Final Review #1

By the way….

Don’t forget your final is at 7:30am on Wed, in the usual room

Make SURE to study your previous exams!

We won’t really be going over dead week lectures, but you are still responsible for them!

1.What are the four characteristics of a chordate?

1. notochord 2. dorsal hollow nerve chord 3. pharyngeal slits 4. muscular postanal tail

2.What are the three subphyla in the Phylum Chordata?

Urochordata, cephalochordata, vertebrata

3.Who is the founder of modern taxonomy? What two things are accredited to him?

Carolus Linnaeus—binomial nomenclature and hierarchal classification

4. What are the four parts of evolution by natural selection?

1.more individuals born each generation than can survive and reproduce

2.trait variation among individuals

3.some of that trait variation is heritable

4.trait differences tied to fitness

5.What are the three types of fish scales? Describe.

Placoid-from mesoderm, composed of dentine Ganoid-composed of bone

Cycloid/Ctenoid-outer layer of bone, thin layer connective tissue

6. ______are the class of fish that were a precursor to tetrapods.


7.The ______is the age of fishes. Devonian

8.What are the three extant orders of Amphibians?

Gymnophiona-caecilians caudata-salamanders anura-frogs/toads

9. Amphibian means ______. While Lissamphibia means

______. Two lives, modern amphibian

10.What are the three theories of why fish moved to land?

  1. avoid being eaten(predation) 2. better quality of food 3. competitive advantage

11. ______is the age of Amphibians. Carboniferous

12. What is the main reason that amphibians are still tied to water?

Egg with no shell can’t leave a moist area

13. ______is the age of reptiles. mesozoic

14.What are the four extant orders of reptiles?

Testudines-turtles, squamata-lizards, sphenodonta-tuatara, crocodilia-crocs

15.T/F Retiles are a monophyletic group. False(not all descendants are reptiles b/c birds

16. ______is a transitional fossil with mixed features of fish and tetrapods. Tiktaalik

17. Amniotes differ in the number of ______(skull openings. What are the three types?

Temporal fenestrae, anapsid-no opening, synapsid-one, diapsid-2

18. Molecular and morphological data support two squamate lineages ______and

______. Serpentes and Amphisbaenia are nested within ______. Iguania and Scleroglossa, Scleroglossa.

19. ______is the fossil with bird and reptile characteristics. Archaeopteryx

20. What are the three theories of flight evolution?

1.arboreal- jump>glide>fly leap between trees and glide to break fall

  1. cursorial-run>gliding>flap wings increase life and lighten load for running, add to forward propulsion---NOT TRUE
  2. cursorial II – run>glide>flap wings to trap prey

21. Birds evolved from ______dinosaurs. Theropod

22.______means two sets of teeth(baby and adult), ______dentition means different kinds of teeth(canines, molars, etc.). Diphyodonty, heterodont

23. What are the three major anatomical changes that occurred with mammals?

Squamosal dentary jaw articulation, inner ear-sense vibrations, locomotion

24.What are the two types of bones?

Endochondral-bone replace cartilage, ossified, most common

Membranous- no cartilage precursor(facial bones)

25. Why are intercalated disks important? Coordinate contraction of heart

26. ______--retention of larval characteristics. paedomorphism

27. What are the three types of blood cells?

Thrombocytes-blood clotters(mammals have platelets), erythrocytes-rbc, leukocyte-wbc

28.Fish use ______current exchange of O2. counter

29. ______are salamanders who are lungless. Plethodontidae

30. ______is the outer layer of skin, and ______is the inner layer. Epidermis, dermis

31.Shedding in reptiles= ______, and shedding in birds=______. Ecdysis, molting

32. ______is the master center of the brain.

33. The parathyroid produces ______hormone which controls calcium in blood. Parathyroidic

34. What are the two types of polygamy?

Polygyny-1 male, many females polyandry-1 female, many males

35.______: live birth, ______:embryo in structure outside body,

______: combination viviparous, oviparous, ovoviviparous

36.The ______is the largest gland in the body, it’s a chemical factory, storage depot of digested materials and site of detoxification. Liver

37.What are pancreatic juice and bile rich in that aids in neutralization of stomach acid? Bicarb

38.Foods are transported through the digestive system and experience ______and ______breakdown physical and chemical

39. What are three water conservation measures?

Decrease evaporative loss through lungs and skin, produce concentrated urine, very dry feces

40.Wastes are extracted from blood by the ______:the functional unit of the kidney. Nephron

41. What are the three types of neurons? Describe.

Efferent-motor, afferent-sensory, interneurons-in between

42. ______taste warns of toxicity. Bitter

43.If pressure is sustained the ______adjusts. corpuscle

44.What did the vertebrate ear originate as?

