Hosted by UCLA’s School of Public Affairs

UCLA Covel Commons – West Coast Room - December 4-5, 2006


(Alpha by Last Name)


Chaka Booker is the Associate Director of Recruitment at The Broad Center for the Management of School Systems. In this role, he leads recruitment for The Broad Residency in Urban Education and The Broad Summer Residency programs. Prior to joining The Broad Center, Mr. Booker worked in the public sector for the majority of his career, first as the founder and director of A+ Services, a tutorial company operating within the Los Angeles Unified School District, and then as Director of Education for Star Inc., a provider of afterschool enrichment, curriculum development, and supplemental education services. He also worked for William Morris Consulting, where he evaluated partnership opportunities and analyzed potential Fortune 500 clients. Mr. Booker received his B.A. from the University of California at Los Angeles and an M.B.A. from StanfordUniversity.

Chaka Booker, Associate Director, Broad Residency in Urban Education

10900 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA90024– Phone: (310) 9545083

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Employed by the Legislative Analyst’s Office since November 2000. Until September 2006, responsible for budget issues concerning the Medi-Cal program and the Department of Managed Health Care. Recently became the Training and Outreach Coordinator for the office. Prior work experience included auditing and consulting. Masters of Public Administration (emphasis in public finance) from New YorkUniversity in 1996 and an undergraduate degree in English literature from the University of Southern California.

Farra Bracht, Training and Outreach Coordinator, Legislative Analyst’s Office

925 L Street, Suite 1000, Sacramento, CA 95814 – Phone: (916) 445-4656

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Through her professional and volunteer commitments, Way-Ting seeks to bridge the social, commercial and public sectors and create sustainable social change.

Way-Ting is partner and co-founder of Blue Garnet Associates, a business strategy consulting firm that combines business acumen and a passion for social impact to support organizations pursuing a double bottom line. Way-Ting works with her clients to identify strategic challenges, understand their fundamental causes, and devise effective and practical solutions. Recent client examples include Amateur Athletic Foundation, Warner Bros. Entertainment, and CHIME Institute.

Way-Ting serves as Vice-Chair of the California Association of Nonprofits (CAN) and is an active founding partner of Los Angeles Social Venture Partners (LASVP). In addition, she is currently Chapter Leader for the Los Angeles Professional Chapter of Net Impact.

Prior to founding Blue Garnet, she served as engagement manager at Booz Allen Hamilton in New York, where she led projects involving business strategy and organizational transformation for Fortune 500 clients. She did so by working with executives and front-line staff in marketing, customer service, human resources, collections and other functional areas of organizations across sectors. Way-Ting also worked as Assistant Economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, where she conducted research in the areas of economic development, monetary policy, and country risk. There, her country risk reports served as basis for determining international capital reserve ratios for exposed banks.

Way-Ting received an International MBA from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, and graduated with a BA with honors in Economics and Political Science from SwarthmoreCollege. She currently lives with her husband David and their dog Lyle in Playa del Rey, California.

Way-Ting Chen, Partner & Co-Founder, Blue Garnet Associates LLC

8055 West Manchester Avenue, Suite 430, Los Angeles, CA90293 – Phone: (310) 439-1930

Email: Web:

Net Impact Central Office

660 Market St, Suite 210, San Francisco, CA 94104 – Phone: (415) 984-3300 x 306

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Laura Cogburn is a Grant Management Specialist with the Getty Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the J. Paul Getty Trust, where she assists in the administration of international giving programs focusing on the study, preservation and interpretation of the visual arts, architecture, and cultural heritage. She also works with arts and cultural organizations in Los AngelesCounty, providing technical assistance on capacity building, community revitalization and historic preservation and oversees content and design for the Foundation Web site and grants management database.

Laura has volunteered with organizations in northwestern New Mexico where she studied models of sustainable community-based heritage preservation efforts and intergenerational youth/mentor training programs. Before coming to the Getty, she worked in community development and grant preparation for the UCLAWightArtGallery, now the Armand Hammer Museum of Art, and the GrunwaldCenter for the Graphic Arts.

