Description / Senior Home Care offers a variety of personal care options to support caregivers in looking after frail elderly and persons with disabilityat home. A trained care staff will provide a suite of care services for the frail elderly and persons with disability in their homes. With Senior Home Care, caregivers have more choice and flexibility in providing appropriate personal care for their frail elderly and persons with disability that best meet their needs.
Services / The services provided under Senior Home Care are:
1.Personal Hygiene
  • Washing and Bathing
  • Personal grooming
  • Toileting
  • Transferring
  • Feeding
  • Dressing
  • Cleaning of the toilets, kitchens, client’s room
  • Reduce cluttering and preventing falls in client’s living space
  • Laundry
  • Changing of client’s bed sheets and pillow cases
3.Mind Stimulating Activities
  • Engage seniors in Mind stimulating games/activities: e.g. Memory, logic card games, spatial orientation block games, mental processing games, Sudoku, card matching games, spatial orientation block games, mental processing games, visual recognition card games, card matching games
4.Medication Reminder Service
  • Prompt client, check label, bring medication to client, open medication, position client, dispose/clean medication for
  • Adding vitamin supplements and stool softeners to foods
  • Oral medications
  • Topical medications for stable skin surface
5.Other Personal Care Services
  • Wounds – dressing of stable surfaces
  • Tube related services – cleaning, draining of urine and stoma bag, changing of feeding bag
  • Monitoring of vital signs
  • Hot and cold applications

Eligibility Criteria / Applicants must be:
  1. Elderly aged 55 and above;
  2. Persons with disability; and
  3. Assessed as requiring assistance withat least one Activities of Daily Living[1] (ADLs)or instrumental ADLs[2] (IADLs).

Application Process / You may approach any of the following organisations to apply for the service.
  1. Any Government Restructured Hospitals
  2. Community Hospitals
  3. Centre for Enabled Living Ltd

Service Providers / The five providers for Senior Home Care are:
  1. NTUC Eldercare Co-Operative Limited
  2. Thye Hua Kwan Moral Charities Limited
  3. TOUCH Community Services Limited
  4. ECON Healthcare Group
  5. The Lentor Residence Private Limited
Services are available island-wide. Weekend and night services are provided by some providers.
Fees / Fees vary among the different service providers as this is dependent on the care needs of the frail elderly and persons with disability, the agreed scope and frequency between the service provider and the frail elderly and persons with disabilityand/or the caregiver.
Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents may apply for the Intermediate and Long Term Care (ILTC) means-tested subsidies to defray the cost. Service providers may also provide additional financial assistance at their own discretion.
Per Capita Household Income
(Per Month) / Means Test
Subsidy Level / Indicative Hourly* Fee Range for Singapore Citizens
(After Subsidies) / Indicative Hourly* Fee Range for Permanent Residents
(After Subsidies)
Singapore Citizen / Permanent Resident
$0 to $600 / 80% / 55% / $5 to $14 / $10 to $19
$601 to $900 / 75% / 50% / $6 to $15 / $11 to $20
$901 to $1,300 / 60% / 40% / $9 to $18 / $13 to $22
$1,301 to $1,500 / 50% / 30% / $11 to $20 / $15 to $24
$1,501 to $2,200 / 30% / 15% / $15 to $24 / $18 to $27
$2,201 and above / 0% / 0% / $21 to $30 / $21 to $30
*Services to be purchased in a 2- or 3-hour block minimally.


[1]tThe 6 ADLs are washing/bathing, feeding, toileting, transferring, dressing, and mobility.

[2]IADLs include activities like housework, taking medications as prescribed and transportation.