Hart CountyBoard of Assessors
P.O. Box810
165 W. Franklin Street
Hartwell, GA 30643
Board Members:
James McMullan, Chairman
Anne Thompson
Gene Crump
Lloyd Cowart
The Hart County Board of Assessors met Thursday, May 15, 2008, for a regular monthly meeting at the HartCountyAdministrationBuilding. Those in attendance were Board of Assessor members: James McMullan, Chairman, Gene Crump, and Lloyd Cowart. Also in attendance were Rebecca Duncan, Chief Appraiser, Missy Carter,Clerk, Jimmy Nolan, Mr. Nagele, Mr. Techo, Connie Hamilton, Gary Hamilton, Jean Grenier, Megan Davis, Hartwell Sun Reporter.
Missy Carter took minutes for this meeting.
Mr. McMullan, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M. and Mr. Cowart opened with prayer.
Motion was made by Mr. Cowart to amend agenda to include a public introduction by Mr. Nagele after the approval of agenda. Motion was seconded by Mr. Crump. Motion was passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made by Mr. Crump to approve the agenda as amended. Motion was seconded by Mr. Cowart. Motion was passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made by Mr. Cowart to amend the agenda to add a discussion of the Hartwell Marina Subpoena after approval of minutes. Motion was seconded by Mr. Crump. Motion was passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made by Mr. Cowart to approve the May 1, 2008minutesas presented. Motion was seconded by Mr. Crump. Motion was passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made by Mr. Coward to suspend the subpoena to Hartwell Marina due to receiving information from marina as requested. Motion was seconded by Mr. Crump. Motion was passed by unanimous consent.
Mr. McMullan instructed Chief Appraiser to send letter to Hartwell Marina releasing him from his appearance at today’s meeting due to release of subpoena, with a copy to CountyAttorney.
Motion was made by Mr. Crump to release the Conservation Use Covenant of Clifton Floyd, parcel no. C16-002. Motion was seconded by Mr. Cowart. Motion was passed by unanimous consent.
Mr. McMullan moved the meeting to the adjoining Board of Commissioner’s area for a mapping presentation presented by Jimmy Nolan of ITOS from the University of Georgia.
Motion was made by Mr. Crump to accept Associate Chief Appraiser, Bruce Grant’s recommendation for valuation of Browns Landing and Yacht Club Point (Map C67D) at $300,000 base rate per lake front lot and $60,000 base rate per interior lot. Motion was seconded by Mr. Cowart. Motioned passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made by Mr. Crump to accept Associate Chief Appraiser, Bruce Grant’s recommendation for valuation of Mayes Farm subdivision (Map C69B) at $11,000 base rate per lot with the exception of one lot with a power line an adjustment of 25% reduction. Motion was seconded by Mr. Cowart. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made by Mr. Crump to accept Associate Chief Appraiser, Bruce Grant’s recommendation for valuation of Olde Mill subdivision (C69B) base lots at $15,000 and to also revalue Stillwood subdivision base lots to $15,000 with appropriate adjustments. Motion was seconded by Mr. Cowart. Motion was passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made by Mr. Cowart to accept Associate Chief Appraiser, Bruce Grant’s recommendation for valuation of Bailey’s Garage Road development (C43) base lots at $10,000. Motion was seconded by Mr. Crump. Motion was passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made by Mr. Crump to accept Associate Chief Appraiser, Bruce Grant’s recommendation for valuation of Tanner’s Landing subdivision (C26) base lots at $17,000. Motion was seconded by Mr. Cowart. Motion was passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made by Mr. Cowart to accept Associate Chief Appraiser, Bruce Grant’s recommendation for valuation of Billy Ethridge subdivision (I70F) base lots at $25,000. Motion was seconded by Mr. Crump. Motion was passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made by Mr. Crump to accept Associate Chief Appraiser, Bruce Grant’s recommendation for valuation of Crestwood subdivision (I56O/I56P) as $4,500 the value of the adjoining lots until further research can be done. Motion was seconded by Mr. Cowart. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made by Mr. Cowart to accept Associate Chief Appraiser, Bruce Grant’s recommendation for valuation of Ridgeview subdivision (C15) base lots at $15,000. Motion was seconded by Mr. Crump. Motion was passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made by Mr. Cowart to accept Associate Chief Appraiser, Bruce Grant’s recommendation for valuation of Payne’s Creek subdivision (C52) base lot at $17,500. Motion was seconded by Mr. Crump. Motion was passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made by Mr. Cowart to accept Associate Chief Appraiser, Bruce Grant’s recommendation for valuation of Corrie’s Point subdivision (C70B) interior base lot at $35,000 and $300,000 base lot for waterfront property. Motion was seconded by Mr. Crump. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made by Mr. Cowart to accept Associate Chief Appraiser, Bruce Grant’s recommendation for valuation of Old Savannah subdivision (C82A) base lot at $300,000. Motion was seconded by Mr. Crump. Motion was passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made by Mr. Cowart to accept Associate Chief Appraiser, Bruce Grant’s recommendation for valuation of the water front lots in the Teasley Lane and Farmers Lane area to $225,000 to $250,000 per lot. Motion was seconded by Mr. Crump. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made by Mr. Cowart to accept Associate Chief Appraiser, Bruce Grant’s recommendation for valuation of the Villas, Manors & Cabins subdivisions (C82A) base lot of lake front property to $250,000 and the interior lots at $50,000. Motion was seconded by Mr. Crump. Motion was passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made Mr. Crump to accept Associate Chief Appraiser, Bruce Grant’s recommendation for valuation of the Goldmine Homes Mobile Home rental development (C35) base lots at $13,000. Motion was seconded by Mr. Cowart. Motion was passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made by Mr. Cowart to accept Associate Chief Appraiser, Bruce Grant’s recommendation for valuation of the town homes at College Avenue (I57D) with a $260,000 unit value (land and improvement). Motion was seconded by Mr. Crump. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made by Mr. Cowart to accept Associate Chief Appraiser, Bruce Grant’s recommendation for valuation of the town homes at Compton’s Court (I70A) with a $180,000 unit value (land and improvement) with adjustment for building size. Motion was seconded by Mr. Crump. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made by Mr. Cowart to accept Associate Chief Appraiser, Bruce Grant’s recommendation for valuation of the Phillips Brother development off Lakeview Road (C39B) with a $225,000 base lot value. Motion was seconded by Mr. Crump. Motion was passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made by Mr. Crump to accept Associate Chief Appraiser, Bruce Grant’s recommendation for valuation of the Whispering Creek subdivision (C55B) with a $20,000 base lot value. Motion was seconded by Mr. Cowart. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made by Mr. Crump to accept 26 Freeport Applications as recommended by Chief Appraiser, Rebecca Duncan. Motion was seconded by Mr. Cowart. Motion was passed by unanimous consent.
Motion was made by Mr. Crump to authorize and mail assessment notices on May 30, 2008. Motion was seconded by Mr. Cowart. Motion was passed by unanimous consent.
***The next regular scheduled meeting of the Board of Assessors will be Thursday, June 5, 2008 at 9:00 A.M.
*** Board of Assessors Work Session will tentatively be held on May 29, 2008
There being no further business, Mr. Cowart made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 P.M. Motion was seconded by Mr. Crump. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
James McMullan, ChairmanAnne Thompson
Gene CrumpLloyd Cowart