Laura attended ScrippsCollege in Claremont, California and the graduate program in Art History and Museum Studies at U.S.C. She is currently completing a Master of Library and Information Science degree at San JoseStateUniversity where she is a member of the University’s inaugural Executive MLIS program.

She is a member of the Council on Foundations, Grantmakers in the Arts, the Grant Managers Network, Southern California Grantmakers, The Special Libraries Association, and the American and California Library Associations.

Laura Cogburn, Grant Management Specialist, Getty Foundation

1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 800, Los Angeles, CA 90049 – Phone: (310) 440-7320

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Brendan began his career in education as a middle school language arts teacher in Baltimore, Maryland through Teach For America. Brendan later worked as a founding Campus Director for Citizen Schools, a non-profit after school program based in Boston. Brendan recently moved to the Bay Area from New York City, where he served as Director of the Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO) Scholars program and most recently as a project manager for the New York City Department of Education’s Autonomy Zone. Brendan received a BA in English from CornellUniversity and a Master of Theological Studies from HarvardDivinitySchool.

Brendan Cullen, Managing Director, San FranciscoBay Area, Education Pioneers

P.O. Box 28293, San Jose, CA 95159-8293 – Phone: (510) 919-0210

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Becky Garcia has an undergraduate degree in psychology from UCLA and a master’s degree in counseling and higher education from USC. She began her career as a career counselor at UCLA in the main placement and career planning center where she worked with undergraduate students in a variety of majors. She then served as the Assistant Director in the Graduate School of Management placement office (before it was the AndersonSchool). Since leaving UCLA Becky’s career has focused on recruiting positions in a wide range of corporate settings. She is now the Staffing Manager at the RAND Corporation, an independent, non-profit think tank based in Santa Monica.

Becky Garcia, Staffing Manager, RAND Corporation

1776 Main Street, PO Box 2138, Santa Monica, CA, 90407, (310) 393-0411, x7521

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Anneke Gaul joined the Public Policy Institute of California in 1999 as Human Resources Manager. She is responsible for all aspects of personnel management at PPIC. Prior to coming to PPIC she was with GATX Capital for six years, where her responsibilities were focused around compensation analysis, employee relations, recruitment, and benefits management. Anneke holds a bachelor's degree in Journalism from San DiegoStateUniversity and a master's degree in Human Resources & Organizational Development from the University of San Francisco.

Anneke Gaul, Human Resources Manager, Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC)

500 Washington Street, Suite 800, San Francisco, CA 94111– Phone: (415) 291-4452

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Lewison Lem is a Senior Consultant and Transportation and Land Use Work Group Leader for the Center for Climate Strategies. In this role, he assesses and facilitates decision-making regarding the energy efficiency and climate change emissions reductions potential of transportation and land use policies and programs, including advanced vehicle technology emissions standards for light duty vehicles and fuel efficient tires.

Dr. Lem is also Senior Research Associate at the University of California Transportation Center. In this role, he is a Lecturer for the Department of City and Regional Planning at the University of California, Berkeley. He teaches courses on economic analysis in planning and transportation economics and finance for sustainable transportation systems.

He is currently developing and managing a program of Transportation and Climate Change activities at the University of California, Berkeley, where he is affiliated with the University of California Transportation Center, the JointCenter for Sustainable Transportation, and the GlobalMetropolitanStudiesCenter.

Dr. Lem has over fifteen years of experience with analysis of transportation and environmental issues. He has previously worked as (1) Transportation Policy Manager for the AAA of Northern California, Nevada, and Utah; (2) Western Regional Manager for Jack Faucett Associates consulting; (3) Transportation Economist for the United States Environmental Protection Agency; and (4) Transportation Economist for the United States General Accounting Office.

