Mrs. N. Bolibruch Grubisic November 18, 2010

Unit 2 – Optics Review

Test date: Thursday, November 25, 2010

Chapter 11 Summary – see page 481 for a summary of key concepts (11.1, 11.2, 11.3)

Chapter 11 Review Questions – good questions to work on to prepare for the test!

p. 482 – 483 #1-6, 8-15, 17, 23, 25

Chapter 12 Summary – see page 517 for a summary of key concepts (12.1, 12.2, 12.3)

Chapter 12 Review Questions – good questions to work on to prepare for the test!

p.518 – 510 #1-8, 10-16, 18, 21, 24-26

More topics/concepts to review (for both short answer and multiple choice):

·  Index of refraction – what it is and how to find it

·  n=c/v (know how to use the formula to find n or v)

·  converging lens – calculating the image distance, image height, drawing a ray diagram and identifying SALT

·  magnifying glass – drawing a ray diagram and identifying SALT

·  diverging lens – drawing a ray diagram and identifying SALT

·  be able to explain a optical technology that uses partial and/or total internal reflection (be able to provide a drawing/diagram as well)

o  examples: rearview mirrors, binoculars, retroreflectors, fibre optic cables

·  drawing ray diagrams to show how an image forms in an optical device - all points must be present on the ray diagram and identify SALT

o  examples: camera (film or digital), movie projector, refracting telescope, microscope

·  describe how a vision disorder occurs using a diagram and be able to describe how corrective lenses help the problem (myopia, hyperopia)

·  refracted rays and how they behave relative to the normal depending on what medium the rays travel through (when does a refracted ray refract towards the normal and away from the normal?)

·  critical angle – definition

·  what happens to light rays that have an angle of incidence greater than critical angle

·  definitions of:

o  shimmering

o  mirages

o  sundogs

o  dispersion

o  total internal reflection

o  apparent depth

o  formation of rainbows

o  retina

o  cornea

o  lens

o  iris

o  myopia

o  hyperopia

o  astigmatism

Mark breakdown:

Knowledge/Understanding – 14 marks

Thinking/Inquiry – 18 marks

Communication – 12 marks

Application – 8 marks

Note: The breakdown of marks MAY change slightly!

Be sure to read all of your notes and use the text as a resource!

Study ahead of time!