Student Name: ______
Last (print) First (print) Middle (print)
Grade for 2017-18 School Year (circle):12th 11th 10th ^For Office Use Only^
Make:______Model:______Color:______Tag #:______Student’s DL#:______
Check ALL That Student Driver Is Enrolled: IE2___ WBL___ MOWR___ OOD___ HMP___ Forsyth Academy___
My signature below indicates that I have read, understand, and agree to adhere to guidelines found in the 2017-18 FCSS Code of Conduct, the 2017-18 FCHS Student Handbook, and the 2017-18 FCHS Parking Rules & Regulations outlined below:
Date Parent’s Signature (if student is under 18) Student’s Signature
------DETACH HERE & SAVE------
- Parking on the FCHS campus or any designated school area is a privilege granted by the FCHS administration based on the proper purchase of an FCHS parking permit from the school. This FCHS administration has the authority to grant or revoke this privilege at its discretion.
- All vehicles parked on the FCHS campus or any designated school area are subject to search at any time by law enforcement and/or the FCHS administration. Searches may be conducted without owner’s consent, notice, or a search warrant.
- FCHS is not responsible for vandalism, theft, or damage to any vehicles parked on the FCHS campus.
- The FCHS parking permit may only be used by the person to whom it was issued by the school after proper purchase from the school. Transferring of permits after purchase by parties other than the school is prohibited. Students who give their parking permit to another student for use and students who receive a parking permit from another party other than the FCHS administration for use are in violation of these Parking Rules & Regulations and are subject to disciplinary consequences.
- FCHS Parking Permits must ALWAYS be displayed affixed to the bottom left, driver’s side corner on the front windshield of the vehicle.
- Vehicles must be parked properly in the individual assigned, numbered space indicated by the permit color & number.
- The FCHS administration must be notified if the purchaser of an FCHS parking permit changes vehicles during the school year.
- Vehicles parked in school designated areas without a valid FCHS parking permit are subject to being immobilized using a parking boot or towed from the FCHS campus at the owner’s expense. To remove the parking boot, a student will be issued a disciplinary consequence for violating FCHS Parking Rules & Regulations--a minimum of 1 day of Saturday School.
- The FCHS administration will suspend and/or permanently revoke parking permit privileges for the following:
- Failure to follow FCHS Parking Rules & Regulations
- Speeding (Speed limit on the FCHS campus is 10 MPH), reckless driving, horseplay involving an automobile, or other driving violations within the school zone as determined by the FCHS administration or local law enforcement
- Attendance and disciplinary reasons, including but not limited to:
- Accumulation of five unexcused tardies to school;
- Accumulation of three or more unexcused check-outs;
- Skipping class or school, on or off campus, with or without the use of a vehicle;
- Leaving the FCHS campus during the school day without permission or failing to follow proper check in/out procedures;
- Transporting another FCHS student off campus who does not have permission to leave campus, is skipping class or school, or who has failed to follow proper check in/ out procedures;
- Violations of the FCSS Code of Conduct resulting in Out of School Suspension
d. Students who park in designated school areas without a valid permit, use a parking permit issued to another student without the school’s permissions, or park on designated school areas while their permit is suspended/revoked are subject to have their vehicle booted or towed at the owner’s expense at the discretion of the FCHS administration.
- 2017-18 Parking Permit Fee: $120.00 (on campus) $100.00 (FCHS Baseball Field)
Student Parking Permit fees will not be pro-rated or discounted based on frequency of use or date of purchase.
Student Parking Permits will not be sold on a temporary basis for specific events (ex—testing, athletics, clubs).
- No refunds will be given once FCHS has issued the parking permit to the student.