Dr. Lemis a nationally recognized expert on transportationpublicfinance and economics;interactions between transportation,energy, andthe environment;andrelationshipsbetween travel, land use, and air quality. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Government from HarvardUniversity, a Master’s Degree in Public Policy and Administration from ColumbiaUniversity, and a Ph.D. in urban planning from the University of California, Los Angeles

Lewison Lem, Program Manager, Center for Climate Strategies

P.O. Box 225358, San Francisco, CA94122 - Phone: (415) 513-8040 (cell)
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Valerie Lertyaovarit currently serves as Community Relations Manager for San Diego Gas & Electric and the Southern California Gas Company, Sempra Energy utilities. In this position, Valerie focuses on community outreach, charitable contributions to non-profit organizations, anddeveloping employee volunteer programs.

Valerieis a board member for Future Scientists & Engineers of America, Los Angeles League of Women of Voters Education Fund andthe KHEIRCenter, a provider of health education, health care, and social support to the Korean American community in Los Angeles. Prior to working for the Sempra family of companies, Valerie’sheld positions at Neutrogena Corporation andat the Environmental Protection Agency.

A native of Southern California, Valerie received her Master of Public Administration from the University of Washington in Seattle and her Bachelor of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering from University of California, Los Angeles.

Valerie Lertyaovarit, Manger, Community Relations, Sempra Energy

555 W. 5th Street, GT26G3, Los Angeles, CA90013 – Phone: (213) 244-5818

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Mary Luévano serves as the Policy and Legislative Affairs Director of Global Green USA, the US affiliate of the international Green Cross environmental group founded by Mikhail S. Gorbachev. Ms. Luévano oversees policy and legislative initiatives related to sustainable building, renewable energy and climate change in addition to advising on Global Green’s weapons of mass destruction program.

Prior to joining Global Green, Ms. Luévano worked as a Congressional staffer both in Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles where she served as a a Senior Legislative Assistant and Field Representative respectively. He legislative duties included handling defense technology, environmental and business issues. She served over 8 years combined in the offices of US Senator Alan Cranston, US Reps. Augustus Hawkins, Calvin Dooley and Jane Harman.

In 2004, Ms Luevano was appointed by the Mayor of Los Angeles to serve on the City of Los Angeles’ Recreation and Parks Board of Commissioners, She previously served on the City’s Environmental Affairs Commission. She has also served on the UCLA Alumni Association Board of Directors as Chair of their Government Relations Alumni Advocacy Committee. Ms. Luévano holds a Bachelors Degree in Political Science/International Relations from UCLA and has completed the Congressional Research Service’s Graduate Legislative Institute in Washington, DC. She lives in Venice, California.

Mary Luevano, Policy and Legislative Affairs Director, Global Green

2218 Main Street, 2nd Floor, Santa Monica, CA 90405 – Phone: (310) 581-2700

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Pamela began her career in education with after-school programs. During 15+ years, she served as a tutor, curriculum designer, consultant, board member, and fundraiser with programs supporting underserved youth in Chicago, New York, Phoenix, and the San Francisco Bay Area. Her administrative expertise was garnered through finance and operations experiences with Citibank, GM, and Lucent Technologies. Prior to her doctoral program, she was a Director with SCORE! LearningCenters, where she participated in the early stages of distance K-8 curriculum delivery and supplemental services. She has taught at the secondary and post-secondary levels. Her current research interests are urban education, literacy, youth employment, and teacher recruitment and retention. Pamela majored in linguistics at StanfordUniversity, received her MBA from The Tuck School at Dartmouth, and earned her PhD from Stanford School of Education.

Pamela Ellis Menafee, Managing Director, Los Angeles, Education Pioneers

P.O. Box 28293, San Jose, CA 95159-8293 – Phone: (213) 503-3033

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Alicia Procello is the Corporate Responsibility Manager for Nike’s Western Geographic Business Unit. NikeGO is Nike's signature U.S. community affairs initiative and the company’s long-term commitment to getting kids more physically active. The program's mission is to increase physical activity in youth ages 8-15, offering them the support and motivation to become physically active, stay healthy and have fun. Alicia develops and manages Nike’s strategic partnerships with non-profit, government and corporate partners for the Western region.