Balance organ

45.What are the four pupil shapes? What are they used for?

Round- day or night only vertical-nocturnal, and also active during day

Vertical pinholed- allows for several images horizontal- wide open habitat

46.______are used in dim light and ______are used for color vision. Rods, cones

47.What are the four types of swimming locomotion? Describe?

Carangiform-front half body rigid, back half moves Ostraciiform-only caudal fin moves

Appendicular-appendages move angulliform- most of body used

48.What are the three types of instability? Describe.

Roll- move side to side Pitch-up and down movement yaw- tendency to go right or left

49.The two forces that to be generated by swimming are ______(counteracts force of gravity), and ______(forward/backward motion in a horizontal plane. Lift, thrust

50.What does Bernoulli’s Principle? How is it applied to flight locomotion?

Says increase in air speed, decrease in pressure. Low pressure zone forms above wing, high pressure under, producing lift; air pressure pushed bird up

51.What are the three powered fliers that developed?

Pterosaur, bats, birds

52. What are the two types of soaring?

Static-use thermals, wings with deep slots dynamic-live in places with constant wind, exalbatross

53.What are the five general types of locomotion? Match these terms with the corresponding type…cursorial, saltatorial, scansorial.

Running-cursorial, jumping-saltatorial, climbing-scansorial, crawling, digging

54. There are four crawling types of locomotion…what are they and describe them.

Lateral undulation-anguilliform mvmnt on land

Rectilinear-use belly scales to push body forward

Concertina-anchor part of body with S-shaped coils, pull body forward, anchor again, stretch out

Side winding- throw body 2-3 coils at a time, animal tracks forward but at an angle to direct travel

55.______: to act, react, or function in a particular way in response to a stimulus. Behavior

56. ______behavior is developmentally fixed, has genetic and environmental underpinnings, ex: baby bird begging for food. Innate

57. What are the two types of conditioning?

Classical(associating arbitrary stimulus with reward/punishment), and operant(trial and error)

58. What is altruism?

Most behavior is selfish, but altruistic behavior saves another while harming oneself…possibly to increase fitness of close relative

59. What’s the difference between a home range and territory?

Territory is defended

60. Increased ______is the ultimate benefit to a territory. Fitness

61.What are ways to defend a territory?

Visual, auditory, and chemical displays…not fighting

62.______signals are ideal for communication over long distances, are easy to locate, can be sent without need for sight. Auditory

63.What are some disadvantages of chemical markings as communication?

Transmission inefficient, difficult to locate, wear out

64.______is a one-way trip, and ______is a seasonal round trip.

Dispersal, migration

65.______species hatch in a river, while adults live majority of their lives in a marine environment, and return to freshwater to breed, lay eggs, and die. Salmon, for example. Anadromous

66.For migration, ______is key. ______(annual) and ______(daily) rhythm are both reset by this. Photoperiod, circannual, circadian

67.What are the four chemical colors?

Melanins-darks colors, carotenoids-bright colors, tetrapyrroles-red in blood, guanine-silver

68.______changes are when color changes from young to adult, ______changes are found in birds and mammals primarily, especially in the arctic, and ______changes happen within hours, days or minutes.

69. ______coloration serves as predator avoidance where the animal confuses the predator. Cryptic

70.______is the manufacture of complex substances from simpler substrates with the consequent utilization. Anabolism

71.Mating behavior does what three things?

Make sure different sexes of same species with female physiologically ready

72. ______young are born helpless. Altricial

73.______: temperatue of organism determined by temp of environment. Ectothermic

74.Is heat or cold harder to deal with? How is it dealt with usually?

Heat; water loss

75.Temperature zone in which animal requires minimum amount of energy for temp regulation?

Thermal neutral zone

76.What are the three types of dormancy?

Estivation, hibernation, torpor

77.What are the three steps to enter hibernation?

Decrease heart rate, drop O2 consumption, drop body temp