the Mayor and Council Meeting Minutes for October 5, 2015; and the Mayor and Council Workshop Meeting Minutes for October 19, 2015.
· Motion by Assistant Mayor Long second by Council Member Kauffman to approve the October 2015 Treasurer’s Report, and motion carried.
· Motion by Assistant Mayor Long, second by Council Member Kauffman to approve the October 2015 Bills to be Paid Report, and motion carried.
Richard Hancock, United States Postal Service – Richard Hancock, Real Estate Specialist for the United States Postal Service, stated that the current Boonsboro Post Office location is too small for the amount of mail that it handles and needs approximately 3,000 square feet to function properly. He stated that the US Postal Service has launched a proposed relocation project, noting that this is the first step to locate a suitable property to lease. He further stated that he will begin his 30-day fact finding process, which includes visiting suggested properties, and report his findings back to Town Manager Clark.
Smith, Elliott, Kearns and Company, Fiscal Year 2015 Financial Audit - Erin Clark, of SEK & Company, presented the Fiscal Year 2015 Audit Summary for the year ending June 30, 2015 of the General, Water, and Sewer Funds. Ms. Clark stated that the Uniform Financial Statements and Independent Auditor Report (UFR) have been submitted to the State and required agencies. She briefly reviewed the highlights from the Financial Statement Summary, stating that the General Fund has a fund balance of $3,534,163, an increase of $44,294 from Fiscal Year 2014. The Water Fund ended the year with an Operating Income of $70,290 and a Net Loss of $42,995; while the Sewer Fund had an Operating Income of $423,449 and a Net Income of $76,729.
Rick Byrd, 110 St. Paul Street, voiced concerns regarding the on-going speeding issue on St. Paul Street. Stated that he is requesting that a 3-way stop sign be placed on the road and will further discuss this action with the Public Safety Commission.
Richard DiPietro, new owner of 7700 Old National Pike (Auction Square), introduced himself to the Council.
Council Member Kauffman:
· Stated that she attended many Town meetings and events during the month of October 2015, including the Aquatic Center Final Feasibility Study Presentation
· Stated that she attended Boy Scout Adam Metz’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor on November 1
Council Member Solberg:
· Stated that she attended many Town meetings and events during the month of October 2015
· Stated that she met with members of the Tri-County Council
· Stated that the Fall Bulk Clean-Up in the Shafer Park parking lot on October 17 was a success and thanked volunteers
· Stated that the Green Fest Planning Meeting will be held on November 11
Council Member Schmidt:
· Stated that she attended many Town meetings and events during the month of October 2015
· Stated that she attended the MML Fall Conference
· Stated that she assisted with the Fall Bulk Clean-Up in the Shafer Park parking lot on October 17
Council Member Wetzel:
· Stated she attended many Town meetings and events during the month of October 2015
· Stated she attended the Transportation Task Force Meeting and is currently in the process of assisting with the tabulating of the transportation survey results. Stated that the next meeting is scheduled for December 10
· Stated that she attended Boy Scout Adam Metz’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor on November 1
Assistant Mayor Long:
· Stated that he attended many Town meetings and events during the month of October 2015
· Stated that he attended the Fiscal Year 2015 Audit Meeting on October 29
· Stated that he assisted with the Fall Bulk Clean-Up in the Shafer Park parking lot on October 17
· Stated that he attended the MML Board of Directors Meeting and the MML Fall Conference
Mayor Kauffman:
· Stated that he attended many Town meetings and events during the month of October 2015
· Stated he attended Boy Scout Adam Metz’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor on November 1, noting that he is only 13 years old
· Stated that the Town is partnering with the Boonsboro Fire Department for the distribution of smoke detectors in the Town
· Stated that the Antietam Battlefield Luminaries are scheduled for December 5, beginning at 6PM
Police Department Report – Chief Stanford. The Police Department received 464 calls for service, which included 132 motor vehicle violator contacts for the month of October 2015. There were 3 adult criminal arrests, 3 adult traffic arrests, and 2 juvenile arrests and 0 juvenile traffic arrest. Stated that the Department collected 3.46 pounds of prescription drugs through the Drug Turn-In Program for the month of October. Chief Stanford reported he is coordinating with the Well’s House, Inc. for a Heroin and Substance Abuse forum to be held for the public at Boonsboro High School on November 18, 2015.
