Thokomala Orphan Care Organisation
Association incorporated under Section 21Registration No 2005/015781/08
NPO Registration Number: 050-974-NPO
Address: 15 Nollsworth Crescent, Cnr Armstrong Ave, La Lucia 4051
Postal: P O Box 1091, Durban, 4000 /
Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd., Durban Branch
Account No: 05 027 339 6
Bank Code: 040026
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ / Manager: Tel: 031 570 2013
Fax: 031 570 3481
Cell: 082 499 8642
25 March 2013
Strauss Daly Attorneys
2nd Floor East Coast Radio House,
313/315 Umhlanga Rocks Drive
Umhlanga, 4320
Attn: Linda Marais
Dear Linda,
“What is done to children, they will do to society” - Karl A. Menninger
Over 1000 HIV Aids deaths occur every day; leaving millions of children orphaned. Only a small percentage of these children are adopted or end up in foster care. As a result, the continuous displacement of children is having a negative impact on our communities. If our children are broken, so is our future. It is up to each of us to make sure we restore as much normality as possible to their lives.
THOKOMALA brings normality to the lives of orphaned children and promotes the placement of children in their community of origin. This ensures that they don’t lose touch with their roots and the support systems which are familiar to them.
THOKOMALA receives support from individuals and organizations like you who believe in the ‘pay it forward’ philosophy. Everyone who is involved in the lives of THOKOMALA children leaves behind a legacy of helping children reach their full potential.
Thank you so very much for your donation of R35 000 to aid our organisation. I can assure you it is hugely appreciated and will go a long way in relieving strain on the homes’ budgets! Since our beneficiary base constitutes 100%black children, you will be eligible to claim the full value.
Warmest regards,
Thokomala Orphan Care Organisation
Directors: GCJ Tielenius Kruythoff*, M van Tiggelen”, AH Aziz**, T Naicker
*Dutch **British
Donations are tax deductible in terms of Section 18 (a)
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