Kids’ Coop Cambridge Evacuation Plan 2007-2008
In the event of the fire alarms being sounded or a strong smell of smoke please follow these instructions.
Co-op Rooms
- Move all children into the snack room
- Line all children on the green line in the front room and count them, compare with whiteboard.
- Once all children are on green line proceed calmly to the main (car park) exit.
- One caregiver will take the “rope” and lead the children, ensuring that none get past him/her.
- A second caregiver follows the group ensuring none get behind him/her and collect jackets on hooks if needed.
- The third caregiver will be responsible for double checking both rooms toensure that no children have been left behind, and collecting the mobile phone and white board.
- In addition to this the third caregiver may be required to carry any child that is not able to follow instructions.
- When exiting the building be wary of emergency vehicles and move to the front of the Jehovah’s Witness church next door if safe.
- Check list to ensure that all children are accounted for
- Make contact with emergency staff to assess crisis
- If there has been a fire call all parents on list to collect children
- If no immediate danger, return immediately to Co-op space and exit building with group.
- If unsafe, exit building via emergency exit next to bathroom and follow procedures 4.-7. above
Outside Play Area
- If no immediate danger, to exit via front gate.
- Collect all children
- One caregiver will lead the children, ensuring that none get past him/her.
- A second caregiver follows the group ensuring none get behind him/her.
- Exit through front gate and follow procedures 4.-7.
- If unsafe, move to the rear of the playground and await instructions from emergency crew.
Inside Play Area
- Collect all children
- One caregiver will lead the children out the either emergency exit, ensuring that none get past him/her.
- A second caregiver follows the group ensuring none get behind him/her.
- Exit through front gate and follow procedures 4.-7.
Important Notes:
If member get separated contact other members once in safe location
If you have reached a safe location and emergency vehicles are to arrive, call 911 immediately.
Instructions from emergency workers take precedence to this plan.
Updated 8/20/07 STH
Kids’ Coop Cambridge • St. James Episcopal Church • 1991 Massachusetts Avenue• Cambridge, MA 02140 • • 617.868.9079
• Hours: M-F, 9am to Noon