Municipal Government Works Month Proclamation: Assistant Mayor Long read the Proclamation proclaiming November as Municipal Government Works Month in accordance with the Maryland Municipal League. Motion by Assistant Mayor Long, second by Council Member Solberg to proclaim November 2015 as Municipal Government Works Month, and motion carried.
Ordinance 2015-03: Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance: Mayor Kauffman stated that the Public Hearing was held at 6:30 PM before the Regular Meeting, with no comments being made. Town Manager Clark, on behalf of the Planning Commission, provided proposed Ordinance 2015-03; An Ordnance to amend and Add Certain Provisions to the Zoning Ordinance to Allow for Tattoo Studios within the Town Central Zone with Changes Relating to its Text to the Council for their consideration. She stated that Ordinance 2015-03 proposes to define tattoo and tattoo parlors, remove tattoo parlors from the adult uses category and permit tattoo parlors as a Special Exception in the General Commercial and Town Center Zoning Districts. Motion by Assistant Mayor Long, second by Council Member Solberg to approve Ordinance 2015-03; An Ordnance to Amend and Add Certain Provisions to the Zoning Ordinance to Allow for Tattoo Studios within the Town Central Zone with Changes Relating to its Text, with Council Member Schmidt voting nay, and motion carried 4-1.
Introduction of Resolution 2015-02; Washington County Humane Society Bond: Town Manager Clark stated that representatives from the Washington County Humane Society presented the request for assistance in procuring a Revenue Bond to refinance the Humane Society’s existing Susquehanna Bank construction loan for the facility located at 13011 Maugansville Road in Hagerstown at the October Workshop Meeting. She reviewed that due to the Town being a tax-exempt entity, the refinancing of the $1,450,000 loan to a Revenue Bond through the Town would lower the interest rate. She further reviewed that by doing this the Town would not be held responsible for any of the cost or liabilities of the loan, noting that the Washington County Humane Society would pay on the bond directly. Town Manager Clark stated that the request has been reviewed by Attorney Wantz and that she is recommending the Introduction of the Resolution 2015-02; Washington County Humane Society Bond with a Public Hearing scheduled for 6:45PM before the December Regular Meeting. Motion by Council Member Wetzel, second by Council Member Kauffman to approve the Introduction of the Resolution 2015-02; Washington County Humane Society Bond with a Public Hearing scheduled for 6:45PM before the December Regular Meeting, and motion carried.
Town Farm Forest Mitigation Bank: Town Manager Clark reviewed that the Town Farm is comprised of a 120-acre parcel and stated that she is proposing that 44 acres on the northeast portion of the property be designated as a Forest Mitigation Bank. She provided the proposed Forest Conservation Easement map and Forest Banking Agreement with Washington County for the Council’s review. She stated that the next step in creating the Forest Mitigation Bank is to approve the Agreement with the County and then the County will formally approve the Forest Conservation Easement plat. She further stated that after all of the items are submitted and approved by the County, the Town will then post signs and install fencing around the perimeter of the Forest Conservation area. Motion by Council Member Kauffman, second by Council Member Schmidt to approve the Forest Conservation Easement map and Forest Banking Agreement with Washington County, and motion carried.
2001 Ford F550 Bids: Town Manager Clark stated that the Town received an unsolicited bid for the sale of the 2001 Ford F550 dump truck, which was placed out for bids a few months ago and not sold. She stated that Council requested that the dump truck be placed out for bids again, in the “as is” condition, with all bids due by October 29, 2015. She further stated that four (4) bids were received, with Brian Babington submitting the highest bid of $12,500. Motion by Council Member Kauffman, second by Council Member Solberg to approve the selling of the 2001 Ford F550 dump truck in “as is” condition to Brian Babington for $12,500, and motion carried.
