Name: Date:

7th Grade Social StudiesPeriod:

Ancient Chinese Philosophies Assessment

Franklin Middle School is looking for a new principal. Dr. John Ravally, our superintendent wants you, the students, to help him try and find a principal that would help “achieve peace and order” at Franklin Middle School. You will write a letter to Dr. John Ravally recommending which Chinese philosophy should be a part of the new principal’s leadership style. You may pick from the following philosophies: Confucianism, Daoism, or Legalism.

Your letter should be written in a formal letter format, describing your reason for writing the letter and identify and describe 3 reasons why the philosophy you chose will make the principal the right man or woman for the job.

Franklin Township Public Schools
1755 Amwell Road
Somerset, NJ 08873
To Dr. John Ravally
Dear Dr. Ravally:
PARAGRAPH 1 INTRODUCTION: Start by explaining the reason you are writing the letter. Then, introduce which philosophy you think is best and list your 2-3 reasons why the philosophy would help make Franklin Middle School a more peaceful and orderly school for teachers and students.
PARAGRAPH 2 BODY: In this section, explain why the philosophy would help make Franklin Middle School a more peaceful and orderly school for teachers and students based on your experience. Then, explain why it would be better than the other philosophies. Cite evidence (direct quotes) from the main ideas, key beliefs, and principles of the philosophy.
PARAGRAPH 3 CONCLUSION: Wrap it up by restating the philosophy you chose along with your reasons for why it would help improve our school. Thank Dr. Ravally for taking the time to get your input!
[Your Signature Here]
[Your name in print]

Grading Rubric For Letter

Grading Criteria / 10- Exceeding Expectations / 8- Meeting Expectations / 6- Approaching Expectations / 4- Needs Improvement
Letter Format / Letter format is entirely correct. / Letter format is mostly correct. / Letter format is somewhat correct. / Letter format is missing specific parts:
Intro paragraph;
Body paragraph;
Concluding paragraph;
Salutation; (closure)
Introduction / Introduction includes all requirements. / Introduction includes all requirements. / Introduction includes all requirements. / Introduction includes all requirements.
Body Paragraph / Body paragraph includes all requirements. / Body paragraph includes all requirements. / Body paragraph includes all requirements. / Body paragraph includes all requirements.
Conclusion / Conclusion includes all requirements. / Conclusion includes all requirements. / Conclusion includes all requirements. / Conclusion includes all requirements.
Citing Evidence / Uses relevant evidence. In depth and accurate interpretation and analysis to support and develop argument. / Use mostly relevant evidence. Accurate interpretation and analysis of materials to support and develop argument. / Limited use of relevant evidence. Limited interpretation and analysis of materials to support and develop argument. / No use of relevant evidence. No interpretation and/or analysis of materials.
Grammar and Mechanics / Makes 1 error in grammar or spelling. Makes consistent, smooth transitions between paragraphs, thoughts, and evidence. / Makes 2-3 errors in grammar or spelling. Some transitions between paragraphs, thoughts, and evidence are not present. / Makes 4-5 errors in grammar or spelling. Limited transitions between paragraphs, thoughts, and evidence or illogical transitions. / Makes more than 5 errors in grammar or spelling. Transitions are missing.

Model letter:

January 14, 2016

Franklin Township Public Schools

1755 Amwell Road

Somerset, NJ 08873

To Dr. John Ravally


Dear Dr. Ravally:

PARAGRAPH 1 INTRODUCTION: My name is Lois Mandell and I am a student at Franklin Middle School. We are studying Ancient Chinese philosophy and the beliefs of Confucianism would be the best ideas to help find a new principal because Confucius believed there should be respect for our elders, to value education and to honor promises we make to each other.

PARAGRAPH 2 BODY: In school, we need to feel safe, to receive a good education and to be taught respect. Confucius believed these principles were important to be prepared for life. Confucius “taught that the most important thing was for people to do their duty. In addition, he taught that people should honor their promises to others, use education to improve themselves, avoid extreme actions or feelings, and avoid bad people.” First, a school principal needs to work with our teachers to create good lessons. Next, the principal should teach all of us that keeping promises to each other builds trust. Thirdly, we need to learn and practice respect with each other, and a good school principal has to teach that by example.

PARAGRAPH 3 CONCLUSION: To sum up, the teachings of Confucius are the best fit to improve our school, with a school principal who would use these ideas to make Franklin Middle School the best. We need to learn many important things to be the best in life. Without having respect for each other, learning how to create and build trust, and without a good education, how could we do well in high school and after? Thank you, Dr. Ravally for your help and input to find the best principal for our school.


Lois Mandell

Lois Mandell