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Naomh Bréanainn Pastoral Area ~ Parishes of Abbeydorney, Ardfert, Ballyheigue & Causeway

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A 28th September 2014

Please pray for John Dillon, Droumcunnig and Brendan Cantillon, Killahan who died during the week.

Masses and Intentions for the week:- Kilflynn

Sun. 28th 9.30 a.m. James Sheehan, Castletown

Tues. 30th 10.00 a.m.

Fri. 3rd Oct 10.00 a.m. First Friday

Sat. 4th 7.00 p.m. Teresa Breen, Knocknacaska

Sun. 5th 9.30 a.m. Brendan & Séamus Whyte, Castletown


Sat. 27th 7.00 p.m. J. J. Shanahan, Ballymacaquim.

Sun. 28th 11.00 a.m. Jeremiah Lawlor, Ballysheen

Mon. 29th 7.30 p.m. Nuala & Jim Ryall, Ballysheen.

Thurs. 2nd Oct 10.00 a.m.

Fri. 3rd 7.30 p.m. Tommy Lee, Mohill

Sun. 5th 11.00 a.m. Paddy & Mary Shanahan, Boheroe

Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament:-

Kilflynn: Monday 6.00 p.m. - 8.00 p.m.

Abbeydorney: Tuesday 4.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m.

Eucharistic Ministers for next weekend:

Abbeydorney: Morning: Dermot Dillane, John Cunningham

Kilflynn: Vigil: Noreen Quilter Morning: Mary Fuller

Readers for next weekend:

Abbeydorney Morning: Shanahan Family

Kilflynn Vigil: Breen Family Morning: Francis White


Abbeydorney: Offertory (baskets & envelopes) €574

Kilflynn: Offertory (baskets & envelopes) €275

St. Bernard's , Abbeydorney/St. Mary's, Kilflynn Parish Pastoral Council are organising a Gathering for all involved in parish activities, those who have been and those who would like to be involved on Friday 10th October in St. Columba's Centre, Kilflynn at 8.00 p.m. Prayer Service followed by cup of tea and chat. All welcome.

Abbeydorney Collectors for October: Michael Buckley, Eileen Buckley.

Kilflynn Altar Society for October: Maureen Weir, Breda Condon.

Hall Lottery: Jackpots €10,000 & €2,300. Next draw on Monday 29th September in the Complex.

Ardfert Retreat Centre: Thursday 9th October at 8.00pm 'Famine Times in the Ardfert area' with Tommy O' Connor. All Welcome

Aware Depression Support Group meet in Killarney – Mondays, KDYS at 8.00 p.m. and in Tralee – Tuesdays, meeting room at rear of St. John’s Church at 8.00 p.m. Aware Support Groups are free to attend, no referral necessary. For further information contact Dolores Gallagher , Support Group Co-ordinator on 01 - Tel: 01 661 7211; Mob: (085) 886-3280 or see

Support Group for Parents, families and friends who have lost loved ones through suicide. This group is for anyone who has lost loved ones through suicide, no matter how long ago this happened to them. Meetings will be held on the last Monday of each month. Next meeting Monday 29th September from 7.00 -9.00 p.m. at SouthWest Counselling Centre, Killarney (next door to Áras Pádraig) Tel: 064 6636416 for details.

Kerry Film Festival presents the amazing ‘Advanced Style’ movie on Wednesday, October 8th 2014 at 2.00 p.m in Siamsa Tíre, Tralee. Cost €3 including refreshments prior to the film.

Bridge Classes in Ballyroe Heights Hotel, commencing on Monday 6th October for Improvers and Tuesday 7th October for Beginners. Details from Jim on 086 8714804.