Snowplowing Contract Award: Town Manager Clark stated that the Request for Proposals for additional snowplowing and sidewalk clearing for the 2015-2016 winter season, designed to help relieve Town employees during large storm events, was advertised in The Herald-Mail Newspaper and the Town website, with proposals due by October 22. She stated that Custom Landscape Management submitted a bid for the same price as their Maintenance Agreement for the 2014-2015 winter season, at the rate of $90 per hour for plowing and salt spreading. Motion by Council Member Kauffman, second by Council Member Solberg to award the Snowplowing Contract for the 2015-2016 to Custom Landscape Management, and motion carried.
2016 Meeting and Event Calendar: Town Manager Clark stated that Administrative Assistant Miller provided the 2016 Meeting and Event Calendar for the Council’s review and input at the October Workshop meeting. Administrative Assistant Miller stated that she made the edits and corrections to the calendar as requested. Motion by Council Member Solberg, second by Council Member Wetzel to approve the 2016 Event and Meeting Calendar as presented, and motion carried.
Request for Fire Police at 2016 Events: Town Manager Clark stated that she prepared a request to the Washington County Sheriff’s Department for Fire Police assistance with traffic control during Town events in 2016. She stated that the events requesting Fire Police assistance would be Green Fest, the Rescue Company Carnival, the Independence Day Celebration and Boonsborough Days, noting that all fees incurred will be paid for by the hosts of those events. Motion by Council Member Kauffman, second by Council Member Schmidt to approve the letter of request to the Washington County Sheriff’s Department for Fire Police during 2016 Town events, as presented, and motion carried.
BEC Reappointment: Town Manager Clark, on behalf of the Boonsboro Environmental Commission, presented the recommendation to reappoint Jessica Renner and Kathy Vesely to the Commission for consecutive 3-year terms ending October 2018. Motion by Council Member Kauffman, second by Council Member Solberg to approve the reappointment of Jessica Renner and Kathy Vesely for consecutive 3-year terms, and motion carried.
Public Safety Commission – R. Byrd. Meeting held on October 15, 2015. Discussions included the ordering of ‘No Parking’ signs for Shafer Park and Shafer Park Drive, issues with uneven sidewalks near Subway and Kristi’s Bakery on North Main Street, the need for speed monitoring in Shafer Park and on St. Paul Street, and possible grants that the Commission may be eligible for.
Park Board –C. Kauffman. Meeting held on October 28, 2015. Discussions included a proposal from BAAA to lease property in Shafer Park to develop practice fields for various sport teams in the Boonsboro area, the plans for the upcoming Olde Tyme Christmas on December 4 and the purchase of new decorations, an update on the USAquatics final presentation for the proposed Aquatic and Recreation Center, the hosting of a bike riding event around Shafer Park and Boonsboro on Thanksgiving Day by the Boonsboro Bike Club “Move Boonsboro,” plans for Arbor Day, and the proclamation from the Town to Boy Scout Adam Metz for his Eagle Scout Court of Honor on November 1.
Utilities Commission –B. Wetzel. Meeting held on October 8, 2015. Discussions included the approval to accept the Shafer Park Well rehabilitation proposals from Philips & Son Drilling, Inc. for the estimated cost of $3,853, the approval to purchase a 2016 Ford F150 Pickup Truck for $21,785, and the approval of the Request to Bid the Sewer Rehabilitation Project.
Planning Commission –H. Long. No meeting was held during the month of October 2015.
Economic Development Commission –J. Solberg. Meeting held on October 28, 2015. Discussions included the upcoming Networking Breakfast which will be held at Vesta on November 20 with guest speaker Ed Herendeen from the Contemporary American Theater, the plans to promote Shop Locally and the approval to use $500 towards the purchase of magnetic calendars, the SHA’s plans to change the stop light in the Town Square back to its original settings, updates on Holiday in Boonsboro and plans to update the Boonsboro Advertising Brochure. The next EDC meeting will be December 16, 2015.
Environmental Commission –B. Schmidt. Meeting held on October 13, 2015. Discussions included the Pay-As-You-Throw program and plans of action with Apple Valley Waste, approval to follow the Town’s donation policy, updates on the Farmer’s Market and plans for next year’s event, the approval to recommend the re-appointments of Jessica Renner and Kathy Vesely for 3-year terms to the Mayor and Council, and the Subcommittee updates.