Previously, Alicia was a program director for The California Wellness Foundation, managing several long term, multi-million dollar initiatives including Diversity in the Health Professions, Women’s Health, and Population Health Improvement. In these roles, she designed and implemented grantmaking portfolios which supported strategies to increase the number of traditionally underrepresented minorities in California’s health professions; provide clinical services, prenatal care, self-help groups and community health education to women throughout California; and worked to improve the way in which individuals and systems think, plan and act with regard to the health of communities. Before working with TCWF, Alicia worked for Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles as a community health educator.

Alicia plays an active leadership role in a number of local and national organizations. She has served as a Commissioner for the Los Angeles County Health Facilities Authority Commission and on the board of directors of the Institute for Diversity in Health Management, and the American Public Health Association’s Black Caucus of Health Workers.

Procello earned her masters of public health degree from the University of Michigan and her undergraduate degree from the University of California at Berkeley.

Alicia Procello Maddox, MPH, Corporate Responsibility Manager, Nike Inc

Corporate Responsibility/ GBU West, 3505 Hayden Ave., Culver City, CA90232 - Phone: (310) 736-3710

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Janea Scott is a staff attorney at Environmental Defense, working on air quality issues at the national and community level. Janea has recently moved from the New York office to the Los Angeles office. Her current projects include: defending key components of the Clean Air Act, encouraging reductions in the pollution that causes acid rain and global warming, and advocating for strong plans to protect public health from ozone and fine particle pollution. Janea received her law degree from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and earned both Masters and Bachelors Degrees in Science from StanfordUniversity. Prior to attending law school, Janea spent one year as an AmeriCorps volunteer, coordinating service learning projects for students at HoraceMannMiddle School in San Francisco.

Janea Scott, Attorney, Environmental Defense

3250 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1400, Los Angeles, CA90010 - Telephone: (213) 386-5501

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Amy Shea is the Assistant Director of Recruitment at The Broad Center for the Management of School Systems. In this role, she supports the recruitment for The Broad Residency in Urban Education and The Broad Summer Residency programs. Prior to joining The Broad Center, Ms. Shea was a senior recruiter for Bain & Company, Inc., where she developed oncampus recruiting strategies and developed grassroots marketing efforts to promote Bain and attract top talent. She also worked as the assistant resident director for the Boston University Los Angeles Internship Program, as a career services associate for employer relations at Emerson College Career Services in Boston, and as a senior associate for the strategic communication firm Citigate Cunningham. Ms. Shea received her B.A. from ProvidenceCollege in Rhode Island.

Amy Shea, Assistant Director of Recruitment, Broad Residency in Urban Education

10900 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA90024– Phone: (310) 9545023

Email: Web:


In January 2005, Judy Spiegel returned to her consulting practice, focusing on organizational development with nonprofit and philanthropic organizations. Her work strives to align the resources, values, and goals of nonprofit organizations in order to achieve their aims. Most recently she served as Interim President for Southern California Grantmakers. Clients included The California Wellness Foundation, Cedar-SinaiMedicalCenter, and others.

For the ten years prior, Ms. Spiegel was Senior Vice President of Programs for theCalifornia Community Foundation, where she directed grantmaking activities, oversawthe program department and an annual grant budget of more than $13 million, andassisted in three long-range planning processes for the foundation.

From 1988 to 1995, Ms. Spiegel operated her own consulting firm focused onorganizational development, and agency and community planning for nonprofit andpublic agencies. Her clients included organizations like the Los Angeles Pediatric AIDSNetwork and State of California, Department of Health Services, as well as the CaliforniaCommunity Foundation, and many other nonprofit organizations. She has also served asdirector of education and training for AIDS Project Los Angeles and clinic manager for